
SIYE Time:16:20 on 9th December 2024
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Don't Look

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Category: Post-OotP
Genres: Angst, Fluff, Humor
Warnings: None
Story is Complete
Rating: PG-13
Reviews: 10
Summary: It may sound like a paradox, but it's not. It's reality. And Ginny is feeling it. Destiny only knows why it decided to let her-suffer?-this irony. One-shot, short and fluffy.
Hitcount: Story Total: 4724


Disclaimer: as the books say, Harry Potter, names, characters and related indicia are copyright and trademark Warner Bros., 2000™. Ok, yeah, I know, we all know, and its kind of painful to be reminded of this, that JK is the great mind behind all of this, that this is not the real book, that I’ll have to wait till August to read Halfblood Prince because I live in Argentina and that I don’t own anything, just the plot, :’( but, well, you gotta do what you gotta do. Don’t you?

Oh, please stop doing that! It’s hard enough to stop staring at you!! And, after all, who wouldn’t? with those gorgeous green eyes, that hair of yours, too perfect to even start looking for adjectives to describe it. You know I love you. And I know you don’t love me. So could you please stop doing it?! I don’t like it. I’m the one supposed to be staring.

I know it’s hard not to notice me, after all, I have this stupid ginger hair, but, anyway, you haven’t ever noticed me. It was easier then.

Your gaze would just pass beyond me, you could look through me, but not because you understood me, just because you didn’t see me. I had always been invisible to you. And I liked it. It was the most amazing bittersweet emotion I had ever felt. And it was for you. I knew you didn’t like me, but, I felt safe that way. Who knew what terrible things could happen if you ever noticed me?

And now, every single day, at breaks between classes, you look at me. What’s your problem? Why did you have to notice me now? Are you daft or something? Don’t you know that you can’t stare at someone? Don’t you know it’s not polite? Don’t you know that each second you look at me makes it harder for me? Don’t you know that I was an inch from giving up? Don’t you know that maybe I’ve changed my mind?

It seems you don’t, because you are still looking at me. Right in the eye. And I feel hypnotized, and I can’t help but fall in love with you even more deeply, if that’s possible. You are daring me to lower my stare. And I must say you are the only one who can beat me at this game. I can’t look at you knowing you are looking at me. It’s too painful and, at the same time, thrilling.

I risk a glance but you keep staring, you just won’t drop your gaze. I hate when you do it!! I feel I’m looking awfully bad, and that I have something on my nose. And I hope I don’t blush, because that would be my ending. And the butterflies in my stomach get a bit wilder. Because they won’t disappear, they are always there. They haven’t left me since I saw you at King’s Cross.

I know it’s just a moment, the moment I hope for all day-yes Harry, I hope for it-, it’s the best minute(or several minutes) of my day, it’s what helps me get up in the morning, it’s what makes me feel ecstatic. I know it’s quick. I now it’s just a glance- and please don’t tell me it’s something else, because my poor heart would just not resist it. But for a quick moment, and because of a quick look, I get my hopes high, And think that maybe, you love me, just as I do.

So stop doing it, don’t look at me, for Merlin’s sake!! Stop it, will you!!!!

C’mon Gin, do something!! Don’t pay attention to him! But who am I kidding? How can I? He’s my life.

And now, he’s coming here. He’s stood up, and without ever, ever directing his gaze to somewhere or someone else, he’s walking towards me.
Oh no! Please don’t!! Please, go back to your seat. And if you may, could you look at someone else? Well, actually, I’d rather if you don’t. Maybe just look at your plate, or my brother, or his soon-to-be girlfriend. Ok, it seems you are still going to come here. Oh Merlin. What can I do??!! Ok, Gin, act normal, and breathe, air in, air out, God, where can I find a mirror now? No time for that. Well then, I’ll just have to smile, and act normal. It’s easier said than done. C’mon Gin! Don’t be silly!! You have talked to Harry loads of times!! You have even pretended to be happily dating another bloke and now you can’t stand a look? Who are you?? What, have you turned into a little ferret?

Why so much fuss about it? After all, he’s just Harry. Ha! Just Harry, can you believe that? Just Harry, just the owner of my heart, that just happens to be here, just next to me, just giving me a quick kiss on the cheek, wishing me luck.

Wait a minute, luck? Oh, no, no, no, no, no. Please no!! Don’t tell me its Saturday!!
My fist game as a chaser. What was so important that it made me forget about the first Quidditch match?! Aww, yeah, Harry. Well, that makes sense, he usually has that sort of effect on me. But this is worrying, this is Quidditch. But he is Harry. I guess this was expected to happen.

I wonder how will I concentrate enough to catch the quaffle, knowing he is looking at me.

A/N: Hi there!! Well, this was initially posted at my livejournal, and it was for R_becca challenge, but I wanted to post it here so bad, that I actually added 500 words to the original. If my job was well done, you are not supposed to notice it. If I babbled to much-as I usually do- you may have perceived that there were places when it was too much. I hope you like how I’ve portrayed Ginny, I have always pictured her like that, someone that may sometimes seem calm and relaxed, but whose thoughts are always driving her mad, she thinks too much, some crazy mix of Lizzie McGuire and Ally McBeal. Do you get my point? Well, even if you don’t, I’d still love it if you liked it, and even more if you left any reviews. I accept criticism, and if you enjoyed reading this please let me know. I am aware of how hard sometimes is to leave a review, it seems a waste of precious time, you could be reading amazing stuff instead of writing something; and at times, you don’t know what to write. I don’t care if you just write ‘good’ or ‘bad’, it allows me to know. This is my first attempt at one-shots and I hope it was worth it.
Lots of love –GINEVRAWP–Januss---
Reviews 10

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