
SIYE Time:22:12 on 5th December 2024
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Penname: veraklon [Contact - ]

Real name: Reece Powell

Member Since: 2006.03.22

Last Login: 2009.06.07



Also listed as "veraklon" on, Dreamers and a few other sites. I became a huge Harry/Ginny fan after reading Intromit's "Fate."

Only one Harry Potter story going so far... an AU idea starting with a fifteen year old Harry attending Hogwarts after being with Sirius and Remus since Voldemort killed his parents.

Thanks for your support.

Beta-reader: No

Membership status: Member

Instant Message:[    veraklon   |   ICQ None   |   MSN IM None   |    veraklon   ]

Communication:[   LiveJournal veraklon   |   Xanga None   |   BlogSpot None   ]

Creative:[   | None   | Park None   ]



Harry Potter Strikes Back 27 by veraklon starstarstarstar [Reviews - 5]
The Final Battle is coming... just nobody thought that it would be in the middle of a snow covered Hogwarts. And what's with all of the high school style drama. Plus, check out the new DADA Professor...
PG-13 - Mary Sue Challenge (2009-3) - Comedy, Humor - Warnings: Disturbing Imagery - Words: 8523
Completed: Yes - Chapters: 1 - Published: 2009.06.10 - Updated: 2009.06.13 - Hits: 4084

Lessons from Neverland by veraklon starstarstarstarhalf-star [Reviews - 12]
Ginny, Harry, Ron and Hermione all fall asleep in the Room of Requirement. Ginny awakes to find herself carried away by a Harry Potter that seems more like a storybook character that Hermione is reading about: Peter Pan.
G - Peter Pan Challenge (2007-4) - Drama - Warnings: None - Words: 9515
Completed: Yes - Chapters: 1 - Published: 2007.08.05 - Updated: 2007.08.06 - Hits: 4163

The Boy Who Vanished by veraklon starstarstarstarstar [Reviews - 198]
*** The author has been reminded via the e-mail address on file that this story is listed as incomplete and has not been updated since 2006 ***

Sirius Black arrived at the Potter’s home before Hagrid. Sirius, along with Remus Lupin, decided to go into hiding in order to protect and properly train Harry from the forces of Voldemort. Cut to fourteen years later, where a young and unknown Harry Potter is forced to attend Hogwarts after he is separated from the men who raised him. Though he attempts to keep his identity a secret, friendships, love and tragedy never were big supporters of what someone wanted.
PG-13 - Alternate Universe - Angst, Drama - Warnings: None - Words: 107982
Completed: No - Chapters: 26 - Published: 2006.05.02 - Updated: 2006.05.24 - Hits: 152810

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