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And She Welcomed It
By Midnight White

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Category: Post-OotP
Genres: Angst, Fluff, Tragedy
Warnings: None
Story is Complete
Rating: PG-13
Reviews: 8
Summary: Ginny is mourning the loss of a loved one after the Final Battle. My first attempt at angst, but I had to have a little fluff at the end. PG-13 just in case.
Hitcount: Story Total: 4593


A/N: Yay! This is finally getting posted! I do not think that someone one wanted me to post this story. After emailing back and forth a few times, the busy month of March, and attachments not opening, I thought this would be the cursed story. But it’s finally getting up there. Many thanks to Solveig, my beta from

Disclaimer: No… unfortunately, none of these wonderful characters belong to me. Maybe if I become richer than Bill Gates, JK Rowling would let me buy them from her? It’s just a thought. But alas, they are still not mine.

And She Welcomed It

Ginny Weasley had just experienced hell. Voldemort was finished, the second war was over, and people were rejoicing. But she could not.

Her boyfriend, the love of her life, had been killed in the final battle. Memories of him laying face down on the ground lurched through her mind. Pain struck her like a knife in the heart.

And she welcomed it.

She stepped into the bathroom to take a shower. She peeled off her clothes, revealing bruises and cuts she had not bothered to have healed. Wind blew coldly through the open window, chilling her skin, sending goose bumps all over her body.

And she welcomed it.

It was unusually cold for an August night. The weather seemed to match her mood. Her parents worried about her. She had heard them talking about her behind her back. They were scared that she would hurt herself, scared for her life.

And she welcomed it.

As she stepped into the shower, she turned the water on as hot as it could go. She didn’t care that it would burn her skin. The physical pain would drown out her emotional ones. The water scalded her bare skin, making it red and painful.

And she welcomed it.

Unable to stand the heat, she turned down the temperature down. As she washed her hair, tears of mourning ran down her face in silent streams, getting lost in the water. She was in pain, mentally and physically.

And she welcomed it.

She knew she should get help. She knew she did not deserve to be suffering. She helped a lot, more than most people, to win the war. But she could not help feeling guilty. If she had not hesitated for those few seconds, he might still be alive. A fresh new stream of tears ran down her face, as her mind was suffering.

And she welcomed it.

She stepped out of the shower, drying her hair manually with a towel. She knew she would get sick from her wet hair. It would just be a better reason not to meet with people.

“Ginny! Harry is here to see you!” Her mum called. She looked at the door with amazement and shock. She quickly dressed, but took her time coming down the stairs.

He was standing with his back turned to her. He was looking at old photos that her mother put on the mantle. “Harry?” She gently called.

He turned to face her. The scar on his forehead that had made him so famous had disappeared when he defeated Voldemort. His eyes, she noticed, were red-rimmed and puffy. His faced was blotched and his nose was red. He had been crying.

She waited patiently for him to begin. After a moment, he finally spoke. “Gin,” using his nickname for her. “Gin, I am so sorry about Dean,” He said, without moving.

She nodded as her eyes filled with tears again. “So am I.”

He sniffed, biting back tears. “I just, um, wanted to let you know that if you ever need someone to talk to, well, I’ll try.”

She meant to thank him, but the last bit of his answer shocked her. “Try?” She asked quietly.

He sighed deeply. “Gin, this is not easy for me to say, but I realized something when I defeated Voldemort; it is that life is too short to not do something you want to do. I have been wanting to tell you that…” He paused, seeming to be looking for the right words to say.

Ginny prompted him. “Harry?”

“I love you, Gin.” He said, glancing up at her. “I have for quite some time. But you were always steady with Dean, and you were always so happy. I didn’t want to confuse you with how I felt.”

Ginny looked around on the floor, breathing heavily. ‘How could this be so?’ she thought. ‘He was always on a date with one pretty girl or another. I never thought he took any notice to me at all!’

He continued: “If you don’t want to start anything, I completely understand. I mean, you just lost your boyfriend, and here I come telling you I love you, and… and… what the hell am I doing?” He stopped himself. He seemed shocked by the words that came out of his own mouth. “I am so sorry, Gin, I should not have said anything. I should go…” He started walking to the door.

“Harry!” She stopped him. He turned to glance at her, his cheeks pink. “Harry, you were right; you did confuse me. All this time, I thought you were just a friend. That’s what I thought you thought of me as!” She knew she was rambling, not making any sense.

“Anyway, you are right; I’m not ready to start a new relationship, and I don’t think I will be any time soon.” His face fell. She knew she was breaking his heart. He nodded to show he understood, and turned and almost walked out the door.

“But,” she said. She watched him turn, his face full of sorrow, but in his emerald eyes, she saw hope. “When I am ready, you’ll be the first to know.” She finished.

He grinned. It was the heart-melting grin. She found herself grinning right back at him. Warmth spread through her body, going from the top of her head to the end of her little toe.

And she welcomed it.

Reviews 8

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