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Something to talk about
By Avery

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Category: Post-OotP
Genres: Comedy, Fluff
Warnings: None
Story is Complete
Rating: PG
Reviews: 10
Summary: 'I wish that someone had stopped me. If I could only get my hands on a time turner... well, I think you understand. ' Harry and Ginny give the school something to talk about.
Hitcount: Story Total: 5558


Disclaimer: I’m sure it’s quite obvious, but just in case… I don’t own Harry Potter.

Something to talk about


It wasn’t that I sought out Harry for this exact reason. In fact, when I marched into the library feeling highly liberated and confident, I was going to do the exact opposite of what I actually, well– did. I wish that someone had stopped me. If I could only get my hands on a time turner... well, I think you understand.

Harry was loftily sitting with Ron in the library, pouring over the usual ten tonnes of potions homework, when I, the scoundrel of the story, marched in. Everyone immediately scattered and cried for help as I began to hex everything in sight... well, not quite. It actually went something like this...

“Ginny,” Luna whined. “Why can’t we just do our homework by the pond? I think the squid will be out today and I really want to ask him something–”


“But Ginny…”

“You can go if you want,” I replied coolly and Luna frowned, but continued to follow me down the dark corridor.

After a moment of silence she finally asked, “So where are you headed?”

“The library.”

“Uh-oh...” Luna muttered to herself and I stopped suddenly, curious as to what was so terrible about the library.

At my raised eyebrow and defiant stance she lazily added, “I know why you want to go there.”

“Why?” I snapped. I could feel a red tint slowly envelop my cheeks.

“Oh well... because a certain boy is there and you–”

“Excuse me?” I interjected, while resuming my walk. Luna continued to follow, an amused smile forming on her pink lips.

“You want to go off at Harry for snogging another girl in the tea shop last weekend!”

“I do not!” I yelled, glaring at Luna with wide eyes.

“Uh-huh… of course not!” she replied, just as loudly.

The dancing fairy on the far wall tutted and scolded us for making so much noise. Luna apologized while I simply muttered, “Bugger off.”

Unfortunately, the fairy overheard the comment and dramatically gasped. We didn’t stick around to listen to the highly unwanted reprimand.

“You’re just pissed that it’s Harry’s last year and well... well he still hasn’t exactly...”

“What? What hasn’t he exactly done? Do you mean to say that he still hasn’t noticed me? Or perhaps you wanted to say that he hasn’t figured out that I’m still bloody in love with him!”

My shoulders slumped and Luna, realizing that it was time for supportive friend mode, came over to pat my shoulder, while whispering reassuring words. Suddenly, I felt even more resilient and began to pick up my stride. Luna simply groaned and watched as I stomped away. I had feeling she didn’t want to take part in the attack. I mean... conversation.

The library was quiet and students poured over their various texts, trying to remember the names of all 325 healing herbs and defence incantations. While on the other hand I, being a complete prat, shoved all studies aside and desperately looked for the boy-who-lived.

Aha! He sat in the far corner with Ron, while Hermione was curiously no where to be seen. Probably a good thing, considering I’d keep at least one person’s respect.

“Harry,” I stated, standing at the corner of the wooden table. Both peered up from their books and gave me a rather strange look. Clearly, they had no idea why I was there. But I had a right to be there! It was my damned library too, and if they thought they could have it all to themselves…

“Er- Ginny?” Harry asked confused as to why I was staring at him with wide eyes. I suppose it must have looked a little odd.

“Right,” I breathed, feeling a sudden weight in my chest. “Right... so... I... don’t... like you.”

“Um, okay?”

He threw Ron a look of desperation. Ron simply shrugged, completely unaware as to what the hell I was doing.

“Gin what are you do–”

“Don’t pretend to be nice,” I interjected. Ron nodded and tried again. His face was beginning to redden I could tell that he was annoyed. Not a good thing.

“Ginny, what the bloody hell is going on!” Ron yelled. Madam Pince threw us a violent glare and the three of us gulped. Ron repeated what he had said in a scathing whisperer and I, just as heatedly, responded.

“I’ve had enough of Harry’s games!”

“Er- what games?” Harry questioned.

“Oh don’t play coy with me Potter! I know exactly what you’ve been up to... kissing in the tea shop with Susan Bones. You play a very sneaky game!”

Shh!” Madam Pince shushed dramatically, this time shoving a threatening finger in our direction. One more strike and we were gone.

“You kissed Susan Bones?” Ron asked, visibly impressed. And then his face suddenly fell.

“Why didn’t you tell me?”

“It wasn’t that big a deal...”

Ron frowned, while Harry’s shoulders slumped. They both forgot I was standing there, still waiting for some sort of explanation.

“Look Ginny, just go away,” Ron finally said. Harry opened his mouth to protest, but I beat him to it.

“No! You always tell me to go away, but this time I’m not. I want Harry to know that I don’t like him and he... he can go kiss a toad for all I like! Er- you’re both gits... so there!”

Madam Pince suddenly stood up and in a high pitched voice squealed, “OUT! ALL THREE OF YOU... OUT!”

I didn’t have to be asked twice. I scrambled out of the library, Harry and Ron not far behind. When we were safely outside, Ron looked between the two of us and decided to go.

“I’ll be in the dorm if you need me,” he muttered to Harry. “I think you two need to talk things over... er- and Gin?”

“What?” I growled.

“Don’t be too hard on him. I mean, don’t give the school something to talk about, alright?”

Before I could retort, Ron began to stride away, almost verging on running. Oddly, I really wasn’t that mad anymore. More upset if anything. No doubt the debacle was already spread all over the school. I could see it now, ‘Crazy red head tries to attack the boy-who-lived.’ Oh Merlin, what had I done?

“Right,” I muttered. “Er- so I’m sorry for that whole rampage thing.”

Harry sighed; running a hand through is dark hair.

“No. Don’t be sorry,” he suddenly replied. “I mean, you have a right to be angry… I think.”

“Ya. I do. No wait. I don’t.”

Harry looked at me with a rather perplexed expression and I suddenly laughed. Everything was so screwed up, and I feared that I wouldn’t be able to set it right. I decided a few simple questions might do the trick.

“I don’t want to like you anymore Harry. I mean, I know you certainly don’t like me–”

“Wait!” Harry interjected. He looked angry and I was surprised at the visible emotions. Normally he was so placid. “I-I… like you. How can you say that I don’t like you?”

“Well, I know that you like me, but you don’t really like me.”

“Bloody hell. I thought you were different,” Harry explained, while running a hand through his dishevelled hair.

“What do you mean, different?”

“I thought you weren’t like other girls. I thought you were sane!”

I shook my head, fighting off a grin. Students began to file out of the library, and we stepped away from each other to let them pass. They began to giggle and I had to fight the urge to yell at them. Finally, they dispersed and Harry and I were alone again.

“Do you like Susan?”

“Of course I like Susan,” he evenly replied, giving me a strange look, almost as if he was wondering where exactly this conversation was going.

“Right. So do you like Susan more than me?”

“Bloody hell Ginny! What is the point?”

“Just answer the question!”

“Fine! I guess I like you the same. I don’t know.”

“Oh,” I said, slightly dejected.

“Ginny... I know you better. I’d do anything for you. You’re family. Susan is just… just a friend.”

“Family. Right.”

“Yes,” he said calmly. “I’d give my life for yours.”

At the comment, my head snapped upwards and I levelled my gaze with his focussed eyes. They shone brightly and I tried desperately to find any sign of truth.

“But Harry,” I suddenly whispered. “You would rather kiss her, wouldn’t you?”

“I thought you didn’t like me, Ginny.”

It wasn’t a question, so I remained silent, waiting for him to speak. It didn’t matter if I had said I didn’t like him. Of course it was a lie. And more over, of course he knew it was a lie. The boy was playing with me.

Harry sighed, but finally managed to say, “Susan was... nice. I liked her a lot, Ginny. We went to Hogsmeade together. For a few hours I pretended like things were normal. I laughed at her jokes and held her hand in the tea shop… We even kissed. I-I could act like nothing was wrong… but it was a lie. I know that now. The jokes were stale and my laugh was forced. She probably knew it too. I don’t want to kiss Susan again. I want to kiss someone and feel like it’s real.”

I slowly nodded, waiting for him to continue.

Harry added in a sturdier voice, “I don’t know if that person is you.”


Nothing seemed to fit the circumstances. What else was I to say?

“But I hope... I want it to be you.”


Still, I wasn’t sure what to say. It had to be a dream. A horribly cruel dream. Yes. It had to be that. Harry would never say something so… so intimate. Perhaps he’d thrown her a few glances and drifting smiles the last few months... but he’d never, ever gave the impression that he cared for her more than friend. He liked Susan, didn’t he? But no. Harry had just explained that he didn’t like Susan, but instead wanted to snog, me– Ginny! Okay, so maybe he didn’t exactly say that, but it was something along the lines of...

“So you want to snog, is that it?”

Harry immediately reddened, and stumbled out some sort of quick response.

“Er- no. Well, yes. I mean, if that’s what you want.”

“Yes. I think that would be nice.”

Harry stared for a moment, almost unsure of what exactly had just happened. I stepped forward, a keen smile dwindling on my lips. He watched, entranced. Slowly, I reached for his hand and our fingers entwined. Harry glanced at my face, and I nodded.

“This is right,” he said.

“Yes, I think it is.” Lightly I added, “Shall we go?”

Harry squeezed my hand and responded, “Yes.”

We walked down the corridor, side by side. Students peered from around the corner. They blinked twice, as the image was too impossible to be real. Smiles appeared on everyone’s faces. Even Ms. Pince couldn’t help but grin at the news. And that was definitely something to talk about.


Reviews 10

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