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I'm Not That Girl
By animeluvr8

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Category: Post-OotP
Genres: Songfic
Warnings: None
Story is Complete
Rating: G
Reviews: 10
Summary: Ginny may have been more of a character in OotP but we still don't know everything about her, or everything she's seen. She's always there, and she always see Harry.Songfic to Wicked's I'm Not That Girl.
Hitcount: Story Total: 4787


Just a random one shot inspired by the song I'm Not That Girl from the musical Wicked. It's a great musical. I highly recommend it and the original novel. Ginny may have been more of a character in OotP but we still don't know everything about her, or everything she's seen. She's always there, and she always see Harry.

Disclaimer: Harry Potter belongs to J.K. Rowling (who I'm not) Wicked the novel belongs to Gregory Maguire (again not me) and Wicked the musical belongs to... someone other then me. (yet again). I claim none of these as my own, so don't sue me. I'm only a 16 year old girl.

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I'm Not That Girl

Hands touch, eyes meet
Sudden silence, sudden heat
Hearts leap in a giddy whirl
He could be that boy
But I'm not that girl

This is getting ridiculous. Why do I keep doing this to myself? Oh, I know why! I enjoy pain! I must, its the only explanation for my continuing crush on Harry Potter. Yes, the Harry Potter, The Boy-Who-Lived, Mr. Gryffindor, Defender of the Weak, Triwizard Champion, and owner of the most gorgeous emerald green eyes ever. I must enjoy pain if I keep hoping that he'll ever think of me as anything other then just little, stuttering, elbow in butter dish, Ginny Weasley.

And there he is. Oh, what I wouldn't give to he in Cho's place, walking down the streets of Hogsmeade with Harry. She doesn't deserve him. That annoying Ravenclaw is just a human hose pipe. Sure, I have Michael but who cares. He isn't brave, he doesn't have bright green eyes, he isn't Harry Potter.

Don't dream too far
Don't lose sight of who you are
Don't remember that rush of joy
He could be that boy
I'm not that girl

I don't have a chance. I really need to stop having these dreams. They won't come true. They haven't in four years, why would they now? I need to remember that to him I'm just Ron's little sister. Nothing more, nothing less. And I never will be. I need to move on, like I told everyone I did. But it's so hard.

I have to forget him. I have Michael now. Michael's a nice boy. He's pretty good looking, smart, sweet, cares about me. Time to focus on him. Not Harry. Even if just thinking of Harry makes me go weak at the knees. Even if just looking at Harry makes me want to jump him. Either to strangle him for not noticing me. Or snog him senseless until he does. But I need to stop this. He may be who I want, but I'm not who he wants. I'm just Ginny.

Ev'ry so often we long to steal
To the land of what-might-have-been
But that doesn't soften the ache we feel
When reality sets back in

It hurts so much. Seeing him everyday. Wanting him every second. If only I had said something earlier. If only I had learned to stop stuttering before. Maybe it'd be me going into Madam Puddifoot's. Not that I like that place, it's too fake, but I'm sure I'd enjoy it with Harry.

I can just see it now. Harry and I sitting in the tactlessly over decorated Madam Puddifoot's. Harry taking my hand and telling me how glad he is that I would come with him. How sorry he is that it took him so long to see me as more then the little girl in the Chamber of Secrets, but as Ginerva Weasley, the young lady. Then I'll tell him that he's a right prat for not paying attention sooner and he'll look scared that I'm angry and going to leave. Of course I won't be able to let him look like that and I'll tell him that I'm glad he woke up and pulled his cute little head out of his equally cute little arse. (Not that I look at such things... much.) Then, it'll come true, my dream. Harry will lean across the table and kiss me, sealing out love.

But it won't happen. And every time I think about it, it hurts more to come back to reality; back to what I do have. Michael is talking, he really is annoying sometimes. Couldn't he see I was day dreaming? I mean really! It's rude to interrupt people like that. What's he even talking about? Oh, where to go for lunch. I say sure to whatever he just mentioned, its not like I care. So I follow him, not really paying attention until my senses are overrode with pink and red. Oh crap, we're in Madam Puddifoot's.

Blithe smile, lithe limb
She who's winsome, she wins him
Gold hair with a gentle curl
That's the girl he chose
And Heaven knows
I'm not that girl

Luckily Harry didn't see us. He wouldn't have noticed me if I danced nude on the table anyway. He's too absorbed in looking at Cho. I mean, what does he see in her? Sure, she's tall, and thin and has curves in the right places, really nice long hair, (I wonder what shampoo she uses, it looks so soft and shinny.), a nice smile and nice eyes(when they aren't red from her continuous crying.).

Oh who and I kidding? Of course I know why he fancies her. What guy wouldn't? I really don't stand a chance. I'm short, skinny, barely have any curves, my hair is annoyingly bright, my teeth aren't perfect and my eyes are a normal, average boring brown. I'm certainly not what Harry wants. She's perfect and Merlin knows, I'm just plain.

Don't wish, don't start
Wishing only wounds the heart
I wasn't born for the rose and the pearl
There's a girl I know
He loves her so
I'm not that girl

I'm in the bathroom now. Ugh! I couldn't stand seeing them sit together any longer. It was tearing my heart apart like a hippogriff on a dead deer. Ok, deep breaths Ginny girl. Don't start crying. You said you were going to stop doing that. Stop dreaming, stop wishing, he's not yours. Your too plain, too poor, your just Ginny. Harry won't want you, ever. He may not be in love with his fame, but even he has standards. Time to get back to Michael. He's who you have, not Harry. Harry has Cho and I'm not her. I'm just Ginny.

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Ok, I've gotten yelled at b/c the story's not canon correct. It seems Ginny was at practice on Valentines Day and couldnt be in Hogsmeade. My only excuse is that I havn't finished my traditional reread of all the HP books before the new one, so I guess I didn't remember. But oh well, no use crying over spilled potions. I still think its a decent little fic if not totally correct. Power of the Authoress and all that.

Ok, now I've gotten yelled at b/c I called Ginny 'plain.' Ok, lool folks, its a fic. Its not necessarily what I think. I happen to love Ginny as a character. But for this fic, I had to write that she has no self esteem. The fic called for it! Who am I to ignore what the fic wants?
Reviews 10

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