
SIYE Time:12:36 on 10th December 2024
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Penname: lmb3 [Contact - ]

Real name: Lewis M. Brooks, III

Member Since: 2010.08.05

Last Login: 2010.12.15



Beta-reader: No

Membership status: Member

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Chapter 37, Picking up the Pieces by lmb3 starstarstarstarstar [Reviews - 10]
The battle is over, and Voldemort is dead. The prophecy has been fulfilled, and for Harry Potter, life must go on. Harry must face his demons, and try to come to terms with the loss of so many people, and the guilt over their deaths. He must try to find the future he never thought he’d have.

STAFF NOTE: This writer's work was plagiarized and posted a while back. Another staff member discovered the problem. The plagiarizer was banned and the story deleted. This posting is by the real writer and is the latest version.

SIYE Archivist

PG-13 - Post-DH/AB - Drama, General, Romance - Warnings: None - Words: 36400
Completed: Yes - Chapters: 3 - Published: 2010.08.05 - Updated: 2010.08.06 - Hits: 23649

Harry Potter and the Edge of Infinity by lmb3 starstarstarstarhalf-star [Reviews - 11]
It has been three months since Voldemort fell, and Harry Potter is finally putting the demons that have plagued him to rest. He is relaxed, happy, and in love. For the first time he can see a future for himself, but that all changes when before his eyes, Ginny, Ron, and Hermione vanish. With no suspects or clues of any kind, Harry finds himself helpless to find his two best friends and the girl he loves.

A mysterious Dark Lord has launched an assault against all of reality from a place outside of time and space. For hundreds of years he and his Queen have searched for something across the Multiverse, leaving death and destruction in their wake, and at long last they have found their prize. Can Harry Potter save his friends and stop the Dark Lord from conquering all of reality?
PG-13 - Post-DH/AB - Action/Adventure, Crossover, Drama, General, Romance - Warnings: Mild Language, Mild Sexual Situations, Violence - Words: 40901
Completed: No - Chapters: 15 - Published: 2010.08.08 - Updated: 2010.08.18 - Hits: 111749

Harry Potter and the Final Chapter by lmb3 starstarstarstarhalf-star [Reviews - 13]
Legend tells of a weapon known as the Sword of Souls. The ebony blade has cut a path of destruction through the centuries. Passed from Dark Wizard to Dark Wizard by death, its only goal is to create the death, suffering, and blood it craves and to collect evil souls to add to its own power.

Merlin, the greatest wizard who ever lived fell to the ebony blade of the Sword of Souls. Thirteen hundred years later, The Sword of Souls may be Harry Potter’s only chance to rid the world of Voldemort forever. But will the price of Voldemort’s destruction be Harry’s soul?

In 1945, Albus Dumbledore defeated Gellert Grindelwald, transferring the allegiance of the Elder Wand to Dumbledore…but what other weapon of immense power called Grindelwald it’s master? Upon Grindelwald’s defeat, his home, Castle Grindelwald, which stands in the Black Forest....
R - Post-DH/PM - Action/Adventure, Drama, General, Romance - Warnings: Death, Intimate Sexual Situations, Mild Language, Mild Sexual Situations, Negative Alcohol Use, Sexual Situations, Violence - Words: 664891
Completed: Yes - Chapters: 110 - Published: 2010.08.07 - Updated: 2010.08.17 - Hits: 533016

Harry Potter and the Legend of the Twelve by lmb3 starstarstarstarstar [Reviews - 11]
19 years after Voldemort’s defeat, Hermione is given a 1300-year-old memory that will lead Harry and his friends down a path down he thought ended long ago.

As Albus and Rose head off to their first year at Hogwarts, they have no idea what awaits them. Their parents have a secret, and Albus, Rose, and James are about to find out what that is. A chance meeting on the train with an orphaned witch from California will change Albus’s life forever, while back in London, in a seldom-used room in the Department of Mysteries, someone from Harry’s past has returned to the world of the living.

Are Harry, his friends, and their children The Twelve prophesized by Merlin who will have to face the worst evil ever known to save the world? Could an ancient prophecy mean that the Dark Lord will rise again? Is eleven-year-old Albus really falling in love? Why....
PG-13 - Post-DH/PM - Action/Adventure, Drama, General, Romance - Warnings: Mild Language, Violence - Words: 85924
Completed: Yes - Chapters: 37 - Published: 2010.08.07 - Updated: 2010.08.09 - Hits: 237070

Shattered Mirror by lmb3 starstarstarstarstar [Reviews - 8]
It has been two weeks since Harry fulfilled his destiny and defeated Lord Voldemort. They have been the longest two weeks of Harry’s life. He mourns the dead, while pushing away the living. He rarely speaks, and clings to the mokeskin pouch that hangs from his neck, though he has told no one what it contains.

When Harry receives an unexpected inheritance, he learns that Dumbledore made one final request of him. Can Harry fulfill Dumbledore’s last request, or is he doomed to the fate that Dumbledore warned him about seven years ago?

I would like to thank my Beta, Rachel, PenguinsWillReignSupreme on the HarryPotterFanfiction forums, for all her hard work.

STAFF NOTE: This writer's work was plagiarized and posted a while back. Another staff member discovered the problem. The plagiarizer was banned and the story deleted. This posting is by the real....
PG - Post-DH/AB - Angst, Drama, General - Warnings: None - Words: 7849
Completed: Yes - Chapters: 4 - Published: 2010.08.07 - Updated: 2010.08.08 - Hits: 22759

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