Penname: PotterSloth [Contact - ]
Real name:
Member Since: 2023.10.29
Last Login: 2024.09.08
Bio:I write like I'm running out of time about magic and romance and a whole host of other things I am incredibly underqualified to be writing about. But I write the stories I want to read, underqualified and all, and it's pretty awesome to be able to share that with other people who want to read them too.
I honestly have no idea why anyone would be, but feel free to reach out if you're wanting to create any sort of adaptation of my work, whether it's written, artistic, podfic, whatever. I'm pretty much always going to give permission; I just want to know that it's happening so I can follow along! My inbox is always open, both for inquiries like that and just for general chat about fics, books, film, sports, or anything else, and I'm also @pottersloth on Discord, so feel free to reach out!
Beta-reader: No
Membership status: Member
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