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Vows and Promises

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Category: Post-HBP
Characters:Other, Harry/Ginny, Hermione Granger, Ron Weasley
Genres: Humor, Drama
Warnings: None
Story is Complete
Rating: PG
Reviews: 30
Summary: This story takes place directly after the events in "Misunderstandings" See what happens before, during, and after Bill's and Fleur's wedding
Hitcount: Story Total: 5438



J.K. Rowling owns these characters. I am doing this to kill time until Book 7 comes out. Please read and review. It means the world to me.

The Burrow finally was quiet. All occupants of the Weasley home were in bed for the night. The preparations were in full swing and everyone involved needed all the sleep they could manage.

One person sat alone on an old comfortable sofa, quietly watching the flames dancing in the fireplace.

For Harry being awake and unable to sleep in the middle of the night was not a new experience. It had been happening to him for as long as he could remember. A smile came to his face as he replayed the day’s events in his mind.

After the better part of a month, he and Ginny had reunited today and all was well between the two of them. Not that it had started that way. Her reaction upon seeing him was to slap him across his face and then proclaim her hatred of him. His face still stung from where she had hit him.

Had it not been for Ron’s “explanation” neither Ginny nor Harry would have realized their misunderstandings. Ginny had thought Harry had dumped her for Hermione. Harry had thought Ginny was angry at him for having dumped her for his “stupid noble reasons”

When Ginny had finally realized her mistake and tracked Harry down, he had already made a vow to never again withhold anything from her. So before she could say anything to him regarding her mistake, he confessed to Ginny every feeling for her he had in his heart.

The reaction he received from her was a snogging session the likes of which Harry had never experienced before. He touched his lips. They were still slightly swollen and sore from kissing her. He wouldn’t change that feeling for all the gold in Gringott’s.

Just then a familiar feeling of recognition within him stirred Harry from his thoughts as turned to the darkened staircase and said, “Instead of hiding up there, watching me, why don’t you just come down and join me?”

“You looked so lost in thought. I didn’t want to disturb you,” said Ginny as she walked down the stairs.

“I was just thinking of you,” Harry replied.

“Were you now? This soul mate thing we share with one another is going to take some getting used to,” she said.

Ginny kissed him and then proceeded to sit behind him. She wrapped her arms around his neck and gently pulled him towards her, so that his head laid against her chest.

“So why are you sitting alone in the dark? Can’t you sleep?” Ginny asked as she gave him a slight squeeze.

“I guess old habits die hard,” Harry answered.

“Well we have each other again. We can always develop a new habit,” Ginny replied.

Harry reached up and stroked Ginny’s arm, “We could try. But this isn’t nearly as comfortable as it is with Hermione.”

Ginny playfully tapped Harry in the chest as she said, “Harry, how many times am I going to have to say I’m sorry about jumping to conclusions and slapping you?”

Harry smiled, “Three or four more times should be enough…Oooof!” Ginny gave Harry a quick jab to his stomach as he said this.

“I guess that will teach me not to be so curious, and to keep my nose out of other people’s pensieves.” Ginny replied with a smile on her face.

“I’m just sorry that you had to see that side of me in Ron’s memories” Harry said.

“No need to apologize. It was very chivalrous the way you defended my name against Crabbe and Goyle. As for cutting yourself off from your emotions and trying to go cold hearted, I’m just glad you didn’t.” Harry found himself smiling as she said this.

Harry felt Ginny’s arms grip him a little tighter. He could feel how having seen that cold side of him had frightened her. He was really beginning to enjoy the closeness he was sharing with her when Ginny said something that made Harry’s heart sink.

“You know I could really get used to these night cuddle sessions. I just don’t see how we can do this during next term without half of Gryffindor house bothering us.”

It had completely slipped Harry’s mind that he had not told Ginny about his plans to not return to Hogwart’s this year. Then again he didn’t tell her much beyond that he had things to do alone. Harry knew Ginny wasn’t going to take this well. He found himself wondering what was worse, facing a hundred dementors or having to face Ginny’s anger after explaining everything that he was holding back from her regarding his future.

Ginny felt her connection to Harry click into place as she sensed Harry’s distress. She simply looked down at him and asked, “What’s wrong?”

Harry found himself thinking that Ginny was right. This soul mate thing they shared was going to take some getting used to. Harry broke her embrace as he sat up and turned to face her.

“I won’t be returning to Hogwart’s next term,” he stated flatly.

“WHAT!?!” Ginny replied, her face already beginning to turn the infamous Weasley red.

“Just give me a chance to explain,” Harry said.

“When exactly were you planning on letting me know?” Ginny was barely keeping her temper as she asked him.

“We figured that it would be best for the three of us to break the news to all of the family members when they arrived here for the wedding,” Harry replied rather meekly.

“The three of you, so Hermione and Ron aren’t planning to return either?” Ginny asked.

“No,” Harry replied, his voice barely above a whisper.

“Why not, Harry? What exactly is going on?” Ginny asked.

Harry took one of Ginny’s hands in his as he looked into her eyes. As he relayed his story, Harry found it amazing how easy it was for him to confide in her everything that had been weighing heavily on his mind. His meetings with Dumbledore. All he had witnessed in Dumbledore’s pensieve. The theory regarding the horcruxes. The argument between he and Dumbledore regarding the prophesy and Snape’s loyalty. What he had witnessed the night of Dumbledore’s murder. Basically, everything that had anything to do with his decision to leave school. When Harry had finally finished he saw tenderness in Ginny’s eyes.

“What is it?” Harry asked.

Her eyes wavered, “I…I…just don’t want you to die,”

“Trust me, I don’t want to die either. But now do you understand why I made the decision I made about us, back at the end of the term?” Harry asked.

“Yes I do. But you have to understand that simply dumping me won’t take me out of Voldemort’s line of sight. The Weasleys are considered blood traitors. Voldemort is going to mark us for death whether or not the two of us are together,” Ginny answered.

Harry put his hands up, “I realized that a while ago. The only person I was fooling was myself. I love you and that is why I came back and said what I said to you. I would rather have you in my life than out of it.”

“I love you too, Harry. So how do you plan to break the news to the families regarding the four of us not returning to Hogwart’s this year?” Ginny asked.

“Ginny you are still misunderstanding me. I still want you in my life. But I’m not taking you with me,” Harry answered, his eyes unable to look at Ginny’s face.

“What? Why not?” the sound of Ginny’s shocked voice made Harry’s heart sink just a little more.

“I have gone over this in my mind over and over again and each time that I do I come up with the same two reasons. Firstly, every fiber of my being wants you with me, by my side. Trust me, I know how powerful a witch you truly are becoming. But to be honest, Ron, Hermione and I are merely telling the families as a courtesy. The three of us will be officially of age as of the end of July. So even if they disagree with our decision, they can’t stop us. But there is no way your mum and dad are going to let you out of their sight,” Harry explained.

“Well that is one reason, what is the other?” Ginny asked, not bothering to keep the annoyance out of her voice.

“Secondly, as of right now, you are the only other person outside of Ron, Hermione and myself that knows the information Dumbledore passed on to me before he was killed. If something should happen to us, it will be up to you to pass on that information. The fate of the wizarding world now rest with the four of us,” Harry said.

Ginny found herself wanting to scream at him that he was wrong. To shake him by his shoulders until he came to his senses and changed his mind about taking her. But as much as she wanted to, the logical side of her brain knew he was right. She couldn’t be upset with him. But she could definitely allow herself to be angry with the circumstance. Why did things like this always have to happen to Harry? After all he had been through in his life, wasn’t he allowed some happiness?

Ginny stood up, “Fine, I may understand your decision, but I don’t have to like it.”

Harry started to answer, “Ginny, I…”

But she had already disappeared up the stairs.

“Good night Ginny,” Harry said, more to himself than to her.


The next two days were a whirlwind of activity as wedding preparations were being finalized. Tables were being set. Seating charts arranged. Catering managed. All in all, even with the impromptu setting of the wedding date. The Weasleys managed to get everything together without any real problems.

With the vast majority of preparations completed and simply waiting for the “I dos”, it came time for the arrival of family. For Harry it was good to see the Weasleys all together again, all together with the exception of Percy. Who never bothered to answer the owl sent by his parents. Harry wondered if Percy would ever reconcile with is family. Percy just had no idea what he was turning his back on. There wasn’t a day in his six years at Hogwart’s that Harry didn’t thank his maker for having brought the Weasleys into his life.

Harry caught himself wondering if Ginny and he would ever talk again. It wasn’t like they were avoiding one another, it was just with everything going on around them, they just couldn’t find the time to speak to one another. Basically the house had become divided among the sexes, with all the men handling the heavy work and the women handling the more delicate jobs. This of course meant anything involving taste, which the women kept reminding the men they had absolutely none of. Harry was hoping to have another late night encounter with Ginny. But all the heavy lifting left Harry exhausted and he had slept each night as if knocked cold by a bludger.

The following morning found breakfast being served outside in the garden. Harry hadn’t had a meal with this many people since his last meal in the Great Hall close to a month ago. Harry felt a small pang of jealousy as he gazed around the table. He saw Fleur with her sister Gabrielle. He saw Hermione, who was sitting with Ron on her right and her parents on her left. He noticed Mr. and Mrs. Weasley with warm smiles on their faces as they looked at their children. The twins were talking with Bill and Charlie. Everyone was engaged in conversation, everyone except Harry who sat quietly.

Everyone at the table was represented by a family member. It was a harsh reminder that he was the last of the Potters. Harry had never felt as alone in a crowd as he did at that very moment. It was then that Harry felt a familiar pair of arms wrap themselves around his neck.

"You know I love you, don't you?" Ginny's voice asked.

Harry simply nodded as he took in the scent of her perfume.

"Then can you do two things for me?" she asked.

Again Harry nodded. Ginny had no idea how when she held Harry all his thoughts went mushy.

"First, I need you to understand that I am in no way angry with you over our conversation the other night. I will admit that it took me a while to understand your line of thinking. But I was never upset with you." said Ginny.

"Thank you," Harry replied.

"The second thing is that before I came out of the kitchen, I felt your sadness and now I can see the hurt in your eyes. You aren't alone in this world Harry. Just look around, the people at this table all share a connection with you. All of them, in one way or another, owe you their lives. I know that you are the only Potter at this table, but understand that you're a Weasley too. This is your family Harry, and we all love you." said Ginny as she hugged him tighter.

Harry broke her embrace, stood and faced her. He could feel the smile on his face and he was sure that it matched the one on Ginny's. He wrapped his arms around her and hugged her.

The table had gone silent as everyone had stopped what they were doing to watch Harry's gesture of appreciation to Ginny. A pair of identical voices finally broke the silence.

"It's bloody well about time you two!!" chimed Fred and George.

"I honestly think the Weasley brothers should all have a long talk with Harry to find out about what his intentions are for our baby sister," added Charlie.

"I agree. All the men at this table will meet here after dinner this evening for a trip to Diagon Alley for Bill's bachelor party," announced Mr. Weasley.

"Sounds good," agreed Bill.

"You lot just make sure Harry gets back in one piece or you will all answer to me," threatened Ginny.

"You know George, I would pretend to be afraid of that threat, if I didn't already know I actually was afraid," said Fred.

"Right you are. Our baby sister can be rather scary when she wants to be," answered George.

"You really sure you want to date Ginny, Harry? I still see a bit of tomboy in her," asked Bill.

"After everything the two of us have been through together. I can honestly say yes with absolutely no doubts," answered Harry.

"Then maybe you should give our little brother some advice on how to close the deal with Hermione!" said Fred and George together.

Ron buried his face into his hands as Hermione's face went pink with embarrassment. Hermione's parents on the other hand, were laughing themselves silly.

At this point Ron stood up and asked Hermione to stand at his side. He didn't say anything to her, but she knew what it was he was planning to say. Harry and Ginny took their seats. Again the table went quiet at they all waited for Ron to speak.

"Hermione, Harry and I have an important announcement to make as well," Ron started in a high pitch voice.

“You know Hermione, marrying two men at the same time is illegal, even in the wizarding world," said Fred as several people at the table began laughing.

"Fred, be quiet! Can't you see that Ron is serious," said Mrs. Weasley as she admonished Fred.

Harry did see the seriousness on Ron's face as he also realized what it was that Ron was about to say. He quickly stood and rounded the table to join his friends. He placed his hand on Ron's shoulder to silently remind him that he was there to back him, in the way they always had been there for one another. The gesture seemed to take a large weight off of his best friend's face.

Ron took a deep breath and continued, "As you all know, there is currently a debate going on right now as to whether or not Hogwart's will be reopened this coming term. During our last year we have gained important information. As a result of this information the three of us will not be returning to Hogwart's for our senior year.

Irma Pince, the Hogwart's librarian would have enjoyed the silence that followed Ron's statement. But it didn't last long as every person at the table began speaking at once. It reminded Harry of the chaos that erupted at Hogwart's the night that Professor Quirrell came running into the Great Hall yelling that there was a troll loose in the building.

"Wicked!" the twins yelled in unison.

"What!?!" exclaimed Bill.

"Why on earth would you want to do that?" said Mrs. Granger

"Ronald Weasley! Have you lost your mind?" yelled Mrs. Weasley

"Thiz iz not becuaze of Ron iz it?" Fleur asked as she looked at Hermione.

"Unbelievable, unbelievable!!" yelled Mr. Weasley as he couldn't do anything but repeat himself.

Harry found himself losing track of everything that was being said as the voices at the table became a blur of screaming, yelling, and finger pointing. Harry said nothing as he watched Ron arguing with his mum and dad, Hermione trying to speak to both parents at the same time, and the twins laughing among themselves as it would seem the two of them were no longer the black sheep of the family. Harry might have found the entire situation funny had he not known the seriousness of the subject being argued. There was only one other person who was as quiet as he was and he knew without even looking that her eyes had never left him. Harry's eyes met Ginny's. She once again had the determined look in her eyes that Harry had grown used to seeing. She was thinking the same thing he was about the situation unfolding around them.

A loud thumping from the head of the table quieted everyone. Mr. Weasley, in desperation, had removed one of his shoes and was slamming it loudly against the table. He was slamming it so hard that he had accidentally broken his breakfast plate.

"Enough! As head of this house I demand that we discuss this as civilized as possible," said Mr. Weasley.

"I'm sorry Arthur, but just how civilized do you expect me to be? We now have a third child who wants to be a Hogwart's drop out!" Mrs. Weasley looked at the twins as she said this.

"Molly, I think we need to understand their decision not to return. We need to know why." said Mrs. Granger as she looked at both Mrs. Weasley and Hermione.

"The three of you sit down and explain, please," said Mr. Weasley as he motioned Ron, Harry and Hermione to their seats.

Harry sat back down next to Ginny. He felt her hand take a hold of his under the table as he said, "As I am the one to blame for Ron's and Hermione's decision, I think I should be the person to explain,"

Over the better part of an hour, Harry explained the events of his past school year. He was extremely careful not to give away information that Dumbledore had requested he not reveal to anyone. Again the table had gone eerily silent. Harry had a memory pass through his mind of the day he gave the interview to Rita Skeeter at the pub in Hogsmeade that ended up in the Quibbler. Harry remembered it had been as quiet while he spoke back then too. So quiet that he could still hear the sound of the bartender's rag as it rubbed the inside of a dirty beer mug.

When Harry finally finished, the looks around the table varied from seriousness, to shock, to bewilderment, to curiosity. Harry could feel Ginny's hand as she interlaced her fingers with his and gave them another squeeze. Harry looked over to Mr. Weasley, who had his fingers resting against forehead.

"I take it that there are certain bits of information that you have withheld from us?" Mr. Weasley asked.

"Yes sir," replied Harry

Bill jumped in, "For Merlin's sake, why? Certainly the Order could use this information. We could..."

Mr. Weasley put up his hand to silence Bill. "With the exception of my wife, there are few other people I would trust as much as Albus Dumbledore. I have to believe that there was a very good reason why he would have withheld information from the Order. I will not ask Harry, or Hermione, or Ron to betray that trust now."

"I have to agree. There would also have to be a very good reason that he chose only Harry to share the information with," added Charlie.

"And whether or not we want to admit it to ourselves. The secret membership of the Order of the Phoenix is no longer secret. Every member, as well as, their loved ones has reason to worry because Snape has shown his true colors," said Fred.

"Snape has most likely given Voldemort the name of every member of the Order by now," said George.

"I think I see where Harry's thinking is going now. With all the Order members being watched by Voldemort's minions, it makes sense that these three barely "of age" wizards could go unnoticed," Bill added as a look of comprehension came to his face.

"And in Bill's statement comes the true end of this discussion. The three of them are in fact, "of age". They don't need our permission to do anything. I would rather have them leave here with our full blessing than not. I have already lost one son that way. I say we would do well to wish them good luck and support them in any way we can," said Mr. Weasley.

Mrs. Weasley quickly spoke, "But Arthur, they are just children..."

"No Molly, that is the point, they are not children, not anymore. Now my husband and I may just be muggles, but from what our daughter has told us about this Voldemort, if he isn't stopped, eventually even the non-magical world is going to feel the effects," said Mrs. Granger.

"And if Hermione is anything like her mother, and she is, when she gets herself set to a task there is no stopping her until the task is done. Far be it from us to get in the way. Our prayers go with you three," said Mr. Granger.

When Mrs. Weasley spoke again there was a considerable amount of sadness in her voice, "So when are the three of you planning on leaving us?"

Ron was kneeling in front of his mother by the time she was done asking her question. He took her hands in his and looked her in the eyes. "The day after the wedding."

Mrs. Weasley felt a hand on her shoulder. She turned her head and found the gentle eyes of Gabrielle. She gave Mrs. Weasley a kiss on the cheek as she smiled and said, "Don't be zad, Mrz. Weazley. Thiz iz zuppozed to be a happy time."

"I concur," answered Mr. Weasley.

"That's right. Last I checked I have a wedding to attend in two days," said Bill.

"And a bachelor party to attend tonight!" yelled Fred and George in unison.

Breakfast finished with the same energy it had started with. An announcement for a dress rehearsal was set for the following afternoon. After which the occupants of the table went in different directions to double check on the final details for the nuptials.

Harry and Ginny were just getting up from the table, when Mr. Weasley asked Harry to join him inside the house for a private chat. Harry was ready to ask Ginny to wait for him, when he felt his connection to her click into place again. It was telling him that she would be there waiting for him, when he was done. He smiled at her and touched her face before walking into the house.

Harry had just closed the door behind him when Mr. Weasley said, "I must say that we were surprised that you did not mention Ginny accompanying you on your trip."

"While my heart is begging me to ask permission of you for just that, my head knows that it would be wrong to have Ginny leave school two years early," replied Harry.

Now Mrs. Weasley spoke, "Arthur and I know how you two feel about each other. What is to stop her from running away and following you three?"

"Ginny and I have already spoken. She may not like my reasons for not taking her but she understands. She has as good as given me her word that she will stay behind. Lastly, I have not told her where we are going. So once we leave here, she will be in the dark as much as anyone else about our whereabouts," answered Harry.

"Fair enough. Off with you now. I think Ginny would be rather cross with me for trying to monopolize all of your time," said Mr. Weasley.

As Harry closed the front door, Mrs. Weasley looked at her husband and said, "Arthur, I fear for those three."

Mr. Weasley hugged his wife and replied, "Knowing what those three have accomplished and what they are capable of. It is Voldemort who should fear.


The rest of the day flew by for Harry as he spent the majority of it with Ginny, helping her with several household chores. He took plenty of insults from the twins regarding this, but Harry took it all in stride. Washing dishes and chopping vegetables was easy for him. If there was anything he had carried away from his servitude with the Dursleys, it was his skills in the kitchen.

The evening found all the men of the house at a large table in the Leaky Cauldron. As soon as they sat down Harry found himself bombarded with questions regarding the seriousness of his relationship with the youngest Weasley. Ron immediately attempted to come to Harry's defense only to find himself blindsided by Mr. Granger's questions regarding Hermione. Ron found himself wanting to be in a cave full of spiders again, when Mr. Granger smiled and slapped Ron's shoulder.

"All joking aside Harry. Do you honestly feel that deeply for my sister?” asked Charlie.

"Yes I do," answered Harry.

"And just how deeply is that, and be careful this is Ginny we are talking about," asked Bill.

The mood at the table grew very serious as every person waited for Harry's answer. Harry knew a dishonest answer at best would get him disapproving scowls. At worse it could get him a round of beatings from Ginny's brothers. "I love her," said Harry.

"You can say it. But how do we know you mean it?" this time the question came from Charlie.

Harry found himself losing his temper. This wasn't funny anymore. While he realized that these were Ginny's brothers, he also realized that the only person that he had to prove his love for Ginny to...was Ginny.

Harry stood up from the table and began speaking, "You know maybe I don't know if I mean it. But here are a few things that I do know. I know that I haven't had a lot of experience when it comes to relationships. I know that all of you know that I saved Ginny's life a few years ago. I know that for years I have been abused and neglected by my own blood relatives. Now here are some things I know that you don't know. I know that I have never been as happy as I am with Ginny. I know that every time she hugs me or holds my hand that she saves my life every time. I know one smile from her and I forget all those years with my relatives. I know that it breaks my heart to be away from her. But most of all, with all due respect, I know I don't give a damn if any of you believes a word of what I just said or not. I love her and nothing any of you can say or do will ever change that!"

Bill and Charlie stood and faced Harry. Harry was prepared for the worse, when Charlie turned to Bill and said, "Well, I'm convinced."

Bill replied, "As am I. Now I know that Ginny has made the right choice."

The table erupted into applause as Bill and Charlie both gave Harry a warm hug and handshake. Harry looked over to Ron who had tapped Mr. Granger on his shoulder and said.

"When it comes to my feelings for Hermione...What Harry just said will do."

Mr. Granger was in the middle of giving Ron a dirty look when a waitress arrived at the table carrying a jug and eight glasses. Mr. Weasley spoke, "Well now that the question and answer period is now over, let us get the mourning period for Bill's bachelorhood started."

"Don't do it Bill, don't do it!" yelled Ron, Charlie and the twins at the same time.

"Sorry boys! A wizard's got to do, what a wizard's go to do!" Bill said with a big smile.

"Well as the best man, all I can do is wish you luck and drink to your lasting happiness," Charlie was filling the glasses as he said this.

The glasses were being passed around as Charlie had his glass raised in the air and said, "To Bill and Fleur, may their children look nothing like their father."

Everyone laughed just before emptying their glasses. Ron and Harry felt as if their chests were ablaze. Ron's eyes were watering as he looked over to George and asked, "Not that I need to ask, but what is this we are drinking?"

"Fire-whiskey!" replied George.

"What's the matter, can't little Won-Won handle his spirits?" added Fred.

"I can handle them better than you two bookends!" Ron said as he pointed at the twins.

"Sounds like a challenge!" the twins said in unison as glasses were being filled again.

Mr. Weasley stood up and raised his glass, "Here is to Bill. I could not be more proud of you."

Again the table emptied their glasses. Harry could feel the fire in his chest pass on to the rest of his body. But the feeling wasn't as bad as it had been the first time. Harry felt a little muddled but thought he could get to enjoy this feeling.

The toasts went on for quite a while. In fact about three jugs worth. Needless to say the toasts became more and more sillier as the night wore on.

Charlie stood up, not that it was easy for him to do so, as he raised his glass and said, "Here's to Harry, the second best seeker Gryffindor has ever had, behind me!"

Harry swallowed his drink, stood and said, "Second best? Just grab yourself a broom and I'll show you second best, Dragonboy!"

Both Charlie and Harry were laughing when Ron stood with his glass and said, "Charlie, you're wrong. Harry isn't the second best seeker that Gryffindor has ever had."

Harry couldn't help but smile as he slapped Ron on the back and said, "Thanks mate."

"He's third best. Ginny's the best seeker. That would make Charlie second best!" Ron said as he exploded into laughter.

Charlie and Harry were just about to shake Ron senseless when the twins stood up with their glasses raised and said, "To the Gryffindor Quidditch team. The faces may change but the championships stay the same."

All of the Weasley boys and Harry swallowed another round of fire-whiskey as they began chanting, "Go, go, Gryffindor!!"

The chant and the accompanying thumping of glasses on the table lasted for the better part of a minute. As the chant finally died down, Mr. Granger, who along with Mr. Weasley, looked none the worse for wear asked Ron, "Hermione has only explained quidditch to me. Seeing as my daughter seems to learn everything rather quickly. How good is Hermione at the sport?"

Harry and the twins burst into laughter as Ron answered, "Sorry, Mr. Granger. But unless quidditch took place in a library and we throw books instead of quaffles, Hermione's athletic skills would be best left for cheering in the stands."

Harry was wiping the tears of laughter from his eyes as he spoke next, "Mr. Granger, Hermione doesn't like to fly unless it is completely necessary. But trust me, if it weren't for her book smarts, Ron and I would have had to repeat several of our years at Hogwart's."

“To Hermione and her book smarts then,” Mr. Granger toasted.

“I’ll drink to that!!” cried Ron as he downed another drink.

It was near four A.M. by the time the members of the bachelor party finally arrived back at the Burrow. By the time they had left the Leaky Cauldron, they had polished off no less than nine jugs of fire-whiskey. Mr. Weasley had hoped that the three kilometer walk from the magical barrier placed around the Burrow would help clear all of their heads. No such luck it seemed. It was going to be a bed-ridden day for the men of the house.

Charlie, Bill, and the twins were singing the Hogwart’s school song very loudly and very off key as they entered the house. But all singing came to an abrupt end as the men were met with several angry faces. The ladies of the house were still awake and had taken the time to wait for the men’s return by moving a living room sofa to face the front door. Mrs. Weasley, Mrs. Granger, Fleur, Hermione, and Ginny all had their arms crossed and were sitting quietly.

The silence was broken by Ron, who seemingly oblivious to everything going on around him, looked up at the ceiling and tried in vain to say what he always says when he returns home.

“It’s not home, but it’s much”

After which Ron took two steps forward and tripped, falling face first into a coat rack. The twins began laughing as the ladies on the couch began yelling at the same time.

“Arthur Weasley! Do you have any idea what time it is!?!” screamed Mrs. Weasley.

“We were worried sick!” yelled Mrs. Granger.

“Ron get off the floor,” said Hermione.

“Bill, ztop hiding behind Fred and George. I can alwayz tell when you have been drinking!” shouted Fleur.

The only person out of all the ladies who was not yelling was Ginny. The look on her face didn’t show any emotion. But Harry, even in his drunken state, could feel Ginny was upset about something. It just didn’t have anything to do with returning home late or drunk. She needed to talk with him. He just didn’t know about what.

Thirty minutes, and quite a bit of yelling later found the living room empty. Ginny and Harry were once again sitting alone on the sofa in front of the fireplace. Harry’s head was still spinning. He would be paying a steep price for all the drinking he did tonight.

“Ginny, what is it? You haven’t said a word to me since I walked into the house,” asked Harry.

“So did you enjoy your barrel of fire-whiskey?” asked Ginny in a very loud voice.

“Please Ginny, not so loud. My head is starting to pound and for once it has nothing to do with my scar,” answered Harry.

“Serves you right. You haven’t even turned seventeen yet.” Ginny said a little louder.

“Trust me, I’ve learned my lesson. Nothing stronger than pumpkin juice from now on,” Harry vowed as he removed his glasses and began rubbing the bridge of his nose.

“Well I would whip you up a potion to help you, but mum has hidden all the ingredients. I think she wants all of you to suffer a little,” Ginny said with a smile on her face.

Ginny suddenly changed the subject, “Harry, deciding not to take me with you was a mistake.”

“It was a bachelor party, Ginny. No ladies allowed,” Harry answered.

“Not tonight you git! I mean not taking me along when you leave to do whatever it is you’re planning to do,” replied Ginny.

“Come on Ginny, not that again,” cried Harry.

“Yes Harry, again. You think it is easy for me knowing what I know. Knowing in my heart I can be a help to you. But knowing that in less than two days I have to watch the man that I love walk out of my life again, maybe forever,” cried Ginny.

“What would you like me to say Ginny? With all my heart, I want you with me. But I can’t promise that I can keep you safe and you don’t have all the skills or training as a witch to protect yourself,” said Harry.

“Oh, and you do?” asked Ginny.

“NO I DON’T!!” screamed Harry.

Harry stood and walked over to the mantle of the fireplace. Ginny said nothing as she stared at Harry. She could feel that what Harry had just admitted to her hurt him more than anything.

Harry continued, “No, even with all the information that I have, with all that I have experienced, with all that I have learned. No, I don’t have the skills or training to protect myself or the ones I love, and that is what scares me the most. That is what keeps me from taking you with me.”

Ginny could feel his fear regarding his inexperience. She still felt not taking her was a mistake on his part, but she would try her best not to ask him again.

Harry returned to the couch and took her hand, “I’m sorry I yelled at you.”

“I’m sorry I keep pestering you about going,” she answered.

“I just want you to understand that it isn’t any easier for me to walk away from the woman I love either,” Harry said.

“I do understand. I guess I can give you this now,” Ginny said as she pulled out a small box from her pocket.

Harry opened the box. In it was a gold necklace on which hung a locket. He turned it in his hand; one side was inlaid in what looked like black onyx, the other in what looked like red rubies.

“I purchased it in France. The two sides reminded me of the two of us,” Ginny said.

“It’s beautiful,” Harry said.

Harry turned the locket over in his hand again. He noticed a small hinge on its rounded edge. He opened the locket and what he saw warmed his heart more than anything he drank tonight ever could.

The two halves of the locket lay open in his hand and projecting six inches above it was an image that was moving. It was the image of Harry and Ginny’s first kiss. He could see her running to him, the look in her eyes, and the smile on his face. It was exactly how he remembered that kiss. How he replayed it in his mind hundreds of times since it had happened.

“I had Fleur help me with the enchantment. It is a combination of the photo charm and a pensieve charm. I made it so that you can have something to remember me by when you get lonely,” Ginny explained.

“Thank you. But I don’t have anything to give to you,” Harry said with a slightly sad voice.

Ginny reached out and touched Harry’s face, “You don’t need to give me anything. But could you do something for me?”

Harry looked into Ginny’s eyes as she asked, “Promise me that you will come back to me, alive and well.”

Harry could deny this woman nothing within his power to give her. But he had made a vow never to lie to her again. When it came to those he loved he would never make a liar out of himself again.

“I can’t…can’t make you a promise that I’m not sure I can keep. I’m sorry,” Harry answered.

Harry saw the determined look return to her eyes as she said flatly, “I understand. I apologize for asking.”

Harry placed the locket around his neck, held her face in both his hands and kissed her. It wasn’t until well after sunrise that the two of them stopped kissing one another.


The day went by in a blur as Harry, as well as the rest of the men slept until about an hour before the rehearsal. Mrs. Weasley served brunch, but none of the men could bring themselves to eat anything. Mrs. Weasley seemed to be taking great pleasure in torturing the men for having drunk themselves silly. But she eventually poured each of them a tall glass of potion which instantly cleared their heads.

The rehearsal didn’t go as well as planned because the seating arrangements cluttered up the space needed to move properly for the ceremony. Everyone gave opinions to try and fix things, but to everyone’s shock it was Ron’s advice that worked best. He seemed to have a great eye as to where everything needed to be to optimize the space. Fred and George commented that Ron’s chess skills finally came in handy for something.

As evening fell, dinner was treated very casually. Light chatter covered the meal as no heavy subjects crossed anyone’s lips. By the end of dinner, Harry was stuffed and wanted nothing more than to get some sleep. He thought himself exhausted enough to sleep through the night. But as always, when it came to his own sleeping habits, he was wrong.

At two in the morning, Harry once again found himself awake and in front of the fireplace. He opened his locket and watched as the happy moment replayed in front of his eyes again.

“That is very beautiful and it looks as if it took a bit of very intricate magic to make,” said a familiar voice.

Harry turned and saw Hermione standing near the bottom of the staircase, “Oh, it’s just you, Hermione.”

“Well it’s good to see you too,” replied Hermione as she joined Harry on the sofa and gave him a look of disgust she normally saved for Ron or Draco.

“I didn’t mean it that way. Just that I was waiting on Ginny. She has been helping me develop a new habit,” said Harry.

“What?” said Hermione looking a bit puzzled.

“Never mind Hermione. So are you having trouble sleep too?” asked Harry.

“Only because Gabrielle’s snoring woke me up. That and I was wondering, when we leave here where were you thinking of starting the search?” asked Hermione.

Harry was still chuckling regarding Gabrielle’s snoring. He found himself wondering if she did it with the same heavy French accent she had while she was speaking, “I figured the best place to start would be in Dumbledore’s office.”

“I was thinking the same thing. There could be more information regarding where he might have been searching. But how are we going to get in the office. I’m sure we can avoid everyone on the grounds by using the Marauder’s map, but without the password, the stairs leading to his office will never open for us.” stated Hermione.

“Leave that to me. I have an idea that just might work. You haven’t talk to Ron about starting at Hogwart’s, have you?” asked Harry.

“No, why?” asked Hermione.

“I would prefer you didn’t. The twins have a way of getting information from him and I would like it if no one outside of the three of us knows where we are headed.” replied Harry.

“Fair enough. Harry, what would you say if Ron and I became an item? Considering that you aren’t bringing Ginny along with us. You haven’t changed your mind about that have you?” asked Hermione.

“No I haven’t changed my mind about Ginny and to be honest I might feel a little jealous watching you two together. But you two have been an item for as long as you have known each other. You have just been too stubborn to see it. Just remember that you two started as friends and regardless of what might happen in your new relationship, you will always be friends.” answered Harry.

“Thanks Harry. That takes a load off of my mind. Well I’m getting tired and we have a busy day ahead of us. You ready to go back to bed?” asked Hermione.

“Not just yet mother. I’ll be sure to get to bed in a little bit, goodnight.” Harry said as he gave Hermione a kiss on her cheek.

“Goodnight.” she replied as Harry’s “mother” comment got him another look of disgust.

Harry watched Hermione disappear up the stairs again as he turned to the fire and once again lost himself in thought. He really did wish Ron and Hermione well. He just prayed that when this adventure was finally over that they would all come out of it in one piece.

He thought of Ginny and kept hoping that the familiar feeling that always told him she was near would come. But it didn’t. It really didn’t bother him…too much. He knew she needed her rest and figured that was a good idea for him also. So he headed for the staircase and bed. He was halfway up the stairs when an idea hit him about what he could give Ginny for a gift.

It would change the way Ginny and Harry would look at one another forever.


The day of the wedding had finally arrived. Guests began arriving and included friends, family, and schoolmates of both Bill and Fleur. Harry saw members of the Ministry of Magic and the Order of the Phoenix. All in all it was a good size crowd, but not a huge crowd.

Harry finished putting on his dress robes. They were slightly different in design to the ones he wore in his fourth year. These were all white with a black dress shirt and white bow tie. Harry really liked the cuff links, which were small gold snitches with pearl wings.

“Harry are you coming? We need to get downstairs for the march to the altar,” stated Ron.

“I’ll be down in a minute,” answered Harry as Ron headed downstairs.

Harry looked in the mirror again as he placed a hand against his chest to check for his locket. He hadn’t removed it since Ginny had given it to him and as far as he was concerned, he never would.

Harry heard a knock at the door and said, “Come in.”

It was Bill. He looked great in his dress robes, which were the exact opposite from the ones the groomsmen were wearing. It was black with a white dress shirt and a black bow tie. Harry liked Bill’s cufflinks as well. They were crystal flowers to match his bride’s name. It was then that Harry noticed that Bill’s face was slightly shiny from sweat and that Bill was pacing nervously.

“Bill is everything alright?” asked Harry.

“Yes…no…I don’t know! Why is she marrying me? She is the most beautiful woman I have ever met. I’m not worthy of her. What could she possibly see in me? I’m disfigured and not at all easy to look at anymore. Heck, I might even turn into a werewolf someday.” exclaimed Bill.

Harry walked over to him and placed a hand on his shoulder to stop Bill’s pacing, “Fleur loves you. You Bill, not your looks. I know this from what she said to your mum in the hospital wing at Hogwart’s after Greyback attacked you. When she looks at you she sees your heart. As far as she is concerned nothing else matters.

Harry wasn’t comfortable with what he was about to do. He never did like being stared at. But Bill had earned Harry’s respect and he didn’t want to see him consumed by his own self-doubt and nervousness. So Harry lifted the hair on his forehead and revealed his scar to Bill, “Besides there is an old muggle saying to goes, “Chicks dig scars” Heck, just ask Ginny.”

Bill and Harry burst into laughter at the absurdity of the comment. The two of them were still laughing as Charlie walked in and said, “Bill, come on they need us at the altar.”

“Alright Charlie.” Bill answered as he turned to Harry and said, “Thanks, just to let you know, there isn’t anyone else I would want with my sister.”

Bill and Harry shared a quick hug and then headed downstairs.


The ceremony had already begun and Harry had tried his best to listen to the wizard who was speaking but he was way too busy looking at Ginny. She was standing directly opposite him on the ladies side and she looked stunning. Of course Fleur was wearing a beautiful wedding gown that made her look even prettier than she already was. But nothing could get Harry’s eyes off of Ginny. She and the rest of the bridesmaids were wearing gowns in a color Harry couldn’t describe. It was as if the material was enchanted and it enhanced the wearer’s beauty. Ginny’s flaming red hair and brown eyes stood out even more. Harry was mesmerized.

Ginny felt a little awkward in her gown. She hadn’t worn anything this fancy since the Yule Ball in her third year. She remembered having had a great time at the ball with Neville Longbottom. But she also remembered she had hoped with all her heart that it would have been Harry who had asked her to the ball first. But at the time, Harry only had eyes for Cho Chang. She still felt small pangs of jealousy when she thought about that. How she had wished Harry would have looked at her with those green eyes the way he looked at Cho. But that was all in the past. Those green eyes were all hers now, along with everything else.

Speaking of green eyes, it was as this last thought that Ginny realized that Harry was staring at her. Her awkwardness doubled as she could see the love Harry had in his eyes just for her. She felt like she was ten years old again as she could feel the blood filling her cheeks. Harry mouthed the words, “I…love…you” and a smile came to her face.

The wizard had begun reciting the vows, starting with Bill, “Do you take this woman? From this day forward. To love and honor. In sickness and in health. For long as you both shall live?”

Ginny’s smile fell to a look of shock, as Harry, without ever taking his eyes from hers, mouthed to Ginny.


Ginny was having a hard time seeing Harry’s face through the tears in her eyes. She could barely make out Harry’s full face smile as the wizard began reciting the vows to Fleur, “Do you take this man? From this day forward. To love and honor. In sickness and in health. For long as you both shall live?”

Harry knew in his heart what Ginny was about to do long before he saw her lips move.


The rest of the ceremony went by quickly and soon Harry and Ginny were walking up the aisle together, hand in hand. Harry always enjoyed holding Ginny’s hand, but today it felt as if their hands were one. As soon as the wedding party entered the house, Ginny pulled Harry into a quiet hallway and smothered him with kisses. When they finally came apart Harry saw tears on Ginny’s cheeks.

“I didn’t do what I did to make you sad,” said Harry.

“I’m not sad, you prat! I’m happy,” said Ginny as Harry began carefully wiping the tears from her face.

“No more tears then. We still have pictures to take,” said Harry.

The wedding party had so many pictures taken of them Harry thought he would be seeing flashes in his sleep. The rest of the reception was one of the happiest times Harry ever had while being in a large group. He wasn’t much for dancing during the Yule Ball. But he made up for that at the wedding. He danced with Mrs. Weasley, Mrs. Granger, Fleur, Gabrielle, and Hermione. But most of all he danced with Ginny. Not a man outside of the Weasley family dared to cut in on Harry.

Eventually the party began winding down as Bill and Fleur made their way to a hired car. Rice was being thrown from every direction. Harry and Ginny were just saying goodbyes to Charlie and Gabrielle, who were headed back to Europe also, when Bill stopped to speak to Harry.

“Thanks for everything you said Harry. For reminding me why I love Fleur so much and especially why she loves me.” said Bill

Fleur kissed Harry’s cheek as she followed Bill into the car. But before she closed the door she turned to Harry and said, “You are right. I do dig scarz.”

As the car pulled away, Ginny asked, “What did she mean by that?”

Harry was beaming at her as he replied, “Private joke, you wouldn’t understand.”


Harry was enjoying a slow dance with Hermione. The two of them were making a show of pretending to be snuggling in front of Ginny. Ron was in tears with laughter as he sat next to his sister.

“You know, you two are not funny,” said Ginny with a smirk on her face.

That comment just made Ron, Hermione and Harry laugh even harder. Harry gave Hermione a kiss on the cheek and then passed her on to Ron, who looked eager to dance with her again. Harry walked over to Ginny and held his hand out to her. She crossed her arms and pretended to be angry. Harry just smiled and pulled her into his arms.

As they began sharing another dance Ginny asked, “I’m going to be paying for that “pensieve” thing for a long time aren’t I?”

“Yep” was Harry’s answer as he kissed Ginny’s forehead.

Ginny leaned her face into Harry’s neck as they danced for the final time that night. Ginny suddenly had a dark thought pass through her mind that caused her to stiffen.

“What is it?” asked Harry as he felt something was wrong.

Ginny pulled back to look Harry in his eyes, “Harry, I need you to promise me that you will come back to me, alive and well.”

“Ginny, I have spent the better part of the year withholding information from you. I realize now that it was a mistake. I have made a vow to myself not to do that to you again. That includes lying to you. I won’t make you a promise that I might not be able to keep. What I can tell you is that no matter where I am or where I go that I will always be yours. I love you,” said Harry

Ginny leaned her head into Harry’s chest as she said, “I guess that will have to do.”


Harry and Ginny found themselves alone on the sofa again. They were sharing a rather large piece of wedding cake. Harry was starving after a night of dancing. While neither of them was dressed as neatly as they had been when the day began, they still found one another stunning.

“I had a great time today,” admitted Harry as he loosened his tie.

“I did too,” replied Ginny as she fed him another piece of cake.

Ginny continued, “I was thinking, what are you planning to do with Hedwig? You know how easily she can be recognized.”

“I’m going to be using a series of charms to continually change the color of her feathers. This way I can still use her to keep in contact when necessary,” answered Harry.

“Good idea. It’s nice to see you listened in class,” Ginny said as she put down the now empty plate.

“I am so tired. But I don’t want this night to end,” said Harry as he lay down, fully dressed, on the sofa.

“Good because neither do I,” Ginny replied as she laid down, gown and all, on top of Harry.

She kissed him with the same love that she had when he had told her what was in his heart just over a week ago. They stayed that way until they had fallen asleep together. Two people holding each other as one.


Harry awoke at what he guessed was midday. Ginny was no longer with him and the thought of that saddened him. It was something he knew he would have to get used to. By the time Harry was showered and changed, Mrs. Weasley had a huge meal prepared for everyone still at the house. At the table sat Mr. and Mrs. Weasley, Mr. and Mrs. Granger, Fred, George, Ron, Hermione, and Ginny. But unlike the meals before the wedding, the conversation at the table was almost non-existent. No one at the table wanted to speak regarding Harry’s, Ron’s or Hermione’s trip.

By mid afternoon, the trio had all of their backpacks ready to go. All occupants of the Burrow went along for the walk to the edge of the magical boundary. Harry and Ginny walked silently hand in hand. Several times Harry had tried to engage her in conversation, but all he got in return were very short answers. The look in her eyes was the same hard, blazing look she gave him the day of Dumbledore’s funeral. It shook him to his very core because he separated himself from her that day and he would be doing the same thing to her today as well.

The tears began to fall as soon as the first goodbyes were spoken. Hermione was hugging her parents furiously. Harry couldn’t hear what the Grangers were saying to one another but it took Mr. Granger some time to get Mrs. Granger to release her daughter. Mr. Granger pulled his wife to his chest as she shook with sobs. The image of that moment would haunt Harry for as long as he lived.

Ron was sharing hugs with his family as Mr. Weasley grabbed his son by his face and said, “I have never been more proud of you than I am at this moment.”

Mrs. Weasley had just finished hugging Ron when Harry walked over to them. Ron said, “I’m going to say goodbye to the Grangers,” Harry found himself smothered as Mrs. Weasley wrapped her arms around him and hugged him for all she was worth.

When Mrs. Weasley finally released him she ran her hands through Harry’s hair and said, “You just make sure that you three watch out for one another.”

Mr. Weasley added, “I just wanted to say once again that the Weasley family will always be in your debt, we consider ourselves lucky…”

But Harry cut him off, “No, I’ve been the lucky one. Without the Weasleys I would never have known what being part of a real family was like. I’m forever in your debt. I love you mum and dad.”

It took Mr. Weasley a while to get his wife off of Harry after he said that.

Harry walked over to the Grangers and quickly shook Mr. Granger’s hand and received a kiss from Mrs. Granger before walking up to the twins.

Fred handed him a package before speaking, “It’s an assortment of our products that could help you with any problems you might run across.”

“There are even some items we have created but won’t put on the market,” said George.

Harry said, “Thanks, I just wanted to say…”

George stopped him, “Save it mate. Save it for when the three of you are finally home again.”

“If you need anything else you know how to contact us,” added Fred.

The twins stepped away as Harry walked up to Ginny. The look in her eyes still had not changed as Harry wrapped his arms around her and kissed her.

“I love you,” Harry told her as he looked into her eyes and touched her cheek.

“I love you too,” Ginny replied, the hard look never leaving her eyes.

Harry gave her a small grin as he pulled away and walked to where Ron and Hermione both stood. The two of them were holding hands as Harry grabbed one of each of their hands, thus creating a circle between the three of them. Harry broke the circle to look one final time at Ginny. With his free hand he silently waved goodbye.

“Where to then?” asked Ron.

“Hogwart’s,” whispered Harry.

“Why there?” asked Ron.

“We will explain when we get there,” replied Hermione.

Harry grasped their hands a little tighter, “On the count of three then. One…two…”

“WAIT, PLEASE!!!” Harry heard a voice yell.

Harry turned as Ginny threw her arms around him. The hard, blazing look in her eyes crumbled as she began crying.

“Please…please don’t go! I don’t want you to go! I love you! I don’t want to lose you! Please, please don’t leave me!” Ginny screamed.

“Promise me please! Please Harry! I have to hear the words, just once, even if you lie about it, please! Promise me!!” Ginny pleaded.

Harry had never seen Ginny this way and it broke his heart. But when he tried to speak, his voice failed him. Ginny looked into Harry’s eyes and found them brimming with tears. All he could do was look her in the eyes and shake his head, his mouth hanging open, speechless. His noble character wouldn’t let him lie to her and she loved him all the more for it.

Ginny grabbed Harry’s face and kissed him, trying to lose herself in their kiss as always. But she couldn’t. Her connection with him wouldn’t allow it, for while she knew in her mind that he was still here physically, in her heart he was already gone.

Harry broke the kiss and held her tightly, taking in the scent of her hair one last time.

“I love you…my wife,” Harry whispered to her.

“I love you…my husband,” Ginny whispered back between her sobs.

Ginny quietly blew him a kiss as she slowly backed away to join her mother as Harry reluctantly completed the circle again.

“You two ready to disapparate?” Harry asked as tears still wet his cheeks.

Hermione looked puzzled, “Harry, you’re still underage and Ron hasn’t got his license. Aren’t you worried that we could get in trouble with the Ministry of Magic?”

Harry and Ron looked at each other, turned to Hermione and in unison said, “To hell with the Ministry!!”

And with a loud crack, the three of them were gone.

Mrs. Weasley and Ginny were still crying as Mrs. Weasley placed an arm around her daughter and said, “That young man is going to marry you someday.”

Ginny whispered to herself, “He already has mum…he already has.”


The walk back to the Burrow was difficult for everyone, but not as difficult as it was for Ginny. It was as if a large part of her soul had been ripped from her. Her parents and her brothers tried their best to comfort her but nothing short of Harry’s return would ever make her feel whole again.

When Ginny finally returned to the house she walked up the stairs to her room. She wanted nothing more than to be alone. It had taken her the entire walk back to stop crying and she wasn’t in the mood for anyone’s company.

As she arrived to her bedroom, she found a folded piece of parchment spell-o-taped to the door. With a quick intake of breath she opened it and read:


I have something to ask of you. I need you to take care of something for me. I don’t think that I will need it where I’m going and you are the only person I trust with it. Use it well. I will be back for it as soon as I can.


I love you,

Ginny opened the door to her room and found what she was looking for lying on her bed. It was Harry’s most prized possession. His Firebolt.

Ginny sat on her bed as her tears returned. She picked up his broom and wrapped her arms around it as if it were Harry himself.

“I love you Harry…I love you.”
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