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I'd Wish You Were Mine
By Dianarra

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Category: Post-HBP
Characters:Harry/Ginny, Hermione Granger, Ron Weasley
Genres: Fluff, Humor, General
Warnings: None
Story is Complete
Rating: G
Reviews: 14
Summary: It's summertime at the Burrow. Harry makes a wish, but does it come true?
Hitcount: Story Total: 5732


Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter or anything in relevance to the Harry Potter Universe. Everything belongs to Ms. Rowling.

It’s not everyday you wake up next to a beautiful redheaded girl like right now. Her flowing red hair caressing your face, her lady-like fingers touching your arm, and her soft-looking freckled face looking right at yours. Her eyes are closed but yours are open, staring at her rare beauty.

The sun is out shining brightly yet its rays doesn’t seem to touch your skin or the person next to you, thanks to the tree you both are lying under. The tree sways back and forth, its loose healthy green leaves softly flowing down to the soft green grass you’re lying on.

You don’t want to move from where you’re lying, for if you do, then you’ll wake up the person sleeping right next to you. So what you do instead, is think of how you got there, lying next to the beautiful lady.

At first you forget but then you remember, am I right? The memories of yesterday slowly come back to you. And as you think of how you came to be at the place you’re at, you slowly drift off to sleep to relive the past day’s events.

~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~

I woke up awfully late today, the sun’s bright rays shining directly on my face. I groan and think of my past that still haunts me. I think of my past six years at Hogwarts and wonder how the seventh year will be and who will be missing. Then the worst thoughts come to me. Sirius and Prof. Dumbledore are dead because of me. If only I could have done something… These thoughts linger in my head until something dawns on me. Ron or Mrs. Weasley didn’t wake me up like they usually do. “I wonder why?” I silently ask myself.

I woke up today at 2 p.m. It is the first in many days of waking up to an empty room yet alone oversleep. Ron is up somewhere since his bed is empty and already made. I walk up to Ron’s mirror stand and look at myself. “Who is that?” I ask. The person standing in front of me looked thin and tall, tired but somehow full of energy. I look at the person’s face which looked unhappy, a frown but a smile seemed to be on his face, the purple circles underneath the eyes were very visible, and the scar on his forehead seemed to stick out now more than ever.

“What are you doing?” someone asks softly.

I knew whom the voice belonged to yet I still wanted to confirm if I was right. I turn around slowly and am faced with a girl a little shorter than me. She smelled of fresh lilacs mixed with something else.

“Hi, Ginny,” I say.

“Hiya, Harry,” she replies still in that soft tone. “So what were you doing?”

“Nothing really. I was just looking at myself in the mirror.”

“Oh,” she says, “Hurry and freshen up. Mum is wondering where you are.”

“I’ll be down in a few minutes,” I say while looking at her.

She blushes and turns to leave the room. But before she steps out she says, “Hermione’s here. Prepare for the bickering between her and lover boy.” She laughs and walks out, her scent still lingering in the air.


I walk down the stairs after a nice warm shower and I am crowded with a bunch of redheaded people. They weren’t crowding around me or anything. We were all just trying to get to our own little destinations at the same time.

I go into the kitchen to have the breakfast I missed out on this morning.

“Afternoon, Mrs. Weasley,” I say.

“Afternoon it is, dear,” she says smiling. “I kept your breakfast warm. Is bacon and eggs fine, dearie?”

“Yes, it is. Thank you,” I say upon receiving the plate.

“Remus will be coming to see you in a few minutes,” she says while sweeping the kitchen floor.

“Oh, he will? What for?” I ask.

“Hey mate,” Ron says as he entered the kitchen with Hermione and Ginny.

“He said he wanted to take you out to Diagon Alley for a while,” Mrs. Weasley says.

“Can’t I come?” Ron asks. “Oww, what was that for ‘Mione?”

“Don’t you remember? You, me, and Ginny are supposed to help your mum with something?” she says glaring at him.

“We are?”

“ Yes, dear. You promised you’d help de-gnome the garden.”

Then I saw the strangest thing. Mrs. Weasley winked at Ron for some reason.

“Oh yeah. That’s right. We’re supposed to help you,” Ron says placing emphasis on “help.”

“Am I missing something here?” I ask suspiciously.

“Oh nothing, Harry.”

“Just a conversation between my git of a brother and mum.”

“Just talking with mum.”

“Nothing, dear. Go on and finish your breakfast.”

Somehow I knew something was going on but I didn’t press on it. I’d eventually find out sooner or later.


Remus and I walked around in Diagon Alley. It wasn’t crowded as I had expected it to be. We decided to sit on a bench to rest our tired feet.

“So, Harry, how are you?” he asks.

“Fine,” I lie.

He gives me a strange look then turns away.

“How’s the Burrow?” he asks still not looking at me.

“Fine,” I say.

“That’s good. Don’t forget, if you need a place to stay, there’s always Grimmald Place.”

“I know.”

Then there was silence between us. Wanting to break the silence I ask, “What time is it?”

Professor looks at his watch and gasps, “7:20 p.m. We’re late.”

“Late for what?” I ask.

“Oh nothing, Harry. We have to go back to the Burrow now.”
“Do I have a curfew or something?”

“Something like that.”


Remus slowly opened the door to the Burrow and told me to go in first. I stepped in but I couldn’t see anything for the lights were off. “Remus, where’s everyone? What happened to the lights?” I ask nervously, wondering if someone kidnapped the Weasleys.”

Remus didn’t answer but instead said, “Lumos.”


I took a step back. “What’s happening?” I ask Remus.

“It’s your birthday, Harry. Did you forget?”

“It is?” I ask. Then it dawned on me. We were in the middle of summer break.

Ron, Hermione, and Ginny ran to me to give me hugs.

“Happy Birthday, Harry!,” they chorused.

“Erm, thank you guys. This was totally unexpected,” I say.

“Come, Mum wants to speak to you,” Ginny says, pulling my arm. Ron and Hermione follow, arm in arm.

While walking, I ask Ron and Hermione, “ So when did you two get together?”

They exchanged looks, and Hermione says, “Listen, Harry we were gonna tell you soon. Ron asked me out last week and-”

“It’s okay, Hermione. I’m happy for you,” I say. I really was. I knew they secretly harbored feelings for each other. “It’s about time too.”

Ron and Hermione both smile back to me. I turned to face Ginny and ask, “Did you know about them too?”

She smiles and turns her face to me. “Yeah, Hermione told me about it last week. They are truly made for each other.”

“Hello, Mum. Here’s Harry.”

“Hello, dear,” She said pulling me into her famous rib-cracking hug.
“Hello, Mrs. Weasley. Thanks for the party.” I say.

“Sorry, dear. I couldn’t help it. After all that’s happened, I just wanted you to have some fun.”

As she said those words, vivid images of Dumbledore’s death flashed before my eyes.

Mrs. Weasley, who probably saw the look in my eyes, says, “Now, let’s get the cake.”


Having everyone’s attention even if I am the boy-who-lived is something I’m still not used to. Everyone around me is singing, “Happy Birthday” from Fred and George singing off-key to Ginny singing softly but happily with the rest.

“Make a wish, dear,”someone says whom I’m pretty sure is Mrs. Weasley.

“A wish?” I ask myself. I look around me. Mrs. Weasley is standing on my left and Ron is standing on my right, across from me are Hermione and Ginny, behind them are Fred, George, Bill, Charlie and some other people I don’t recognize.

I look back down at my cake, which had seventeen lit candles, but then I glance up. I meet a pair of bright brown eyes that were staring at me curiously. I smiled and the smile was returned. Then thoughts swirled in my head until someone nudged me on the shoulder.

“Hurry up, Harry,” Ron says.

“Ronald Weasley! How dare you tell him to hurry up!? Go on, Harry dear.”

“I wish,” I thought, glancing at Ginny in front of me, “I wish you were mine.” Then I blew out the candles.


I’m outside now in the garden admiring the bright stars in the sky. I think about my wish, wondering if it will come true. Then an image comes into my mind. It was of a smiling, redheaded girl that I knew of since I was eleven years old.

“Harry?” someone asks.

I knew again who it was. Her scent of lilacs mixed with something else is floatng in the air. “Speak of the devil,” I thought. Actually she wasn’t a devil, she was an angel, but I just felt like thinking that.

I turn around and I was right. She looked absolutely pretty in her light green flower dress.

“Hi, Ginny.” I say.

“Happy Birthday, Harry.”

“Thanks. Want to walk?”

“Sure, Harry.”

There’s a slight pause between us as we admired the lovely garden and the fresh smells.

“So, how does it feel to be seventeen?” she asks me.

I smile and say, “Actually, I feel no different from whom I was when I was sixteen. I didn’t even know today was my birthday.”

“You forgot? There were a lot of clues and you didn’t notice them?” she asks.


“Yea. Didn’t you ever wonder why Ron or Mum didn’t wake you up this morning? Didn’t you take note of the nervousness in the kitchen when Ron asked if he could come with you and Lupin to Diagon Alley?”

“No.” I say smiling.

Ginny laughs at me. “What?” she asks noticing I’m staring at her.

“Nothing.” I say as I carefully placed my hand on her cheek, caressing it.

“So what’d you wish for?” she asks.

“What did I wish for?” I asked confused.

“Yeah. Your birthday wish?” she asks.

“Oh that,” I say as her words get into my head. “Can’t tell you.”

“What? Why don’t you want to tell me?” she says ever so softly that I could barely hear her.

“If I told you then it wouldn’t come true,” I say, still caressing her cheek.

“But I thought I was your friend,” she whispers with her voice cracking. She quickly walks away from me and sits under a tree.

“You are,” I said plopping down next to her. Her legs were pressed against her chest with her arms hugging them and her head rested on her knees. I glanced at her face, it was sad and hurt.

“Ginny,” I say while putting my arm around her back, “are you my friend?”

She looks up at me and says, “ Yes, but I want to be more.” Realizing she blurted out the last line, she blushed and quickly looked away.

“I do too,” I say putting my hand against her cheek and moving her face towards me so I could look into her eyes, which shined under the moonlight.

“You do?” she whispers.

“I do.” I whisper back my face inches away from hers. As I lean into her so does she and when our lips finally meet, feelings of love and bliss float in my heart.

When we finally break apart, she whispers, “Sorry about awhile ago. It’s none of my business anyways.”

“Nonsense.” I give her a peck on the lips and whisper, “Besides my wish came true.”

She smiles as do I. And we fall asleep in each others arms, thinking of each other and our future together.

~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~

You wake up to a pair of smiling brown eyes, examining you intently. You smile and give her a kiss and she asks, “Was yesterday just a dream or did it really happen?”

You smile again and say, “A little bit of both.”


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