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For Better or For Worse
By the marauder

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Category: Post-HBP
Characters:Harry/Ginny, Hermione Granger, Ron Weasley
Genres: Angst, General
Warnings: None
Story is Complete
Rating: G
Reviews: 13
Summary: ...To have and to hold, from this day forward, for better or worse, for richer or poorer, in sickness and health to love and to cherish, till death do you part...

Bill and Fleur's wedding is here, and with it come aching hearts, desire, tears, and courage.
Hitcount: Story Total: 4922

Disclaimer: Harry Potter Publishing Rights © J.K.R. Note the opinions in this story are my own and in no way represent the owners of this site. This story subject to copyright law under transformative use. No compensation is made for this work.


Harry took a deep breath and swallowed slowly, gazing warily at the festivities behind the tall crooked house.

…her tall crooked house.

He didn’t move as he heard the pops of Ron and Hermione apparating behind him. As if drawn by the aromas of the food Molly Weasley was sure to be concocting, Ron instantly began to stumble across the field; Hermione, however, paused at Harry touching his elbow and giving him a comforting smile.

“Come on,” she said gently.

Harry mussed his unruly black hair and shook his head slightly, but with the same air of courage and resolve he had carried when they destroyed the horcrux hidden in Helga Hufflepuff’s medallion, he followed her lead.

They seemed to reach the party far sooner than Harry had expected, his mind far more engaged in other matters than where his feet fell. Molly was causing and resolving chaos in the kitchen, as per usual, though today her level of stress and giddiness alike seemed to be heightened by the excitement of the day. For one day she could create a feast in the kitchen, and marry off her first son with happy thoughts of tiny crimson haired grandchildren in the future; for one day she would do everything in her power to ignore the shadow that had begun to block out all light, all happiness from their lives.

“Oh hello dears!” she cried out, ducking as a loaf of bread flew across the room on its own, landing with a soft thud in a basket on the counter. She hurried over to them, wiping her floury hands on her apron, and giving them each a quick kiss on the cheek and ruffling Harry’s already messy hair affectionately. “Well hurry along and clean up now; I haven’t the time or the mind to tell you twice. You’ve got a few hours to rest before you have to be out there and I have to finish the food for the reception before I clean up myself. Off you go now…” and without a backward glance she scurried back over to the sink where various pots and pans were banging against one another, sloshing soapy water everywhere.

Glad to be away from the bedlam, they hurried up the stairs to shower and put on the dress robes Molly had laid out for them. Hermione and Ron took their turns first and as Harry sat on Ron’s bed, he tried to set his determination. He had made up his mind and he would stand by his decision; for her. He knew he would not survive if she was taken, hurt, killed…

“Your turn mate,” said Ron cheerily, shaking his great red mane and disrupting Harry’s poignant thoughts.

“Right. Thanks,” muttered Harry, slowly making his way to the shower.

Ron started to open his mouth then seemed to change his mind, but as Harry turned to close the bathroom door he spoke, his voice low and slow, “She understands, you know. She’s not angry.”

Harry slowly raised his eyes, a sad half smile playing on his features, “I know. That’s what makes it even harder.”

* * *

Harry sat next to Hermione, a stolid and silent figure while she marveled at the beauty around them. It wasn’t just the decorations, the stunning flowers and bows which turned the backyard of the Burrow into a fairyland, it was the atmosphere. So many smiling people in one place had not been seen, nor even imagined, for many months now. It was a joyous occasion, a wedding, and they were all relishing in the happiness of each other.

The music started up and Hermione straightened eagerly in anticipation. She smiled happily at Bill, Charlie, and Ron standing up front, all sharing their father’s Weasley smile. Bill, upon Fleur’s insistence they were sure, had decided it wise not to include Fred and George in the actual ceremony, instead there were reception festivities left to their own, unique, imaginations. Hermione tapped Harry earnestly and he slowly followed her gaze as Gabrielle glided gracefully down the aisle. She looked more like her older sister than Harry remembered, the Veela blood much more evident than it had been years before when he had saved her in the Triwizard Tournament. Still floundering in his own mind, Harry remained slightly impassive to the whole affair, even as the guests, the male half in particular, gave an appreciative sigh.

“Oh…” sighed Hermione sweetly, and Harry turned at the sound, but found she was not watching Gabrielle, but looking again at the end of the aisle again. Harry glanced up indifferently and then turned again quickly blinking in surprise.

He had expected to feel that feeling that only she could bring, that feeling of happiness, and desire, and slight anxiety all at once, but he had not expected his heart to suddenly plummet to the pit of his stomach.

There was Ginny, and she was lovelier than ever. Her rich, crimson hair was shining vibrantly, the sun bringing out the fire and gold hidden in its folds. Her pale bridesmaid dress flattered her small figure well, and her eyes shone brightly in joy for her brother. She was smiling sweetly, her eyes locked with the older brother she so admired, but it was as if Harry’s very being, his sadness and longing called out to her. Her eyes were drawn to his. For a moment the world seemed to stop around them, and her smile faltered for a second, but she took a deep breath and nodded her head ever so slightly at him, before pulling her eyes to Hermione and giving her a quick wink. By the time she looked up she was once again beaming.

Everyone stood reverently as Fleur came into view, but Hermione had to tug on Harry’s arm before he too followed suit. His eyes were still soaking in the sight of her, the radiance of the girl he loved so deeply.

Fleur was, as always, breathtaking, though somehow her joy seemed to cause her beauty to outdo even its’ usual self; Molly was sobbing into Arthur’s shoulder, and someone had managed to threaten the twins loudly enough or frequently enough that there were no disruptions from Weasley’s Wizarding Wheezes. Harry was little less than oblivious to all this; his eyes were entranced by seeing her again after these few months away. She, however, managed to divert hers for the entire service, except for one moment…

“Do you Bill, take this woman to be your lawfully wedded wife? To have and to hold, from this day forward, for better or worse, for richer or poorer, in sickness and health to love and to cherish, till death do you part?”

Bill smiled adoringly into Fleur’s eyes, “I do.”

Harry’s eyes burned.

“And do you Fleur, take this wizard to be your lawfully wedded husband…”

For the first time Ginny’s brilliant smile faltered, and her eyes dropped to her bouquet of flowers…

“…To have and to hold, from this day forward…”

…and then finally found his.

“…for better or worse…”

She bit her lip. For better or worse. Harry drank in her brown eyes, the sweet curves of her face. In that moment they were connected. It pulled at his heart to see in her eyes that her feelings remained unchanged, and he knew she could see the same in him.

“…for richer or poorer, in sickness and health to love and to cherish, till death do you part?”

“I do,” murmured Fleur, gazing lovingly at Bill.

And then the moment was gone. Ginny blinked and shook her head ever so slightly and once again she watched as the happy couple promised their lives to one another. She only hesitated a moment before regaining her smile once again, but Harry could see what he doubted anyone else could, that it took determination to keep it so bright, her heart was not as light as she tried to let on.

“By the power invested in me by the Wizengamot and the Grand Mugwump, I now pronounce you wizard and wife. You may kiss the bride.”

* * *

The reception was filled with dancing, laughter, and music, though it was a wonder anyone could dance at all with the amount of Molly’s delicious dinner they had all devoured. Ginny and Ron sat with the wedding party, so Harry and Hermione had found spots with Fred and George, assuming it was probably the safest place if there were to be any pranks, as the twins would be sure to spare their fancy dragon-hide coats from any dangerous mischief. Harry tried his best to ignore the ache in his heart, to laugh and enjoy himself with the others, and while he did manage to pay attention to the conversation, and joke with the twins now and then, he couldn’t stop himself from glancing up at her periodically throughout the meal. Once the sky had grown dark and the dancing started up he felt more alone than ever, as Ron, finally done eating, came to claim Hermione’s hand, and even the Weasley twins found girls to spin around the floor.

With a sigh, Harry half-heartedly stood and crept away from the merriment, then with no real plan of action to guide him, let his feet lead him, till he found himself in the Weasley’s Quidditch pitch near the broom shed. But of course, his one attempt to be alone, to clear his mind of her face for even just a moment was thwarted, for there she was, in the sky where she belonged, amid the glistening stars.

In an especially Harry-esque manner he gaped her silently, before realizing he had to say something. She was still soaring high above, unaware that her sanctuary had been disturbed. Moving by instinct, he nicked a broom from the shed and climbing on for the first time in ages, felt the cool wind against his face, bringing a small sense of tranquility to his thundering heart. He followed her lead and flew next to her before she realized he was even there.

She blinked at him for a moment before giving him a genuine smile, and then waited for him to begin.

He tried to find his voice, but he seemed to have left it on the ground far below.

Once it was clear he couldn’t find any words she smiled again.

“Beautiful ceremony,” she stated calmly.

Harry gave a weak smile and then shook his head slightly in frustration as she looked back towards the reception, as his entire vocabulary seemed to have vacated his body momentarily.

He cleared his throat, “Er… yeah.”

They flew in silence again for a while; it was strange how he could feel so right with her, yet so tense, as every fiber of his being was crying out to tell her he didn’t mean it, he couldn’t do it.

“School should be starting soon,” she said carefully, weighing his reaction.

“Yeah,” he sighed, “yeah I know.”

He glanced at her and then back at the sky in front of him, straining his eyes as if to see what lay before them, yet truly searching for strength. It was ironic after hours of not being able to take his eyes off of her that once he was finally with her, it was hard just to look at her, for with each second near her, the desire to take back all he had said, to hold her in his arms again grew stronger.

Slowly, he descended to the ground, hopping off his broom and tossing it lightly on the ground before sitting himself, pulling at the tall blades of grass. In a moment she was beside him again.

“We’ll go back, but only for a week or two for research.”

“Harry,” she said quietly, as she placed her hand on his.

He closed his eyes tightly savoring her touch, but then suddenly shook his head, “I can’t…” He pulled his hand out from under hers and stood, his back to her, his heart pounding wildly in his chest, for the touch of her hand alone was nearly enough to break his resolve.

He heard her take a long calming breath before standing and turning his shoulders to face her.

He couldn’t bear to look at her, to see in her eyes the hurt he caused and to then have to restrain the longing to comfort her again.

Ginny sighed and gently stroked his cheek with her hand, as a single tear trailed down her perfect cheek.

“I know, Harry,” she said softly.

She rested her hands on his chest and leaned forward and then back, as if a battle was raging within her very being, before finally rising up on her tiptoes, to kiss him quickly on the lips. She lingered for a moment, their faces only inches apart, and as his head swam in both ecstasy and pain, she whispered, her hot breath tickling his ear, “For better or worse, Harry, wherever you are, my love will always be with you.”

He finally raised his glistening green eyes to meet hers, and after a moment she lowered herself down, and with a last, painful teary smile she turned and pulled herself away from him. She would respect his wishes, what he thought he must do, and she would wait for him. That was what her kiss had told him. But as he watched the distance between her small figure and his own slowly grow, he couldn’t let her just walk away.

“Gin,” he called out suddenly, his voice croaking slightly with caught up emotion.

She stopped, and slowly turned. Tears stained her rosy cheeks, but standing in the moonlight there was a certain calmness to her, as if the light from the moon showed the very courage radiating from her soul.

“Till the day I die.”

She looked down at the ground, tears now falling freely, but looked up again wish a weary smile. She nodded her head quickly before turning and quickly striding away.

He stood motionless watching her leave, and though his heart burned, he knew what he had to do.

* * *

War may sometimes be a necessary evil*— sometimes those with brave hearts must sacrifice for the good in the world, for the love they know. Wars tear loved ones apart, steal those we care about from us, and break our hearts with each passing moment they live on. But it takes those with courage, with valor, to fight against the evils in the world, to bring back to us the ones we so dearly love. For if you can survive it, if you can destroy the evil plaguing the world, you can return home.

With a heavy heart, Harry continued on; he fought the dark forces that threatened the good he had learned of the world, and with her words ever echoing in his mind, he found the strength he needed to conquer those who had separated him from the one he loved.

For better or for worse…my love will always be with you.

*quote by Jimmy Carter

This is my first fanfic since hbp so i feel a little rusty. I've been wondering how Harry will handle seeing Ginny all dolled up at the wedding, and this was just a guess as to how it might go. I don't think harry will break his resolve quite so soon as the wedding but there must be some drama there, and the poor boy will come to his senses... eventually...

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