
SIYE Time:6:09 on 4th December 2024
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Penname: Lynn [Contact - ]

Real name: Lynn

Member Since: 2005.08.09

Last Login: 2006.06.11


It is a truth universally acknowledged that a writer with nothing to say will inevitably quote Jane Austen.

Hello, I'm Lynn, a sophomore who spends entirely too much of her time obsessing over Harry Potter and Jane Austen, whilst still trying to have a life outside of books. Oh, dear.

I primarily write in the Lily/James ship, but after JKR left us with so many tantalizing bits of H/G goodness in HBP, my fingers were itching to write a drabble or two... which turned into fics. Hmm.

You can find most of my work at:

...and most of my Harry/Ginny drabbles at:


Don't forget to review!

Beta-reader: No

Membership status: Member

Instant Message:[    likeatuesday   |   ICQ None   |   MSN IM None   |   Yahoo IM None   ]

Communication:[   LiveJournal likeatuesday   |   Xanga None   |   BlogSpot None   ]

Creative:[ None   | None   | Park None   ]



Four Minutes by Lynn starstarstarstarstar [Reviews - 38]
"It's eleven eleven," she says, feeling a bit stupid. "That's when you make wishes." HG One-shot.
PG - Post-HBP - Angst, Fluff - Warnings: None - Words: 1348
Completed: Yes - Chapters: 1 - Published: 2005.08.09 - Updated: 2005.08.09 - Hits: 5904

Train Ride by Lynn starstarstarstarstar [Reviews - 79]
Missing moment from HBP. For anyone who thinks a year at Hogwarts isn't complete without a train ride to Platform Nine and Three Quarters. H/G One-shot.
PG - Post-HBP - Angst, Fluff, Drama - Warnings: None - Words: 5643
Completed: Yes - Chapters: 1 - Published: 2005.08.16 - Updated: 2005.08.16 - Hits: 7489

Two Conversations by Lynn starstarstarstarstar [Reviews - 20]
Two conversations at four in the morning. Harry/Ginny, a bit odd; a drabble ficlet, because I'm so fond of those.
G - Post-HBP - Angst, Comedy, Fluff, Humor - Warnings: None - Words: 1235
Completed: Yes - Chapters: 1 - Published: 2005.11.26 - Updated: 2005.11.26 - Hits: 5440

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