
SIYE Time:16:47 on 1st December 2024
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The Time of Destiny
By Abraxan

Category: Buried Gems, Post-OotP
Genres: Action/Adventure, Fluff, General
Warnings: Death, Sexual Situations, Violence
Story is Complete
Rating: R
Summary: Sequel to "The Refiner's Fire." Harry Potter returns to Privet Drive for the last time, prior to his Seventh Year at Hogwarts. Much to the Dursley's surprise, Remus is going to stay with him due to a head injury Harry received on the train. The Dursleys are not happy with this situation, as you can well-imagine. This fic covers both the summer before Harry's seventh year, and his entire last year at school. Canon-based with some OC. Ships, for those who care: H/G, R/H, R/T
Hitcount: Story Total: 593385
Awards: View Trophy Room



1. The Heart of the Problem by Abraxan
14904 words, updated on 2006.04.22 [Reviews - 34] starstarstarstarstar

2. The Life and Times of Harry Potter by Abraxan
20304 words, updated on 2006.04.22 [Reviews - 15] starstarstarstarstar

3. Hairy Harry and the Beetles by Abraxan
13085 words, updated on 2006.04.22 [Reviews - 11] starstarstarstarstar

4. Charmed Memories by Abraxan
17935 words, updated on 2006.04.22 [Reviews - 9] starstarstarstarstar

5. More Guilt for Harry by Abraxan
14127 words, updated on 2006.04.22 [Reviews - 5] starstarstarstarstar

6. A Variety of Cures by Abraxan
19616 words, updated on 2006.04.22 [Reviews - 5] starstarstarstarstar

7. Matters of the Heart by Abraxan
13433 words, updated on 2006.04.22 [Reviews - 10] starstarstarstarstar

8. Pleasure and Peril by Abraxan
20361 words, updated on 2006.04.22 [Reviews - 11] starstarstarstarhalf-star

9. Difficult Decisions by Abraxan
11510 words, updated on 2006.04.22 [Reviews - 12] starstarstarstarhalf-star

10. Friendships Old and New by Abraxan
14159 words, updated on 2006.04.22 [Reviews - 5] starstarstarstarstar

11. Resolutions by Abraxan
11627 words, updated on 2006.04.22 [Reviews - 10] starstarstarstarstar

12. All Kinds of Learning by Abraxan
11403 words, updated on 2006.04.22 [Reviews - 6] starstarstarstarstar

13. Transfigurations by Abraxan
12890 words, updated on 2006.04.22 [Reviews - 5] starstarstarstarstar

14. Transfiguration Complications by Abraxan
12333 words, updated on 2006.04.22 [Reviews - 6] starstarstarstarstar

15. Racing the Moon by Abraxan
14173 words, updated on 2006.04.22 [Reviews - 5] starstarstarstarstar

16. A Variety of Lessons by Abraxan
18180 words, updated on 2006.04.22 [Reviews - 11] starstarstarstarstar

17. The Wedding by Abraxan
12316 words, updated on 2006.04.22 [Reviews - 14] starstarstarstarstar

18. Decisions by Abraxan
13798 words, updated on 2006.04.22 [Reviews - 17] starstarstarstarstar

19. Questions by Abraxan
13314 words, updated on 2006.04.22 [Reviews - 5] starstarstarstarstar

20. Changes in the Wind by Abraxan
16404 words, updated on 2006.04.22 [Reviews - 7] starstarstarstarstar

21. The Wizard's Apprentice by Abraxan
20374 words, updated on 2006.04.22 [Reviews - 21] starstarstarstarstar

22. Memories by Abraxan
12083 words, updated on 2006.04.22 [Reviews - 16] starstarstarstarstar

23. Merlin's Solution by Abraxan
16353 words, updated on 2006.04.22 [Reviews - 9] starstarstarstarstar

24. The D.A. Tournament by Abraxan
18571 words, updated on 2006.04.22 [Reviews - 16] starstarstarstarstar

25. Everlasting Sleep by Abraxan
15321 words, updated on 2006.04.22 [Reviews - 9] starstarstarstarstar

26. Consequences by Abraxan
19113 words, updated on 2006.04.22 [Reviews - 16] starstarstarstarstar

27. Quidditch, Anyone? by Abraxan
21201 words, updated on 2006.04.22 [Reviews - 19] starstarstarstarhalf-star

28. Patterns by Abraxan
15229 words, updated on 2006.04.22 [Reviews - 15] starstarstarstarstar

29. Death and Destruction by Abraxan
16880 words, updated on 2006.04.22 [Reviews - 13] starstarstarstarstar

30. The Time of Destiny by Abraxan
25893 words, updated on 2006.04.22 [Reviews - 21] starstarstarstarstar

31. Harry Lends a Hand by Abraxan
22437 words, updated on 2006.04.22 [Reviews - 18] starstarstarstarstar

32. The Torch is Passed by Abraxan
22529 words, updated on 2006.04.22 [Reviews - 19] starstarstarstarstar

33. The Last Hurrah by Abraxan
13329 words, updated on 2006.04.22 [Reviews - 14] starstarstarstarstar

34. New Beginnings by Abraxan
16876 words, updated on 2006.04.22 [Reviews - 23] starstarstarstarstar

35. Epilogue - Part 1: The Post-Hogwarts Years by Abraxan
13884 words, updated on 2006.04.22 [Reviews - 11] starstarstarstarstar

36. Epilogue - Part 2: Back At Hogwarts Again by Abraxan
32833 words, updated on 2006.04.22 [Reviews - 60] starstarstarstarstar

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