
SIYE Time:22:15 on 5th December 2024
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Penname: Cassie Payne [Contact - ]

Real name: Trish

Member Since: 2005.07.20

Last Login: 2008.04.04


A wanna be novelist, I was first introduced to the magic world by a teacher who thought we should study Rowling's descriptions of Uncle Vernon and Hagrid before we attempted to describe our own characters. Enchanted by her word pictures, I began to read the books; a casual fan. By the time I finished Azkaban, I was hooked. Rowling has managed to capture all of my favorite aspectsof word crafting and place them into one amazing story.

Beta-reader: No

Membership status: Member

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Communication:[   LiveJournal None   |   Xanga None   |   BlogSpot None   ]

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A Friendship in Bloom by Cassie Payne starstarstarstarstar [Reviews - 43]
A HBP missing moment. Harry and Ginny spend a morning together at a local plyaground before they return to Hogwarts for Harry's sixth year.
PG-13 - Post-HBP - Fluff, General, Humor - Warnings: None - Words: 4618
Completed: Yes - Chapters: 1 - Published: 2006.04.16 - Updated: 2006.04.17 - Hits: 8137

Broken by Cassie Payne starstarstarstarstar [Reviews - 287]
** Winner of the May 2006 Dumbledore's Silver Trinket Award for Best Angst **
**April and May Dumbledore Silver Trinket Award winner for Best Agnst**

What if you had it all? What if you lost it? A study in marital discord featuring our favorite witch and wizard. (Don't worry, it has a happy ending!)
R - Alternate Universe, Post-HBP, Post-Hogwarts - Angst, Drama, Fluff, General, Humor - Warnings: Sexual Situations - Words: 33114
Completed: Yes - Chapters: 11 - Published: 2006.02.02 - Updated: 2006.05.24 - Hits: 93951

Guilt and Innocence by Cassie Payne starstarstarstarstar [Reviews - 49]
Harry and Ginny spend a happy hour by the lake and Harry deals with his feelings of guilt over their deepening physical relationship. (The "R" rating is just being very cautious!)
R - Post-HBP - Fluff, Drama - Warnings: Sexual Situations - Words: 5283
Completed: Yes - Chapters: 1 - Published: 2005.08.22 - Updated: 2005.08.22 - Hits: 9984

The Life and Times of Harry Potter by Cassie Payne starstarstarstarstar [Reviews - 203]
After Harry's retirement party, strange things begin to happen with his and Ginny's memories. Ch 1: Harry leaves for the Burrow and confronts Ginny for the first time since the break up. Ch 2: Harry talks with Ginny's parents and a slight misunderstanding occurs. Ch 3: Our hard headed hero wises up. Ch 4: Ginny tends Harry's wounded body, and an unconscious Harry lets something important silp. Ch 5: Harry spends an afternoon with his children and receives an unlikely visitor. Ch 6: What happened with Ron and Hermione? Ch 7: Harry and Ginny decide they are ready to be together. Ch 8: Harry and Ginny's wedding night. Chapter 9: Ginny remembers the day Harry gave her the locket - and her first kiss. Chapter 10: James and Lily's Request (Rated cautiously for adult....
R - Post-HBP, Post-Hogwarts - Angst, Drama, Fluff, Humor - Warnings: Sexual Situations - Words: 33984
Completed: Yes - Chapters: 10 - Published: 2005.09.16 - Updated: 2005.11.13 - Hits: 71218

The Next Great Adventure by Cassie Payne starstarstarstarstar [Reviews - 31]
Harry plus Ginny equals Heaven. (Literally.)
PG - Alternate Universe - Drama, Tragedy - Warnings: Death - Words: 6569
Completed: Yes - Chapters: 3 - Published: 2006.11.09 - Updated: 2006.11.24 - Hits: 20418

The Seekers by Cassie Payne starstarstarstarstar [Reviews - 64]
What happens after Harry and Ginny climb out of the portrait hole?
PG-13 - Post-HBP - Fluff, Humor - Warnings: None - Words: 4537
Completed: Yes - Chapters: 1 - Published: 2005.08.11 - Updated: 2005.08.12 - Hits: 8306

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