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After the Girls Night Out
By Rosebeth

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Category: Summer Challenge (2005-4)
Genres: Fluff, Drama
Warnings: Sexual Situations
Story is Complete
Rating: PG-13
Reviews: 14
Summary: BETA'D AND REPOSTED. After Ginny's bachelorette party Harry has to get her out of jail.
Hitcount: Story Total: 6772


Disclaimer: Harry and his world don’t belong to me. Oh well.

A/N: A huge thanks to my beta Cliodne for her last minute help.

I know there is another bachelorette party story in response to this challenge, but I didn't read any challenge stories until my story was written. Any similarity to any other story is completely unintentional.


Harry Potter had finally drifted to sleep despite the absence of his fiancée Ginny Weasley. He missed her warmth and soft skin during the night. In two days’ time, she will become his wife, which is why she wasn’t there to cuddle with him now. Hermione, Tonks, and Luna decided she needed a bachelorette party and to be sequestered away from Harry until the day of the wedding.

The women headed off to muggle London to go club hoping, leaving Harry to his own devices. Since his own stag party was scheduled for the following night he didn’t object, and he kept himself busy by working late. In the early morning hours, Harry was soundly sleeping when his mobile phone rang.

Nearly jumping out of his skin, he answered the phone with a breathless, “hello.”

“Harry. Harry, help me.”

“Ginny, love, what’s wrong?”

“I’m in jail, you need to come and get me.”

Harry sat straight up and was wide-awake. “Gin this isn’t funny.”

“I’m not joking,” she said in a serious tone. “I’m in muggle London, downtown. Please hurry.”

“I’m on my way.”

He jumped out of bed, quickly dressed and apparated to the police department. As an auror he knew where Ginny was because he often had cases that overlapped into the muggle world. Kingsley Shacklebolt, Harry’s boss and head of the department of Magical Law Enforcement, saw Harry’s muggle upbringing as an asset. Harry was granted the rank of Inspector with the muggle police.

When Harry arrived at the station the sergeant on duty was someone Harry didn’t know.


“Sergeant, I’m here to collect Ginny Weasley.”

The officer didn’t know whom Harry was referring to, and had to sort through his paperwork. When he found the report on Ginny he smirked.

“Oh, the feisty redhead. She’s . . .”

“My fiancée, and it would do you well to watch your words.”

Looking appropriately contrite, the officer said, “I’m sorry inspector. I didn’t realize. I’ll take you to them now.”


“Yes.” The sergeant buzzed the gate for Harry to walk around the desk. Once Harry was at his side, they headed to the stairs, as the holding cell was located in the basement. “She and two friends were picked-up on drunk and disorderly charges.”

Harry groaned when they arrived at the cell, and he saw Luna and Hermione asleep on the benches with Ginny dancing around in the middle humming some song. She must have heard him as she spun around and gasped and then cried when she saw him.

The sergeant opened the cell door and Ginny ran into Harry’s arms sobbing. “Harry. Harry. I love you.”

“I love you too sweetheart.”


“Yes, love.”

“We really are getting married on Saturday aren’t we?”

Harry sighed. One of the girls must have been drunk and said that Harry changed his mind. It was probably Luna because she often came up with unusual stories when she was sober, and it was much worse when she drank. To make it worse, Ginny isn’t a much better drunk. Her tough shell disappears, and she becomes very sensitive. Holding her face in his hands, he used his thumbs to wipe away her tears. Reaching his fingers, he gently tucked her vivid red hair behind her ears. Then ever so slowly he leaned in and gently touched his lips to hers.

“Ginny, my love, I promise you that on Saturday we will marry and spend the rest of our lives together.”

She said nothing but continued to sob. He pulled her close and held her head against his chest. Looking at the sergeant over Ginny’s head, he nodded, indicating that the officer should give his report.

“The three of them were spotted by officers on patrol near the Limelight. It was obvious that they were drunk, as they couldn’t stand-up straight, let alone walk. They were brought in to sleep it off. We were going to let them go in the morning.”

“I’ll make sure that they all get home.” The sergeant handed Harry the report.

“This is all the paperwork there is. We don’t enter first time drunk and disorderly charges into the system. I’ll leave them to your custody and pretend this never happened.”

“Thank you,” Harry said taking the papers. The sergeant nodded and went back to the front desk. Harry led Ginny the end of the bench where Luna was sleeping, sat her down, and kneeled before her. She stopped sobbing, but the tears continued to stream down her face. He continued to hold her hands in her lap. He softly kissed her tears and then her lips.

“Ginny, love, I have to get Hermione and Luna up, and then we can go home. Will you be all right for a moment?” She simply nodded.

Harry went to Hermione and gently shook her shoulder in an attempt to wake her. He couldn’t help but laugh softly when she mumbled, “Later, Ron, sleepy.”

“Hermione, it’s Harry, not Ron. You need to get up.”

“Harry, what are you doing here? Where’s Ron?”

Harry did laugh at this and was happy to hear Ginny giggle behind him.

“Hermione opened her eyes and looked around.

“Did you arrest me?”

With a quick glance around to make sure they were alone Harry pulled his wand out and cast three quick sobering charms on the three women. Hermione sat up and pulled her hair off of her face, although she was now sober she was still feeling sleepy.

Harry looked at Hermione with sad eyes and said, “Hermione, you’ve been my best friend for almost fifteen years. You’re like a sister to me, and the first thing you ask me is if I arrested you?”

She laughed and swatted his arm. “I’m so sorry, Harry.”

Without any effort, they woke Luna up and headed outside. As they passed the sergeant, Harry considered using and quick memory charm. But, she still would have to find the arresting officers and erase their memories as well. He had the paperwork, so he figured that should be enough.

In the night air, the three women seemed to perk up.

“You know, I heard about a new wizarding club downtown.” Luna said dreamily.

Harry and Ginny glanced at each other.

“We wouldn’t have to worry about the muggle police,” she continued. Then shot a sweet smile at Harry, “Sorry, Inspector.”

Ginny and Hermione laughed at Luna’s audacity. Harry, in his best auror voice said, “Luna, you have been released into my custody. It’s my duty to get you all home.” All three women laughed.

“Well, Inspector, take me home.” Ginny wrapped her arms around Harry’s neck and kissed him soundly. With effort, Harry broke off the kiss. Looking around he saw a cab and hailed it with his free hand behind Ginny’s back.

“Come on ladies, I’ll see you home.” With that, they got into the cab. The original plan was for Luna and Ginny to spend Thursday and Friday at Hermione’s, but Harry had no intention of that happening now. Ginny was coming home with him.

The entire ride Harry and Ginny held hands with their fingers interlaced.

“So tomorrow, while the men are out, how will keep ourselves entertained?” Luna asked.

“I’m sure we can come up with an idea or two. There isn’t much reason to deviate from the plan.” Hermione answered smiling.

Harry squeezed Ginny’s hand before saying, “I have no intention of leaving my own stag party to come get you out of jail again.”

“Oh, Inspector Potter, we promise we’ll stay out of trouble.” Hermione reassured him.

“At least we won’t get caught again,” Ginny added helpfully.

Harry hung his head and groaned. He was saved by the cab stopping in front of Hermione and Ron’s house. When they got out, Harry paid the driver and stayed on the front walk, watching the car pull away.

The women on the other hand went inside. Hermione went and poured some juice and went looking for the others. She found Luna in the sitting room flipping though one of Hermoine’s books.

“Where is Ginny?”

“I don’t know.” They conducted a brief search and found Ginny in the bathroom packing her toothbrush. “Where are you going?”

“I’m going home with Harry.” Both Luna and Hermione looked shocked.

“Ginny, I know getting arrested wasn’t part of our plan, but we can still have a good time tomorrow. We all took the day off just for this.”

“I know Hermione, but I want to spend tonight at home. I’ll be back tomorrow, and we’ll continue with the plan.”

“But, Ginny,” Luna started.

“No, Luna.” Harry said startling all three women. “It’s been a long, emotional night. I’d like Ginny with me tonight.”

Hermione started to argue with him but looked at his face. She saw his concern for Ginny and just how tired he was.

“You known Luna, maybe Ginny should go home with Harry. We can get some sleep and be ready for tomorrow.” Luna nodded. They left, bar Harry, allowing Ginny to gather her remaining items.


“I love you.” Harry wrapped his arms around Ginny and held her close. “Ready?”

She nodded against his chest. With that, he apparated them into their living room. Ginny unwrapped herself from Harry and flopped onto the sofa that was behind her.

Harry went into the study and wrote a quick note to Kingsley, telling him that he would be taking Friday off. The time had been offered to him previously, but he thought he would want the distraction of work. However, now it was four in the morning, and it didn’t look like he’d be going to sleep anytime soon. He sent Hedwig off and went back to check on Ginny.

He found her still on the sofa. She hadn’t moved at all while he wrote his letter. She was still awake but not moving, not even when he sat down next to her.

“Gin, love.” She still didn’t move, so he gently moved her so that she lay on the sofa, and he put her head in this lap. She closed her eyes and sighed as he gently stroked her hair. “Are you ready to talk?”

“Harry, I’m being very stupid.”

“You are many things, but stupid is not one of them.”

She couldn’t help but laugh. “Thank you for the sobering charm.”

“I love you Ginny.”

She shifted her position so that she was, her back looking up at Harry. Softly she touched his cheek and ran her fingers through his hair. She pulled him to her, and where she kissed him deeply and passionately. After several long moments Harry sat up and went back to stroking her hair.

“I love you Harry.”

“Please tell me what happened?”

“I really shouldn’t drink”

“I know.” They both laughed. Ginny reached for Harry’s free hand and brought it to her lips where she softly kissed it. Harry paused, stroking her hair momentarily while he enjoyed the feel of her lips on his hand.

“Ginny, you’re avoiding the subject by trying to seduce me.”

“Is it working?”


“Alright, Harry. So we were at the Limelight, which is the last place we went to. We went to dinner and stared drinking. I don’t remember how long we were drinking, but I was seriously pissed.

Luna, at some point, said that you were going to change your mind. We would go through the entire wedding, and at the last moment, you wouldn’t show or maybe you’d walk away before we take our vows.

“I know you love me. I know that you won’t abandon me at the altar. But she said it, and in my pissed state, I started to wonder. Can you forgive me?”

“There is nothing to forgive you for.”

“For doubting you.”

“Ginny, I don’t know what to say. You have done nothing wrong. We are only a few days away from our wedding, and it’s a stressful time.”

She sat up and cuddled next to him. He wrapped his arms around her and kissed the top of her head. In response she kissed his neck.

“Are you still trying to seduce me?”

“No. I just really like being close to you like this. I feel so safe.”

Harry held her closer to him. He resumed stroking her hair and enjoying the feel of it around his fingers. He had no idea how long they sat cuddled up, but at the same time, he started to drift asleep. With a small jerk, he woke up and looked at Ginny. She was softly snoozing.

“Ginny, love, wake up.” She simply cuddled closer to Harry and mumbled something that he couldn’t understand. “Come on, wake up.”

“Harry, sleepy.”

He was frustrated that he was re-living this same episode from earlier in the evening when he tried to wake Hermione. He briefly wondered how long ago that had been.

“Ginny,” Harry said forcefully.

She looked at him with an expressionless face and asked softly, “Are you arresting me, Inspector?”

He looked at her with a shocked look. A slow smile spread across her face and, he realized that she was teasing him with the same conversation between Harry and Hermione.

“All right you. It’s time for us to get to sleep.”

Standing up, she turned and offered her hand to Harry, which he gladly took. He kissed her forehead and moved her toward the bedroom. Without another word, she picked up her things and headed to the bathroom.

Later, as Harry started to drift back to sleep, he looked out the window and saw that the sun was starting to rise. He reached for his wand and shut the window coverings, keeping the room dark. Placing his wand back on the bedside table, he wrapped his arms around Ginny again. Burring his face in her hair he felt secure in their love and excitement for their upcoming wedding, and of course, their honeymoon. With a grin on his face, Harry Potter drifted to sleep.

Reviews 14

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