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Dirty Little Secret

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Category: Post-HBP
Characters:Harry/Ginny, Hermione Granger, Remus Lupin, Ron Weasley
Genres: Action/Adventure, Comedy, Fluff, Humor
Warnings: Sexual Situations
Rating: R
Reviews: 11
Summary: *** The author has been reminded via the e-mail address on file that this story is listed as incomplete and has not been updated since 2005 ***

Year six has ended and the summer is here. Now Harry is trying to fullfill his destiny as the chosen one...without hurting the ones he loves.
Hitcount: Story Total: 3831


Harry had only been at the Burrow for a week, and everything was already getting thrown out of proportion. When Harry had told Ron and Hermione that he would not be returning to school the next year, they told him that they would stay by his side through everything. But when Ron told Mrs. Weasley about his plan to stay with Harry, she forbids it.
"But Mum!" Ron yelled. "Harry is my best mate and I’m not about to let him go by himself!"
"Absolutely NOT Ronald!" Mrs. Weasley yelled
"Well too bad, I’m going with him anyways!"
Mrs. Weasley stared at her son in disbelief.
"GO-TO-YOUR-ROOM!" She bellowed.
Harry followed Ron up to the top of the house to his bedroom.
"Ron really, its ok. I’ve done enough by myself, I can do this too."
"Oh don’t be thick" Ron said plopping onto his bed
Harry sat on his cot and looked up at the ceiling. He had already figured out almost all of the Horcrux's: The locket, Hufflepuffs cup, and Possibly nagini. And the Diary and the Ring had been taken care of. He just needed to figure out the last one...and kill voldemort himself.
And yet, through all this, there was still something else on his mind, something he couldn’t stop thinking about, something-
"What was mum yelling about?" Ginny asked from the doorway.
"She wont let me go fight you-know-who with Harry"
"Well, if you were planning on fighting him you might as well learn to say his name properly." She said sitting on the end of Harry’s cot.
god she’s beautiful he thought. He hated how he couldn’t be with her just because he was 'The Boy who lived'. She looked over at him and smiled, and he felt his stomach tighten.
"Potter, put your eyes back into your head" Ron said covering his face with a pillow "its disgusting"
"Oh please!" laughed Ginny, "We all see the way you look at H-"
Just then there was a small pop in the corner of the room and Hermione appeared
"The was he looks as who?" she asked setting her suitcase down
"The was Ronald looks at Harry. We all know they are secretly in love."
"Now THATS disgusting!" Harry said throwing his pillow at Ginny.
Their eyes locked and it seemed like they were starring at each other for eternity. He could never get tired of looking into those eyes, it made him melt a little inside every time he did
"DINNER!" Mrs. Weasley shouted up the stairs
"I’m going to get washed up- Tell mum where I am Ron" Ginny said leaving the room ever so gracefully.
Harry looked up and saw Hermione smirking at him.
"Oh Shut up!" he laughed
"I do believe the boy who lived is blushing" she said coming over to hug him.
"Its good to see you 'Mione" he said, still half laughing
"You too Harry" she said
And with that...the three best friends walked downstairs to dinner.

******************************* ************

Once dinner was finished, everyone (Harry Hermione Ron Ginny Mrs. Weasley and Lupin) all sat around sipping on coffee and chatting.
“Now Molly, where is Arthur tonight?” Lupin asked
“Oh he’s at the office. Ever since Dumbledore died some strange things have been happening.”
“Yes, well, I think we all figured that might happen.”
“Where is Tonks tonight Remeus?” She asked
“I think she’s out helping Mundungus with god knows what.”
The kids had all been sitting around the table bored out of there minds listening to Mrs. Weasley and Lupin make small talk. Harry was just thinking about asking to be excused when Lupin said,
“Harry, I think we should start discussing your plans. I want you to know that the order will help you in any way that you need it.”
“Thanks Professor, that means a lot.”
“Please, Harry, call me Remeus.”
“Alright Professor, I-I mean Remeus.”
Everyone laughed
“Now Harry, seriously, what are you planning to do?”
“Well, I figure I’ll go back to the Dursley’s for a little while, because before Dumbledore died he told me to return before my 17th birthday. And then after that I’ll start trying to find all the Horcrux’s. Hermione has been helping me out a lot by figuring out where they might be located.”
“Oh Harry, you just reminded me!” Hermione chimed in “I will be going with you for sure. My mum told me it was a very noble thing for me to be doing, helping out my best friend with something as extreme as this.”
“See!” Ron yelled, “Sheds allowed to go! Why can’t I?”
“RONALD! We are done with this conversation.” Mrs. Weasley said sternly.
“Now Molly.” Lupin said calmly “I think it would be a very good idea to let Ron go. He’s a very bright wizard and he has been through a lot with Harry already. We are going to need all hands on deck.”
Mrs. Weasley sat silently starring at Remeus.
“I-I just can’t believe this is actually happening.” She whispered, “Ron, I just don’t want anything to happen to you.”
“Mum, ill be fine.” Ron assured her
The room has gone completely silent except for Mrs. Weasley’s cries.
“I’m really sorry about all of this.” Harry said softly. “I wish I could help this, really I do, But…I can’t.”
“I want to fight” A small voice from the end of the table chimed in
“What was that dear?” Mrs. Weasley asked sweetly.
“I said I want to-“
“No!” Harry yelled
“I wasn’t asking you I was asking my mum!” Ginny screamed
“Ginny you are NOT fighting” He yelled back at her, knocking over his coffee in rage.
“You have no right telling me what I can and cannot do!” She said with angry tears streaming down her face.
“What so special about Ron and Hermione? Huh? Why do they get to help you?”
“Ginny I already told you! It’s just- I can’t! We can’t! I-“
But Ginny was already running up the stairs. He hears her slam her bedroom door and whispered
Nobody said a word. They all just sat their and stared at him. Hermione had a look of concern on her face, and Ron’s expression could easily be distinguished as “Your quite right she’s not fighting!” Mrs. Weasley obviously was very confused about why Harry had said that to Ginny. But Lupin had a different look on his face…he was…smiling.
“Harry,” Lupin said
“What?” Harry snapped
“Your more like your father then you will ever know.”
Reviews 11

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