
SIYE Time:18:22 on 1st December 2024
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Penname: yitaply [Contact - ]

Real name: Yarel

Member Since: 2007.02.28

Last Login: 2009.04.17



Hello, I'm an 19 year-old college student in the U.S. I am attempting a major in Creative Writing and Psychology. My experience is limited so this site really did draw me in with its array of excellent writers and dedication to delivering quality fics. I discovered fanfiction about a year ago and I'm hooked. I love to write and try desperately to at least submit a chapter per month. : ( Hopefully, it'll get better. I loved to go into the emotions in my story and really do make an attempt at avoiding commonly done things. And if I do include something that's been done in a billion others fanfics I make an attempt to add my own twist. I love review of any kind because they really help me improve my writing and make it better. So, thanks to all those that have reviewed. The next pic is what I imagine Potter Manor looks like. ^_^Carnell House

Beta-reader: No

Membership status: Member

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Summary: For his entire life, Harry James potter has been bombarded with unwavering evils. Raised abusively by the Dursleys, what will change when he is rescued by Remus Lupin himself? Will he succumb to the dark? Will those who love him be the last chance to save the boy-who-lived? Who can seize the suffering he has bravely endured alone for most of his life just as he is about to give up? What lies in the depths of living hell? Voldemort will return like never before, will he succeed at his declaration of war against the world. What happens when the entire weight of the world falls on the shoulders of the boy-who-lived?
Emerged From Sorrow, Part One of the Edge of Darkness Series by yitaply starstarstarstarhalf-star [Reviews - 133]
Abused, Harry is rescued by Lupin, who himself is tormented by darkness he can't escape. With the Weasleys at their side, both are plunged into a world where they must recover and battle the evil that Voldemort unleashed. Canon pairings, added OC's, Elemental Harry, age 9 trough seventh year ***** Summary of Edge of Darkness Series: This is a tale of a boy's struggle against all odds, against a monster; while facing more obstacles, handling mysterious powers, and being faced with his romantic feelings for the girl who wouldn't let go of his hand as the world got dark.
R - Alternate Universe - Action/Adventure, Angst, Drama, General, Romance, Tragedy - Warnings: Dark Fiction, Death, Disturbing Imagery, Extreme Language, Negative Alcohol Use, Sexual Situations, Spouse/Adult/Child Abuse, Violence, Violence/Physical Abuse - Words: 192439
Completed: No - Chapters: 15 - Published: 2007.04.22 - Updated: 2009.03.22 - Hits: 116304

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