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Caught in the Act
By Zelthian

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Category: Summer Challenge (2005-4)
Genres: Fluff, Humor
Warnings: None
Story is Complete
Rating: PG-13
Reviews: 57
Summary: ** Winner of Best Humor in the Summer Challenge **
Bill and Charlie catch Harry sleeping alone one morning... in Ginny's bed!!!
Hitcount: Story Total: 20532

Disclaimer: Harry Potter Publishing Rights © J.K.R. Note the opinions in this story are my own and in no way represent the owners of this site. This story subject to copyright law under transformative use. No compensation is made for this work.


A/N: I don't think I've ever had so much fun writing a story. I hope you have as much fun reading it as I did writing it! :),
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“Hey Harry! Wake up!”

Harry woke from his slumber, groggy and disoriented. He reached for the nightstand and came up empty. He looked to find that the nightstand was on the other side of the bed. Absentmindedly, he felt for his glasses and, finally finding them, put them on and sat up.

“Bill? Charlie? What are you doing in my room?” Harry asked, looking at his visitors in the doorway.

Bill and Charlie stood still, their gaze fixed on Harry, obviously not amused. “Your room?”

Harry started as he looked around. His memory returned to him in a rush as he realized that he was in Ginny's room, sleeping in Ginny's bed, and had just been discovered by Ginny's two oldest brothers.

Harry blushed a new shade of red. Giving in to the obvious, he sighed. “Well, there it is. You two caught me red handed.”

Bill smirked. “I'd say it's more like we caught you with your pa-”

“Good morning!” Ginny sang as she walked into the room. Harry realized she had just got out of the shower; she had one towel wrapped around her head and another, larger towel wrapped around her body. She parted her brothers forcefully and walked around the bed and gave Harry a peck on the forehead. She then turned and sat on the bed next to him.

“How did you sleep then?” she asked.

Harry smiled. “Pretty good. I was exhausted, after all. You?”

Ginny smiled and stretched out a bit. “I just couldn't stay asleep. How on earth could I?”

Harry smirked. “That bad, huh?”

Ginny chuckled. “It's okay, Harry. You can't always have it your way.”

Harry sighed. “Yeah, I guess you're right.”

“What the devil are you getting on about?” Charlie said suddenly. Harry looked over to discover that both Bill and Charlie's eyes were darting back and forth between him and Ginny with expressions of shock on their faces.

Ginny swung around on the bed and crossed her arms. “That is none of your business.”

Bill blinked. “You didn't!”

Ginny stood up, her face turning angry. “It is not for you two or anyone else to tell me what I can or can not do.”

Charlie's face turned red. “You're our little sister, and Harry’s on very good terms with us Weasleys, but this... I never thought... bloody hell...”

“You wait until mum finds out,” Bill added.

Ginny put her hands on her hips. “You wouldn't dare!”

Bill and Charlie crossed their arms together.

Ginny set her jaw. “Fine. Go ahead.”

“We're not leaving without Harry,” Charlie insisted.

Harry sat up straight. “It's okay, Ginny. I'll go.”

Ginny turned to Harry, lowered her head a bit and nodded.

Harry lifted up the sheet he was under, then stopped and looked at Bill and Charlie. “Do you mind?”

Bill and Charlie's eyes bulged. They shot a glare at Ginny before turning around. Harry got out of bed, put on his jeans, shirt and shoes, and gave Ginny a quick kiss before walking out of the room, shoulder-bumping the eldest Weasley brothers as he walked between them. They followed Harry downstairs and sat across from him at the kitchen table.

“You know, with all I’ve done for this family, I wouldn't have thought you two would do this to me,” Harry commented as they waited.

Bill looked uneasy. “You are like one of the family, Harry, but this is Ginny we’re talking about.”

Harry was shocked. “I thought you two wanted me to be 'part of the family'?”

“We do,” Charlie said, “but when it comes to some things, it's usually best to wait.”

Harry suddenly felt a bit smug. “I see. And you two are waiting, of course?”

Bill and Charlie shot glances at each other, but before they could respond, Mrs. Weasley walked into the kitchen.

“Good morning boys, how did you sleep?” Mrs. Weasley said as she put away the flowers she brought with her.

“Just fine, but we hear Harry had an interesting night,” Bill said casually.

Mrs. Weasley didn't skip a beat. “Oh? How so?”

“Well,” Charlie said uncomfortably, “We found him sleeping in Ginny's bed.”

Mrs. Weasley whirled around to face Harry. “You slept in Ginny's bed last night?”

Harry blushed and nodded.

Mrs. Weasley crossed her arms. “And how did it go then?”

Bill and Charlie's eyes bulged, and their jaws dropped.

Harry shrugged. “It went okay.”

Mrs. Weasley stood firm. “And?”

Harry sighed. “Oh all right, I enjoyed it.”

Mrs. Weasley smiled triumphantly. “She got 'cha this time, didn't she?”

Harry chuckled. “Yeah, I guess she did.”

“MUM!” Bill and Charlie cried together. “How can you stand by and let this get away?” Bill asked.

“Let what get away?” Mrs. Weasley asked, looking confused.

“Good morning,” Hermione sang as she came down the staircase, Ron in tow. They sat down next to Harry.

“What's got you two all worked up?” Ron asked as he sat down.

“Ask Harry, he's got a bit of news for you,” Charlie replied.

“What's this all about?” Ron asked, turning to Harry.

“Harry and Ginny made good on their bet last night,” Mrs. Weasley revealed out loud.

Ron and Hermione suddenly looked very interested.

“You slept in her bed last night?” Hermione asked.

“Who won?” Ron asked.

“Was it as good as she told you it'd be?” Hermione added.

Harry was blushing even more now. “Yes, I did, and... well, she won, and yes, it was... good...”

Ron looked put out, but Hermione was beaming. “See Ron, I told you hers was better.”

“But,” Ron said, starting to stammer, “I thought surely Harry would have the better-”

“No no no,” Hermione interrupted. “Ginny has more experience, and she knows more enchantments.”

Bill and Charlie's faces were frozen into utter shock.

“Bet? What bet?” Bill asked loudly.

“Her what was better?” Charlie asked just as loudly.

“Family, I'm home!” Mr. Weasley sung as he

“Hi dad,” Ron replied. Mrs. Weasley walked over and gave him a hug. Harry watched as Bill and Charlie prepared their attack.

“Dad! Thank Merlin you're here,” Charlie said, looking relieved. “We caught Harry sleeping in Ginny's bed last night.”

Mr. Weasley blinked and turned to Harry. “Did you really?'

Harry simply nodded.

“Well it is about time,” Mr. Weasley said cheerfully. “I was wondering when the two of you were going to stop all this ridiculous posturing and finally get on with it.”

Harry watched as the Bill and Charlie’s faces turned an even deeper shade of red.

“What the devil is going on?” They shouted in unison.

“I told you, it's none of your business!” Ginny said angrily as she made her way into the kitchen, now fully clothed. Her hair was still wet.

Bill stood up and turned to Ginny, his own jaw firmly set. “I'd say it is our business if Harry is shagging my little sister under this very roof!”

There was a collective gasp. Everyone but Bill and Charlie looked very shocked.

Mrs. Weasley was fuming. “Bill, you bite your tongue!”

Bill looked down at Charlie, who was looking back from his mum to look at Bill. They both gulped and looked very confused.

Harry tried to contain himself. “You two thought Ginny and I were... were...”

“Well that's what it seemed like,” Charlie admitted.

Ginny looked like she was going to explode. “I can not believe you two. Of all the things...”

“Look, fine, I'll tell you what's going on,” Harry said, glancing at Ginny. She didn't look happy, but she nodded.

“Ginny and I had a bet,” Harry explained. “I told her one day that I thought my bed was the most comfortable in the world. She told me that she had done some things to her bed that made it so much more comfortable than mine. Well, I couldn't believe that anything could be more comfortable than the bed in my room, so she bet me a box of chocolate frogs that hers was better than mine. I took the bet, and last night we sleep in each other's beds.”

Bill and Charlie's ears progressively turned more and more red as the obviousness of their mistake sunk in. Once Harry was finished, Charlie stood up to join his brother.

“Ah, well...” Bill said nervously.

“There it is then,” Charlie replied.

“Apologies would seem to be in order-”

“Yes, yes, you have our sincerest apologies-”

“And we'll just be going now-”

“Ta ta!”

They turned around together and ran back up the staircase.

Ginny, Harry, Ron, Hermione, Mr. and Mrs. Weasley remained motionless for several moments, looking around at each other silently. Ron snickered first. It wasn't long before they were all laughing uncontrollably.

“That will teach those boys a thing or two,” Mrs. Weasley said slyly.

“It was a brilliant idea, Ginny,” Ron said proudly. “It worked like a charm.”

Ginny shot a glance up the staircase. “I learned from the best.”

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