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Pick Up the Pieces
By heart_of_a_lion

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Category: Post-HBP
Characters:Harry/Ginny, Hermione Granger, Ron Weasley
Genres: Songfic
Warnings: Sexual Situations
Story is Complete
Rating: R
Reviews: 7
Summary: Though Ginny seemed unperturbed by Harry telling her he couldn't see her anymore, it changed her. Will Harry be able to convince her that he had made a mistake? Probable one-shot, but maybe another chapter later. For now, it's comleted. Rated R just in case.
Hitcount: Story Total: 5710


Title: Pick Up the Pieces
Warnings: Song fanfiction/possible scenes of sexual nature later in the story/some strong language
Disclaimer: J. K. Rowling is the author of Harry Potter, and she owns him and everything assosiated with it. I am merely borrowing him.

This song is called Pick Up The Pieces, and is used throughout the song. It is by a Canadian singer called Alexz Johnson, and, again, it isn’t mine.

Author's Note: Three weeks jump is for time reasons, and to allow the characters time to think. You may picture whatever you like in the three weeks, but i thought that Harry and Ginny needed time to think and adjust to classes before things progressed.

~*~I was a drift on an ocean all alone
You came and rescued me
When I was far from home
Rush of love around my heart
Just as I fell apart~*~

"Ginny!" Harry hailed to her, catching up as she hopped off the train. "I've been thinking about it all summer and I think we should—"

“What, Harry?” she demanded, “Try again?”

“Yes.” He was so glad that Hogwarts was not closed after all. Though he vowed never to return, he couldn’t stay away, not from his friends and, most importantly, away from Ginny.

“I know I told you over the summer,” Ginny explained calmly, “that there were no hard feelings, Harry, but the whole ‘Hero’ thing is getting old.”

“What do you mean?” he questioned pitifully.

“You—” grimacing slightly, she didn’t know quite how to answer him. “You’re too damned noble for your own good, Potter.”

“Wha—” he faltered, confused.

“Always gotta’ be the one to save the world, don’t you?” Her voice began to rise with anger. “Just as I was getting over you, just as my heart began to heal, you broke it all over again. The only reason I even went out with you was because I thought that we could be together forever, but you, apparently, thought otherwise. You kept all your secrets from me all these years, as though I wasn’t important enough for you to tell the contents of the prophecy or anything else. You waited until I was out of earshot before telling your friends, even though, after fighting at the Ministry, what happened at the end of the year, and being your girlfriend, I think I deserved to know your secrets about Voldemort and the death eaters, and the secrets about your fate.”

Harry could not think of a single thing to say to her after that. “I—” he tried, but failed. “We—”

She waited patiently for him to speak for a few more seconds, but then began to cry. “I dreamed and dreamed of you, Harry, despite myself,” sobbed Ginny. “I never loved Michael or Dean, not ever. I didn’t want to be alone anymore, and since I didn’t really love them, I didn’t mind it when it didn’t work out. But you I loved.” Harry, who had been looking into her eyes as she spoke, looked away. “Look at me, Harry.” He did as she asked. “If I ever were to date someone I loved, it had to be forever. Forever love is what I’ve dreamed of for as long as I can remember. You ruined it for me, Harry, and for that, I can never forgive you.”

With Harry looking on, tears in his eyes too, she turned on her heels and retreated to find a carriage. Realising she was right in all that she had said, he joined Hermione and Ron in their carriage. Whilst he was wondering with whom Ginny would sit, she was wondering the same thing.

“Where shall I sit?” she muttered to herself. Normally, she got off the train as quickly as she could and found a carriage for herself, allowing whomever wished to sit with her to do so. This year, though, thanks to her run in with Harry, she did not have that option. Trying to find somewhere would prove a challenge, and possibly prove an embarrassment. Just as she was about to give up the hope of spotting Luna or Neville’s carriage and sitting with them, she felt an arm circle around her waist.

Spinning around, she expected to see someone horrible behind her, like Draco, or one of her exboyfriends, but she was startled to find that it was none other than. . . . .


“Ginny, just come sit with us. I’ll explain it all later.”

Her expression was not that of anger, but it soon turned to it. “No!”

“I wasn’t asking you,” he said forcefully. Without warning, he threw her over his shoulders and carried her to the carriage, for the entire school (save the first years, taken by boat by Hagrid) to see.

“Put me down this instant, Potter,” she spat venomously. Though she struggled against him, it was futile, for all those years of quidditch training had really paid off.

“Not a chance, Ginny.” And, with that, he walked the remaining steps to Hermione and Ron, setting her on the empty seat across from them. Sliding in after her, he told her, “I let you go once, Ginny. I’m not doing it again.” His hand grasped her wrists firmly, crossing them in front of her against her lap.

“You can’t hold me against my will, Harry.”

“It’s just until we begin to move.”

“It’s for your own good, you know,” Ron opined. “I’ve seen the way you’ve been moping around these past three months. Harry made a mistake, give the bloke a break.”

“Ginny,” Hermione urged her, as Ginny struggled frantically to free herself from her captor. “Please listen to reason. I know, from my psychology books, that extreme sadness can turn to anger, and in some instances, self destruction. We shan’t allow you to go on like this.” Although not stopping her wriggling all together, she settled down just a bit. “For you, it is easier to be angry or let it roll off your shoulder rather than cry, but, it’s absolutely normal. You don’t want to forgive him because you’re afraid of being hurt again.”

Ginny wanted to scream, to make a break for it, away from the psychoanalysis being forced upon her, but Hermione’s words held her. At that point she did stop struggling altogether. Tears flowed unchecked down her pale freckled cheeks. “What is this, an intervention?”

“Of sorts,” Hermione agreed.

Ginny swiped at her wet face, but it was of no use: the tears wiped away were quickly replaced by new ones. “There, there, Ginny, it’s okay,” Harry soothed, taking her in his arms, which she allowed.

“Let it all out, Ginny,” Hermione instructed.

Ron looked at Hermione uncertainly. “D’you think . . .?”

“Yes, Ron, I think we’re intruding on their moment,” Hermione whispered back. Taking out her wand, Hermione muttered some Latin words and a temporary wall of solid brick formed between the two seats. It appeared to be soundproof, and what Ginny and Harry had done those last minutes on the journey, Hermione and Ron would never know. Ron would steal a glance at Hermione here and there, but they sat in silence the entire way, the only sign of their aloneness and feelings toward one another being their joined hands between them.

Of course, what Hermione had said was true, it all was. Ginny had transformed her sad feelings, rather than dealing with them, into anger and resentment toward Harry, telling herself that he was too noble to be a good boyfriend or, as she hoped, someday a future husband and father. However, it was all lies. She loved Harry, though she would not admit it, she would not lose her heart again.

Harry already knew she loved him, why else would she wait so long? She seemed to still be waiting, though she denied it, for someone to pick up the pieces.

Nobody ever cared as much for me (as much for me)
Nobody's touched my heart and healed my pain
You've picked up the pieces and put me back together again~*~

He would help her through all she had gone through these years, most of it because of him. Harry had broken her heart, and, unwittingly, his own.

“I’m sorry,” he told her, kissing her hair.

~*~Ooo ya
Careful, we're fragile and easily we break
In your arms I'm certain
It's all the love we make
Rush of love around my heart
Just as you take my hand

Nobody ever cared as much for me (as much for me)
Nobody's touched my heart and healed my pain
You've picked up the pieces and put me back together again~*~

Three weeks later, Ginny and Harry found themselves kissing against the wall next to where the room of requirement sometimes came into view.

“I need a place for us to talk, to sit so I can apologize correctly,” Harry spoke inside his head.

A door, just as expected, formed next to them, creaking open invitingly. “Come on, Ginny, we need to talk,” he said breathlessly, taking her by the hand and leading her into the room.

The room was beautiful, decked out in scarlet and gold, but instead of a pair of chairs or maybe a sofa, there stood a four poster bed with velvet scarlet curtains, a scarlet comforter with gold accents, and golden sheets and pillows. The only other things in the room were a vanity and mirror and a wardrobe in the other courner, all made of dark wood to match the bed.

He hadn’t meant to take her to a bedroom, and to communicate this to her, he announced, “I wonder why it formed this place, I had only wished for a nice sitting room . . .”

“It’s okay, Harry, it’s nicer this way; cozier, like. It sure is a pretty room.” Sitting upon the soft bed mattress, patting the spot beside her to instruct Harry to sit also.

As he did, he continued the apology he had begun a few weeks ago but were too busy to finish: “I never told you my secrets, Ginny, because I didn’t want you to feel sorry and care more about me. If anything happened to me, you had already seemingly forgotten any feelings for me you had and I wanted to keep it that way, thus you would not be nearly upset if I were to perish in the final battle with Voldemort.” It was almost as if this were a completely different person from when she was young and had her crush on him, for the young Ginny would have flinched or been taken aback by the utterance of Voldemort’s name, however she stood still, staring lovingly at her Harry.

“Harry, I figured all this out,” she dismissed patiently.

“No, you need to hear it. I did love you, Ginny, and I never stopped loving you when we split up, I just couldn’t take a chance. I realize, now, though, that emotional pain can be almost as horrible as physical pain, or perhaps even death. I would never inflict that pain on you on purpose. I see now, also, that my efforts to keep you out of danger were not well placed, because you would be endangered already for being my best friend’s only sister, for being my friend, for helping me in fifth and sixth year to fight off death eaters and such, and, of course, for being possessed already by Voldemort. You were already a target, and being my girlfriend would not put you in much more danger than you already are, which is a lot, so I’d rather have you close where I can protect you. Besides, I think Voldemort already suspected I loved you, even before I myself did.”

“And the fact that I love you as much as I do means I’ll fall into traps easier, making you to come rescue me. You’ve got damsel-in-distress syndrom, you’re always there to save the day.”

He smiled at her. “I will always save you, Ginny. You saved me.”

“How so?”

“You brought me to life that day I kissed you for the first time, changed my life forever. You woke me up from a sad and lonely dream. Whilst I still have demons to face, I am not alone in doing so. True, I always had Hermione and Ron, Fred and George and your parents, Hagrid and Neville and Dumbledore, plus your friendship, but you opened a part of my heart that had never felt love, even for those people I cared about most.”

“But surely you felt it with Cho . . .” she disagreed.

“No. Cho was a crush, you are my life.”

“Oh, Harry, you don’t know how many times I wished for you to say such things to me.” Caressing his cheek, she gazed into his gorgeous ice green eyes. Leaning back on the pillows, he guided her into his arms. “The stars must have been listening when I told them how much I longed to be in your arms like I am now.”

~*~I'll write you name in
Stars across the sky (stars across the sky)
We'll drift away in
To each others eyes~*~

After that, words seemed to fail them as they became lost in a whirl of kisses and passion. Two hearts became one that night, while everyone else lie asleep in their own beds. Ginny and Harry would no longer wonder what it would be like to be in this moment, in love with one another so much that nothing could take away the memory of when they shared themselves with one another. Voldemort could take away the lives of all they knew, all the riches they aquired, all the other good things they might have, but he could not make it so that this moment had not happened; no one could take away how much they cared, perhaps all along.

Nobody ever cared as much for me (as much for me)
Nobody's touched my heart and healed my pain
You've picked up the pieces and put me back together again~*~

The pieces of the puzzle had been fit together perfectly. They didn’t need elaborate plans to find their way to one another, all they needed was to admit what in their hearts they already knew. She had been broken, made that way by her possession and by being ignored all her life, him by all the death and destruction, but together they would pick up the pieces and put them back together again.

Nobody ever cared as much for me (as much for me)
Nobody's touched my heart and healed my pain
You've picked up the pieces and put me back together again~*~

Reviews 7

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