
SIYE Time:22:43 on 5th December 2024
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Penname: Miz636 [Contact - ]

Real name: Miriam

Member Since: 2010.01.18

Last Login: 2018.01.30


I love to read any sort of FanFiction that goes with books I read, so reading the Harry/Ginny stuff on here will be really sweet.

Becoming Alpha is the first in my first ever Harry Potter series. It will be a trilogy with a Post-Hogwarts story afterward, which was written with flashes of the years after year seven more than anything else. Right now the entire trilogy has recently been completely posted, with the sequel story to come soon.

The way this is all going to work is Becoming Alpha is Years 1-3, Return of an Alpha is Years 4-5, and Clash of the Alphas is Years 6-7. This was a long, hard, and fun ride.

The entire series is called Rise of an Alpha. It goes with the theme of what I'm writing along with the title scheme of using Alpha in all of them. My Post-Hogwarts story will be in here as well, though it doesn't follow the theme as much, mostly because it's not during the rise. I've also got ideas for a second Post-Hogwarts story from the point of view of the different children that will go into this series if I write it.

This is something I did on for my profile, and I decided it would be good to move it here just so you all can see it. I'll probably update it, but the one on will be updated sooner as I'm on that site more often.

Rise of an Alpha

-Becoming Alpha: Completed. Posted. Years 1-3.
-Return of an Alpha: Completed. Posted. Years 4-5.
-Clash of the Alphas: Completed. Posted. Years 6-7.
-Post-Hogwarts Sort-Of Sequel: Completed. Posted. Post-Hogwarts.
-Possible Second Post-Hogwarts Story: Planning Stages. Post-Hogwarts. Children's POV of Hogwarts. Still Unsure of It.

Please, enjoy Becoming Alpha and any other stories to come. :)

Beta-reader: No

Membership status: Archivist

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Summary: A single thing changed an entire story. Different choices are made, and a new story is created from those choices. Watch as Harry makes his way through a very different Hogwarts, one where he's making changes. Are they for the better or the worse? Slytherin Harry. AU. All 7 Years. Not Dark Harry!
Becoming Alpha by Miz636 starstarstarstarhalf-star [Reviews - 358]
** Honourable Mention in the March 2011 Dumbledore's Silver Trinket for Best Completed **
A single difference changed Harry Potter as he began his life at the majestic castle known as Hogwarts. Collecting friends from all four Houses, he starts his journey by becoming the Alpha. Will the changes hinder or help his destiny?
PG - Alternate Universe - Action/Adventure, Drama - Warnings: Mild Language - Words: 163727
Completed: Yes - Chapters: 37 - Published: 2010.10.10 - Updated: 2011.04.14 - Hits: 223520

Return of an Alpha by Miz636 starstarstarstarhalf-star [Reviews - 409]
For three years, Harry has been Becoming Alpha of Hogwarts. Now another Alpha is returning, bringing with him darkness, chaos, and battle. Watch as sides line up for war, and people and society change.
PG-13 - Alternate Universe - Action/Adventure, Angst, Drama - Warnings: Death, Mild Language - Words: 250652
Completed: Yes - Chapters: 54 - Published: 2011.04.17 - Updated: 2011.12.29 - Hits: 279306

Clash of the Alphas by Miz636 starstarstarstarhalf-star [Reviews - 217]
** Honourable Mention in the May 2012 Dumbledore's Silver Trinket for Best Completed **
With just two more years at Hogwarts left, Harry must fight for his position as Alpha when another Alpha challenges him for it – twice. As the war comes to a high point, everyone must get along and fight for their lives or they stand to lose everything.
R - Alternate Universe - Action/Adventure, Drama - Warnings: Death, Mild Language, Rape, Violence - Words: 215031
Completed: Yes - Chapters: 48 - Published: 2011.12.31 - Updated: 2012.06.16 - Hits: 249063

Life of a Conquering Alpha by Miz636 starstarstarstarhalf-star [Reviews - 18]
After seven years of Hogwarts and winning the war against Voldemort, Harry now has a chance to live a somewhat normal life. Watch as he and his friends get jobs, have children, live their lives, and change the Wizarding world.

Sequel to Becoming Alpha, Return of an Alpha, and Clash of the Alphas.
G - Alternate Universe - Fluff, Humor - Warnings: None - Words: 30656
Completed: Yes - Chapters: 7 - Published: 2012.09.05 - Updated: 2012.09.20 - Hits: 31822

Rise of an Alpha: The Call by Miz636 starstarstarstarhalf-star [Reviews - 5]
** Honourable Mention in the May 2012 Dumbledore's Silver Trinket for Best One-Shot **
As Harry grew into his position as Alpha and led the Hogwarts Protectors to prepare for war, there were always two girls at his sides: his sister in all but blood, Tracey Davis, and his girlfriend, Ginny Weasley. What’s Ginny’s opinion on events and how she and Harry grew to love one another? Well, let’s see…

Inspired by “The Call” by Regina Spektor. Companion to my Alpha Trilogy.
PG - Alternate Universe - Fluff, Romance, Songfic - Warnings: None - Words: 2997
Completed: Yes - Chapters: 1 - Published: 2012.06.17 - Updated: 2012.06.17 - Hits: 5355

A Firstborn Son by Miz636 starstarstarstarhalf-star [Reviews - 13]
The firstborn has arrived, but what is he going to be named and why will they choose that name? How will everyone react to their son?
G - Post-DH/AB - Fluff - Warnings: None - Words: 1186
Completed: Yes - Chapters: 1 - Published: 2010.09.30 - Updated: 2010.09.30 - Hits: 6275

Challenge Winner Healer Who? [Miz636] by Miz636 starstarstarstarhalf-star [Reviews - 12]
*** Winner of Best Overall in the Crossing Over Challenge ***

Dumbledore has been forced to leave Hogwarts, Dolores Umbridge is now in charge, and... a blue box has just crashed into the grounds of Hogwarts?

Crossover with Doctor Who. 11th Doctor. Takes place during the two months the Doctor is looking for Melody Pond.
G - Alternate Universe, Crossing Over Challenge (2011-4), The Crossing Over Challenge (2011-4) - Action/Adventure, Crossover, Drama, Humor - Warnings: None - Words: 7867
Completed: Yes - Chapters: 1 - Published: 2011.11.15 - Updated: 2011.11.15 - Hits: 5408

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