
SIYE Time:3:07 on 4th December 2024
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Penname: QwayMelqnu [Contact - ]

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Member Since: 2006.11.16

Last Login: 2020.11.08



Beta-reader: No

Membership status: Member

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Harry Potter and the Seven-Year War by QwayMelqnu starstarstarstarstar [Reviews - 235]
*** The author has been reminded via the e-mail address on file that this story is listed as incomplete and has not been updated in over 2 years ***

*** The author has been reminded via the e-mail address on file that this story is listed as incomplete and has not been updated in over 2 years ***

Harry is steadfast in his decision to break up with Ginny Weasley, hoping that she will be kept safe from Voldemort's clutches, but unforeseen circumstances will push them back together sooner than anyone could have anticipated. Harry finally acknowledges his true feelings for her before setting out on the hunt for the Horcruxes, but unfortunately the subsequent war with Tom Riddle and his followers would end up lasting longer than anyone could’ve expected. Can Harry and Ginny’s love stand the test of time? And how far will Harry go to make sure they are....
R - Post-HBP, Post-Hogwarts - Action/Adventure, Angst, Drama, Fluff, General, Romance - Warnings: Dark Fiction, Death, Extreme Language, Sexual Situations, Violence - Words: 195318
Completed: No - Chapters: 33 - Published: 2006.12.15 - Updated: 2008.11.23 - Hits: 245648

Harry Potter, Meet Ginny Weasley by QwayMelqnu starstarstarstarhalf-star [Reviews - 29]
Ginny finds out that her older brother Ron has somehow befriended 'The Boy Who Lived'. After hearing a little bit about him through Ron's letters, Ginny realizes that she doesn't know as much about Harry Potter as she thought she did. (Rated [R] for the last section, just to be on the safe side.) - Written for the 'When Ginny Met Harry (1-2007) Challenge'.
R - Pre-OotP, When Ginny Met Harry Challenge (2007-1) - Comedy, Drama, Fluff, General, Humor, Romance - Warnings: Sexual Situations - Words: 6512
Completed: Yes - Chapters: 1 - Published: 2007.02.16 - Updated: 2007.02.17 - Hits: 19055

Challenge Winner The Trunk of Requirement by QwayMelqnu starstarstarstarstar [Reviews - 51]
** Winner of Best Adventure in the Harry’s Magical Trunk Challenge **
And now! At last! Another story completely different from some of the other stories which aren’t quite the same as this one is! – Harry’s depressed. Ginny’s dumped. Ron and Hermione are still bickering. And the Dark Lord’s power is gaining in strength. – Luckily, an unexpected conversation and an obscure memory are about to change all that. – Written for the 'Harry’s Magical Trunk (3-2007) Challenge'.
PG - Harry's Magical Trunk Challenge (2007-3), Post-HBP - Action/Adventure, Comedy, Humor, Romance - Warnings: None - Words: 18749
Completed: Yes - Chapters: 5 - Published: 2007.06.25 - Updated: 2007.06.29 - Hits: 30427

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