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Penname: melkior [Contact - ]

Real name: Dino

Member Since: 2007.08.02

Last Login: 2012.01.31



I'm 22 years old and I live in Croatia.

I kinda grew up reading HP books. They might not be my favourite series in the world, but I love exploring the universe in which they exist.

I've been reading fanfiction for quite some time and actually found out that some of these creations are at least as good as JKR's creation.
After reading all of these fics I decided it's time to try and write my own just to see what could happen if my ideas and thoughts governed that universe. And thus came Meddle.

Meddle will be quite a large project and it's taking most of my free time. I have no problems with that as I enjoy writing this story, but that also means that you probably won't see more multi-chaptered fics from me. That doesn't mean I won't post a one-shot here or there or a short story like Er... Reparo?

If you want to discuss my story, or see the chapters update status, or any other notices concerning my writing, go to the link above. Sovran and moshpit most kindly let me use their group for discussing my own creations.

This is probably a good place to declare once and for all: Yes, Meddle was inspired by Dave's wonderful MoO (not exclusively, but mostly). And I'm not really hiding that. If you don't know what I'm talking about, go to search, Penname, and enter Sovran. Read! You'll love them!

I'm actually not really keen on mass declarations but I lately I feel like I should make one. Over the last few months, there have been several 'eager suggestions' directed at me and Meddle. I'd like to make it clear as possible. I will take into consideration anything that has to do with my grammar, syntax, quality of writing and so on, as long as it's reasonable. But I will not tolerate suggestions about making my characters act in a way I haven't planned. If you have a great idea for something that could happen in the future, let me know, I might just use it. However, I think that I've taken a huge amount of time to plan this story and create a general outline, so trust me when I say: I know exactly why things are happening this way, and I know exactly where I'm taking them.

Ronald Weasley has his reasons to act the way he is. Will he be a friend to Harry as in canon? You'll just have to read on and find out. I'm not changing a thing about him.

Ginny will stay as the Gryffindor Seeker as long as I think she fits the place. It really doesn't matter if it's until the 7th year or for the next 3 chapters.

I've been told (too many times to count) that I've taken the only thing from Harry that was his accomplishment, and his alone. In a way it's true. In canon, it was something that made Harry happy. Don't you think that I thought about this? Don't you think that I have my reasons for such actions? That's all I'm going to say about this, I think that my Prologue was clear enough.

In a way I'm really sad that I had to write this rant. Hopefully, it's for the best.

A huge thanks to Jonathan Avery, my beta who makes the story better. If you haven't read Jonathan's stories, check them out as I'm sure you'll enjoy them as much as I do.

Comet Moon and jedge1 also help out with Meddle.

I currently serve as SIYE's Tech Administrator and programmer. So if you have any site issues, I'm probably the person you should talk to.

i'm in gryffindor!

Beta-reader: No

Membership status: Member

Instant Message:[   AOL IM None   |   ICQ None   |   MSN IM None   |   Yahoo IM None   ]

Communication:[   LiveJournal None   |   Xanga None   |   BlogSpot None   ]

Creative:[ None   | None   | Park None   ]



Summary: A chain of events - a change of events. Series of short stories inspired by the 'First Week' Challenge. Starting with 'A Change Of Heart', Harry's second year.
A Change Of Heart by melkior starstarstarstarhalf-star [Reviews - 47]
*** The author has been reminded via the e-mail address on file that this story is listed as incomplete and has not been updated in over 2 years ***

*** The author has been reminded via the e-mail address on file that this story is listed as incomplete and has not been updated in over 2 years ***

The first day of Harry's second school year started rather badly, and the rest of the term was looking glum, too. He was beginning to think it might have been better if the train ride had never happened. The unusual sorting only confirmed his feelings. The only highlights were his two new friends, an old black diary and a young redheaded girl.
PG - Alternate Universe, Pre-OotP - Angst, Drama, General - Warnings: Violence - Words: 20818
Completed: No - Chapters: 4 - Published: 2008.06.16 - Updated: 2008.10.01 - Hits: 32160

Summary: The Adults have Seen and they chose to meddle. A new chain of events was created. Things will change more than even They expected. Follow Harry and Ginny as they try to tip the scale of Balance.
Meddle by melkior starstarstarstarstar [Reviews - 191]
*** The author has been reminded via the e-mail address on file that this story is listed as incomplete and has not been updated in over 2 years ***

*** The author has been reminded via the e-mail address on file that this story is listed as incomplete and has not been updated in over 2 years ***

If a greater force chooses to meddle with the chain of events we thought was final there is no telling what could happen. Things may change more than thought possible. A re-telling of the canon.
R - Alternate Universe - Action/Adventure, Angst, Drama, Fluff, General, Humor, Romance - Warnings: Death, Violence - Words: 45872
Completed: No - Chapters: 11 - Published: 2007.09.09 - Updated: 2008.01.12 - Hits: 98758

Challenge Winner Er... Reparo? by melkior starstarstarstarhalf-star [Reviews - 39]
** Winner of the October 2007 Dumbledore's Silver Trinket Award for Best Comedy **
An upside down toilet, a love nest, 'brave' Godric, various closets, unhelpful help system and magic never seen before. Rebuilding Hogwarts turned into something completely different for our hero.
PG-13 - Reconstruction Challenge (2007-5) - Action/Adventure, Comedy, Humor - Warnings: None - Words: 4452
Completed: Yes - Chapters: 3 - Published: 2007.10.06 - Updated: 2007.10.31 - Hits: 21023

Meaning of One Outtake - Mission: Impossible by melkior starstarstarstarhalf-star [Reviews - 22]
** Winner of the February 2008 Dumbledore's Silver Trinket Award for Best One-Shot **
He has a mission to complete and the time is short. Death is inevitable. However, it is a small price to pay if he manages to rid the world of evil. A Meaning of One outtake, taking place in the second year.
PG - Alternate Universe - Action/Adventure, Humor, Tragedy - Warnings: Death - Words: 1262
Completed: Yes - Chapters: 1 - Published: 2008.02.04 - Updated: 2008.02.04 - Hits: 7953

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Featured Artwork © 2003-2006 by Yethro.
Design and code © 2006 by SteveD3(AdminQ)
Additional coding © 2008 by melkior and Bear