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By Little Willy

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Category: Post-OotP
Characters:All, All, Harry/Ginny
Genres: Action/Adventure, Comedy, Fluff, Humor
Warnings: None
Rating: PG
Reviews: 2
Summary: *** The author has been reminded via the e-mail address on file that this story is listed as incomplete and has not been updated since 2005 ***

Co-written by CHITTY. Deals with the story of Harry after OOTP. Starts with how Harry tries to deal with Sirius’s death. Also there is a surprise element in the story. Read and find out the sixth year of Harry from our view point. Please review. This is our first attempt of witting a fan faction.
Hitcount: Story Total: 2901



It was morning time. Cold breeze was blowing. Slowly the sun was raising and due to the raise of sun the drops on the leaves were shining. The whole of the Privet Drive was asleep except for one. People of Privet Drive preferred to stay in houses to protect themselves from the heat. There was a usual scene in NO- 4 Privet Drive. Uncle Vermon was reading the newspaper. Aunt Petunia was preparing breakfast and Dudley was busy watching T.V.
There was only person in the house who was not bothered about anything that happened in the world. The room was dark even though the first raise of the sun came inside. Harry Potter was sitting near the window in the darkness in such a way that he was not seen at all but those who noticed him would definitely be scared. He is taller then he was in his fifth year but with the same black messy hair, which he inherited from his father through which the scar was clearly visible. He was wearing the same round glasses. Behind those glasses his brilliant emerald eyes were clearly seen which he inherited from his mother. Harry was wearing a T-shirt, which was not of his size and a trouser, which was of his cousin Dudley.
Harry had dark circles under his eyes because he was unable to sleep as whenever he closed his eyes his Godfather’s face came in front. Harry got up from there and went to his bed thinking again about the incident that happened last year. He was thinking about how he led all his friends into danger and how he fell in tape of Voldemote due to which his godfather Sirius had come to save him and fell in the vile. Even if his books lay open in front of him he was busy in his thoughts. At that moment his only friend in Privet Drive, Headwig, came in his room but he didn’t notice her. It was her hoot, which brought him back to the real world. Harry stroked her gently and she pecked his finger affectingly. Harry was once again lost in his thoughts about the conversation he had with his aunt. That day was as same as the present. Harry was sitting in the same position and as usual thoughts when someone knocked on the door. He opened the door and saw his aunt standing there. Aunt Petunia spoke “Harry come for the breakfast”. Harry replied, “I am not in a mood to eat the breakfast” and was about to shut the door but at the same moment Petunia caught the door and came inside his room. His room was still dark. Petunia switched on the light of his room and sat beside Harry and asked him politely with a concerned look on her face “what’s the matter Harry”. Harry replied, “It’s nothing aunt”. Petunia in that same concerned tone said “Harry I really care for you. After you came back from your school Remus wrote to me about what happened last year and also told me that you were very depressed on the death of Sirius. I may not be your mother but I always care for you ”. Harry questioned his aunt “Did you really care for me?” His Aunt replied, “Harry when your small, the situation was different and now the situation is completely different. I always loved you; I will be loving you and will love you. You just remember you’re past years of your school. You always survived from all the difficulties.” After a little thought Harry replied, “that’s because of the love of my mother and father and all my friends.” There was silence for a while only the interruption was the voice of the T.V. The long silence was broken when once again Harry’s Aunt spoke “Harry I can understand how you are feeling but life goes on. At first it was very difficult for me to deal with the sorrow of the death of my loving sister, Lilly but did I stop living? No, but I continued living. The loss of loved ones is painful but one has to face it and move on with life.” Days passed by after this brief conversation between Harry and his aunt but even then he remained as he was.
Infact, the only change that can be clearly noticed that his dark circles were becoming darker. One afternoon while Harry was trying to do some work so as to divert his mind three owls zoomed into his room. So he set aside his work and saw the owls. One was a handsome, tawny owl who seemed to be very pleased with his work and considered himself above all other. Another was a female who was calm and appeared to be of a very bossy nature who believed not to showoff. The third one was a rather noisy one. It was a small owl who appeared to be like a fluffy snitch. He at once recognised the third owl. It was from his friend Ron Weasley. He went quickly and took off their burden and immediately the first and second one took off. He saw four letters, which were from Hagrid, Remus, Ron and Hermione. He took the letter, which was from Hagrid and opened it. Inside it was written:
Dear Harry,
How are you? I hope that you are fine. Well I am fine. And you know I have great news for you. Know what buckbeak is again back in Hogwarts. Isn’t it great? You know he was so excited to see me.

Do you remember my stepbrother gwarp? Well Dumbledore came to know about him. He called me one morning and scolded me for not telling about him. It was really awful. I never thought that bringing him like that would create such problem.

One last thing I want to say that is I really miss you Harry and I want to tell you that, although it is prohibited to say, there is guard duty on you. So probably we will meet soon.

P.S: may be I will come to meet you next Monday if any one allows me.
Even if Harry didn’t wanted to laugh he couldn’t help it. Hagrid’s letters were as always cheerful and made Harry a little happy. The second letter was from Remus another friend of Harry’s father. Harry was a bit confused whether to read Remus’s letter or not because he could not bear to read Sirius’s name. After a long thought he opened the second letter.
Dear Harry,

How are you? I am fine and hope the same with you. Harry by now you have come to know that there is guard duty on you that’s because Hagrid must have informed you.
Harry during the last few days Tonks and I have been dating and two days back I proposed to her and thanks to you Harry for helping me out.

Harry I have been waiting from a long time for your letters but didn’t get it, so I was a bit worried about you. Harry if you want to send me letters you just inform them and they will find me and deliver me your letters as my living place is not yet fixed. I would also like to inform that if I am on the guard duty next week then I will come and visit you. Please wait for me. More in the next letter till then bye Harry.

P.S: Harry please do keep an eye on the things happening around you and also on the Daily Prophet. Please do reply soon. I will be waiting for your letters.
Harry was very happy for Remus and at the same time thought how he helped Remus in proposing to Tonks. There ware to letters left to be opened, which came from his two best friends from his school. Harry was now holding both the letters. He decided to open Ron’s letter but at the same moment Harry’s cousin Dudley came inside his room and said “Harry come for the lunch”. Harry told Dudley “I will eat my lunch afterwards”. On hearing this Dudley took Harry’s hand took him down for lunch. The other two letters remained unopened.

(A/N):- This our first attempt of writting a fan fiction. so please do review us. this story differ from hbp as it is from our view point how hbp could have been. please r/r.
Reviews 2

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