
SIYE Time:7:56 on 10th December 2024
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Penname: WALKINGUNDEAD [Contact - ]

Real name: Alex Prowse

Member Since: 2005.07.20

Last Login: 2007.09.20


Im a 17 year old male that enjoys reading and writing.

This doesn't really seem like much of a bio to me, so here I go.

My name is Alex, and I'm 17 and live in Canada. I started reading HP when I was in grade... 4 I think, and I must thank JKR for unlocking a love of reading and writing. I play guitar, and I am a hopeless shutterbug, I love taking lots of photographs. I've been reading FF since, the begining of July, a few weeks before HBP, and discovered SIYE when a story I was reading at MNFF was also posted here, just a little further along. My favourite two fics would have to be Harry Potter and the Blood Traitor, and Harry Potter and the Unlocked Mind. They are the two most well written fics I have ever come across, and may be found at MNFF. MY favourite bands are: Cradle of Filth, Slipknot, Children of Bodom, and Murderdolls. My guilty pleasure song would have to be My Imaginary, by Evanescence.I borrowed my sister's copy of fallen just so I could have that song. It sends shivers down my spine and I honestly don't know why. Besides my fic: Harry Potter and the Last of the Horcruxes, I am currently working on a slightly better planned fic called What if? The only spoiler I'm giving out is that it's about what would have happened had Harry been able to save Sirius that fateful night. BE WARNED IT WILL BE RATER R FOR A REASON. I am not sure, but I seem to find that I enjoy the R rated fics alittle more, as it's easier to relate to characters that don't act like children. While JKR is right to want to write a story for younger children, her portrayal of teenagers, expecially those nearing the age of 17 is a little unrealistic, the way the trio and other assorted characters act is like she's sugar coating the way teenagers really do act, though this is getting less and less true as the books progress. Ok, I've ranted for long enough, be sure to read my work, I feel that it's good, though my english teacher tells me she doesn't like where it's going....

Beta-reader: No

Membership status: Member

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A Strange Surprise by WALKINGUNDEAD starstarstarstarhalf-star [Reviews - 7]
It's four years after the war, and no one has seen Harry Potter since. Join Ginny and Hermione as they find their friend, in the most unlikely of places.
PG-13 - Alternate Universe - Comedy, Fluff, Songfic - Warnings: None - Words: 3306
Completed: Yes - Chapters: 1 - Published: 2006.02.10 - Updated: 2006.02.10 - Hits: 5928

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