Summary: Because when you think about it....there HAD to be more to Harry/Ginny friendship than was shown in the books, right? Little moments that were 'accidently' left out from the books. All canon.
Penname: ginny_lola [Contact - ] Real name: Livvy and Leah Member Since: 2008.05.05 Last Login: 2013.06.17 Website: Bio: July 2012 - Lola here. Sorry about the very, very extensive absence. I've had a lot of personal problems, and I'll leave it at that. I'm sorry, and I'll try to get back onto here within the next month or so to update. Thank you for your patience :) Ships I support :~ *Harry/Ginny *Ron/Hermione *Remus/Tonks I'm a big canon girl as you can see. But a guilty pleasure of mine is Draco/Hermione - mainly because it's so impossible and far fetched that I find it hilarious to read. I also love Neville/Luna and, more recently, Dean/Luna. TrĂ©s cute. Ships I don't support:~ *Harry/Hermione *Ron/Ginny *Ron/Harry *Harry/Draco *Voldemort/anyone...can you see the snake man giving somebody kisses? I just can't see it I'm afraid. My Stories A Place In The Dark - This story is in progress (although I'll be the first to admit slow progress.) There's a sequel after it...mainly because it's desperately needed, but let's just say that it may be a while before this story is finished off - even if I have sketched out what happens. Empty Daisy - This is a one-shot and always will be, but I do have a two chaptered sequel in mind. If it is posted - it'll be called Full Bloom. It is written, but roughly, with no Beta-ing done to it, and at the moment it's just my little story. Ginny's Hogwarts - I love writing this story and it is mostly completely written, but un-beta-ed. I am posting it up steadily though, as I've posted lots of chapters in the past and then come across writers block - leaving a long period before I next post. I don't like doing this so I'll be posting slowly but surely. Interpretation - This was my first ever challenge entry and although it didn't win, I am still very proud of it. I may re-write it all with a fuller story to it as this was a little rushed to fit to the guidelines of the challenge seeing as I started late. It's complete, though. For now at least... =D Lying There - Just a little one-shot I wrote. I don't have any intentions of writing a sequel or anything. I think I'll just leave it as it is. Start All Over - This is a two chaptered story I wrote that I really do quite like and just may be my favourite story up on SIYE :D Even if it doesn't have lots of reviews, that's not what matters to me, as the few reviews I did have were positive and I am always glad of that. Those Nineteen Years - This story is on a hiatus at the moment as I have suddenly lost the flame in my head to write Harry Potter song-fics. But it is not abandoned and will never be as I will finish it. I promise. One day. We've Got It All Worked Out - Not my best work, no, but it was a quick one-shot I wrote and quite liked so posted on here. Glad it got the reviews it did to tell you the truth :) "Why do writers write? Because it isn't there." - Thomas Berger Beta-reader: No Membership status: Member Instant Message:[    None   |    None   |   |    None   ] Communication:[    None   |    None   |    None   ] Creative:[      |    None   |    None   ]
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