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The Boy Who Loved
By BriannaH

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Category: Alternate Universe
Characters:Harry/Ginny, Hermione Granger, Ron Weasley
Genres: Comedy, Fluff, General
Warnings: Sexual Situations
Story is Complete
Rating: PG
Reviews: 22
Summary: It's Valentine's day, and Harry and Ginny are going out. I just borrowed the characters from J.K. Harry is in 6th year, and Ginny in 5th. This isn't based on the HBP story, so I guess it's just fluff, or whatever you may call it.
Hitcount: Story Total: 5453


Disclaimer : The characters aren't mine, and never will be.

“You ready?” Harry asked.

“Yeah, just let me go get my scarf,” Ginny called to Harry from her dorm. They were going on a trip to Hogsmeade, and since it was February 14th, it was chilly outside.

Harry grinned as Ginny came to stand beside him. “Hi,” she said simply.

“Hi,” he replied. “Have you seen Ron and Hermione? I didn’t know if they would like to leave with us.”

“Oh, they already left!” Ginny said giggling. “About an hour ago, but they wanted some privacy, and they didn’t want us teasing them.”

“Why would they think we would tease them?” Harry said jokingly.

“Oh, I don’t know. It might just be because after six years of liking each other, they are finally going out,” Ginny said grinning.

Harry chuckled. “Took us long enough, so we can’t exactly tease them can we?”

Ginny blushed, “I suppose not.”

The pair walked into Hogsmeade holding hands, Ginny leaning into Harry. “I need to stop by Honeyduke’s for a second. Wait on me?” Ginny asked.

“Why would you be going to Honeyduke’s?” Harry said smiling.

“None of your business, Harry Potter!” Ginny said playfully. “Five minutes is all I need.”

“Okay, well, I’m off to get something as well. Meet me in the Three Broomsticks?” Harry asked.

“Sure,” Ginny replied walking into Honeyduke’s. Ginny found what she was looking for along with some other things, bought them, and headed towards the Three Broomsticks.

Harry smiled when he saw her, and waved that way she knew where he was. “Butterbeer?” Harry asked.

“Yes, thank you,” Ginny answered.

“Two butterbeers,” Harry called to the Madame Rosmerta.

“I’ll give you my gifts first,” Ginny said smiling.

“Why would you give me a gift?” Harry said jokingly.

Ginny playfully hit his arm. “Because it’s Valentine’s Day!”

“Oh, I didn’t get you a gift,” Harry said trying not to grin.

Ginny stuck out her bottom lip and said, “I guess, you’ll have to share your gift with me!”

“If you insist,” Harry said laughing.

Ginny dug through her bags until she found what she was looking for. First she handed him a card.

“Is this all I get?” Harry said jokingly, before opening the card.

Ginny grinned, “This coming from someone who didn’t even get me a present?”

Harry opened the card. It said ::
His eyes are as green as a pickled toad...
Wait, I’ve already done that one before!
Happy Valentines Day, Harry!
Love, Ginny

Harry laughed. “Thanks, Gin.”

“Now for the other stuff. It’s just sweets really, but I know you have been hinting that you’ve wanted chocolate, so I got you some.”

Ginny reached back into her bag and pulled out two chocolate boxes. She handed him the first box, that had heart shaped chocolates, that she had put a charm on to say things like “Love, Ginny” or “Happy Valentines Day”.

“Thanks, Gin,” Harry said putting a chocolate heart in his mouth. “I’ve been craving some chocolate.”

“There’s some more, that I hadn’t intended on getting, but I really couldn’t resist,” Ginny said grinning. Ginny handed him chocolates shaped like lightning bolts, with an inscription saying “Feel Like A Hero Chocolates”.

“Ginny!” Harry exclaimed.

“I thought they were really funny. I really couldn’t resist!” Ginny said giggling. Harry gave Ginny a kiss on the forehead.

“Two butterbeers,” Madame Rosemerta said, handing them to Harry. Harry then handed one to Ginny. The butterbeers immediately warmed the pair up.

“Mmmm....thanks Harry,” Ginny said.

“You’re very welcome Ginny,” Harry replied. “You don’t really think I wouldn’t get you a present, did you?”

“No,” Ginny answered. “I figured you cared for me enough to at least get me some owl pellets or something.” Harry and Ginny both started laughing.

“Well, I did get you something,” Harry said, “And, I’m sorry, it’s not owl pellets.” He handed her a light pink box that said “Happy Valentines” on it.

Ginny opened the box and gasped, “Harry, you shouldn’t have!”

“If that’s you’re way of saying you don’t want it, I mean I can just take it back...” Harry said grinning.

“I love it!” Ginny held up the bracelet, and slipped it onto her wrist.

“I had Tonks enchant it for me. The stone in the middle will change to match whatever you’re wearing,” Harry said. “I’m glad you like it.”

Ginny looked at the one gem on the silver bracelet. She held it up, yep, it matched her light blue swater. She turned the gem over, to see that it had an inscription on the back. It said, “I love you.”

“Harry, I love you, too!” Ginny said kissing Harry hard on the mouth.

Harry ran his fingers through Ginny’s fiery red hair.

Ginny placed her hand on the bracelet, “I wasn’t expecting this, Harry. I wish I had gotten you something better.”

“Ginny, I have you. I don’t think there is anything better,” Harry replied sweetly.

“Oh, Harry,” Ginny said, kissing him again.

“That’s my sister, mate,” Ron said from behind Harry. Harry and Ginny jumped apart.

“I believe he knows that,” Ginny replied, looking a little disappointed at her brother making her stop kissing Harry. “I mean if he doesn’t know I’m your sister, something is wrong with him.”

Hermione giggled from behind Ron. “I like your bracelet, Ginny,” Hermione said.

“Thanks, Harry gave it to me. I like your necklace,” Ginny replied.

“Thanks, Ron gave it to me. Come on Ron,” Hermione said grabbing Ron and trying to pull him out.

“Why are you always pulling me?” Ron asked, and Hermione just ignored him grinning.

Ginny mouthed “Thank you,” to which Hermione just nodded.

“That was awkward,” Harry said smiling.

“As if he thinks you don’t know I’m his sister. I mean I’m a person, I’m not just his baby sister,” Ginny replied.

“He just views you as his baby sister, and he wants to take care of you,” Harry said.

“I think you’re doing a good job of taking care of me,” Ginny said.

“Thanks,” Harry replied smiling.

“Thanks for loving me,” Ginny said.

“Thanks for loving me back,” Harry replied, kissing Ginny.

Author’s Note :: Yeah, I just felt like writing this since I was bored. It’s my first fanfiction of any type ever. So please leave me some comments. I named it The Boy Who Loved because they call Harry The Boy Who Lived, and I just thought it would be a kind of cute title. I don’t know. Please, tell me how I can improve.
Reviews 22

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