
SIYE Time:21:24 on 1st December 2024
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Penname: The_Great_One [Contact - ]

Real name: Marc White

Member Since: 2006.04.13

Last Login: 2009.05.18


Hi! My name's Marc and i'm a 22 year old guy from Nottingham England. Big fan of football and Arsenal, which will be shamelessly placed into one of my stories. just recently i have finished my degree, i am now a qualified Physiotherapist. the penname, The_Great_One came from my younger cousin who likes to watch old school WWF and he loves The Rock and so the name the great one was born. sigh. i wish i could change it now though. sounds a bit arrogant. ah well.

Obviously i'm a big Fan of Harry Potter but i didnt really know what all the fuss was about until my girlfriend made me read book 3. after that i was hooked. i know more than she does now. because of my constant ideas about what's going to happen in book 7 and my little theories, i think i've driven her up the wall.

Because of all these little ideas and theories I intend to write a 6th year and a 7th year fic. hopefully the writing won't be too bad. it is my first attempt at writing something and i hope people will like my ideas.

Fanfictions great i think, im glad JKR gave the go - ahead for people to do it. the first story i ever read was towards tomorrow by SS Henry, after that...there was no turning back. i think i've exhausted nearly every possible archive on the internet. but i think this place is the best that i've stumbled across.

HBP was mixed bag for me, there wasn't the excitement of GOF, or the mystery surrounding OOtP but i think it was a necessary step for our Hero in order to take on Voldemort, and Harry and Ginny got together which was great. i did scowl a lot when the prat broke up with her, but i doubt Ginny will let him go too far.

Beta-reader: No

Membership status: Member

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Harry Potter And The Light Of Power by The_Great_One starstarstarstarstar [Reviews - 22]
*** The author has been reminded via the e-mail address on file that this story is listed as incomplete and has not been updated in over 2 years ***

Year 6 approaches for Harry Potter and he has a lot to be concerned about. A prophecy between himself and the Voldemort, the death of his godfather and top things off he’s stuck at the Dursleys again. Can he pull himself together and become the man he needs to be, the man everyone else knows he can be, in order to take on the Dark Lord?
PG-13 - Post-OotP - Action/Adventure, Comedy, Drama, Fluff - Warnings: None - Words: 44994
Completed: No - Chapters: 5 - Published: 2006.07.25 - Updated: 2007.05.23 - Hits: 29431

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