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Pictures of the Future
By Snidget

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Category: Post-OotP
Characters:All, All
Genres: Action/Adventure, Drama, Fluff
Warnings: Death, Extreme Language, Violence
Rating: PG
Reviews: 6
Summary: *** The author has been reminded via the e-mail address on file that this story is listed as incomplete and has not been updated since 2005 ***

Ginny finds something interesting in the attic of the Burrow and hides it from everyone. Meanwhile, Harry is going crazy, getting more and more of these realistic dreams. Could Ginny's "Something" have to do with it?
Hitcount: Story Total: 3366


A/N: Um yeah, my first fic for SIYE!

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"Please... Please!" The red headed girl begged, her voice breaking with agony. "I don't know where he is. I swear I don't!" Tears were pouring out of her chocolate brown eyes. She was bound to a stone wall, her slim, delicate wrists heavy with manacles. Her nightgown had been torn around the shoulders and bottom, and mud streaked her face. She was collapsed on her knees, her hands in front of her, her back struggling to hold her upright. It was a female’s voice that answered the soft pleas.

"You're lying. You piece of filth. You blood traitor... you... you..."The older woman trailed off, her voice breaking. She had a firm grip on the rod in her hand, and she stared down at the weeping femme. “Avada-“

A sharp intake of breath and a loud snore that was not his own followed this dream. His heart was pounding against his chest, and he was quite sure it was that noise echoing through the room. Placing his hands on his eyes, the boy rubbed and tried to hold everything that he had witnessed in. A girl, red hair, brown eyes, small… his stomach sank. Was he having another vision? Was his mind projecting a scene of her being tortured, or was it a trick? Was it a dream? A searing pain sounded across his forehead and he drew in a breath, blinking tears out of his eyes. Swinging his legs over the side of bed, he stood, bare-chested and threw his dressing gown on, not bothering to tie it in his haste. Careful not awake a soul, the boy stepped out of the room, snapping it shut quietly, and going across the hall.

He was standing there, outside her door. A small creak in the floorboard gave away his position. If she was awake, she could hear his steady, though heavy breathing infiltrating through the door. Adjusting his glasses, he peered one brilliant orb through the crack in the door, biting his lips. She lay there; her multifaceted hair shimmering like lava in the moonlight as it spilled over the crisp, white linen of her bedclothes. He watched her chest rise and fall with each steady breath, the soft material of her nightgown becoming taut everytime she inhaled.

No sign of movement or recognition as he creaked the door open, poking his nose through this time. A sudden waft of cinnamon and skin enthralled his senses and dumbfounded his mobility for a moment. He closed his eyes once. Then twice, and pushed the door a little more. It swung obligingly on its hinges, giving the male a little more room to slip his whole face through the jar. Peering around the room to only see the sleeping girl, he leaned back out to see if anyone was coming.

As the coast was clear, he stepped in fully, and shivered. It felt as though he was desecrating something, as though he shouldn’t be there. It felt wrong, but he had to check. She was there, breathing… yes, but was she having nightmares? Was she in any pain? In a rush to see if all was right, he almost forgot to check and make sure no one else was in the room. The cot next to her bed was empty, but the sheets ruffled, indicating someone had left and hadn’t returned. No matter, he’d only be a second. His feet carried him to the side of her bed, and he sat gingerly on the cot, looking at the back of her head.

Slowly, her arms began to move, and her voice mumbled, followed by a soft cry. His heartbeat thumped harder against his Adam’s apple, had he woken her? She turned over, her pale skin a beacon in the darkened room. His eyes trailed from her closed eyelids, to her eyelashes, and to her lips. She was… He squinted.


Breathing a sigh of relief, he leaned in a little, to get a look at her expression. Placing his hand gently on the side of her mattress, he tilted his head as the bridge of her nose scrunched. Her bottom lip trembled and the rose-colored mounds parted to speak. But no words came, just a soft sigh. He was completely seduced by this; not being able to take his eyes off of her as if it was too much of a wondrous thing. He sat in silence, inches from her face, brilliant iris’ taking her in. The way the blankets fell tight over her hips, the way the nightdress clung to her delicate shoulders.
He shivered a little, as though being in here had defiled the innocence of her sleep, and he turned to go. She was alright, and he was a lot more content knowing that. He stopped however, as his eyes fell on her fragile digits, enclosed around a small piece of paper. Curious to know what it was, he leaned closer and saw it was a picture. Squinting his eyes in the dark, he leaned as close as he could without touching her skin, and he felt her hot breath rolling along his forehead. Looking up, he saw her eyes still closed, but the impressions that her eyes made on the lids no longer were moving as fast as before. Her fingers twitched.

He was inches away from her face, his nose almost touching hers. His lips were just a fraction of a move away from hers. But that would be wrong to think he could do that while she slept on, not knowing that he was there, watching her, looking over her. He looked down at the picture in her hand one more time. What was it?


He looked up, and saw a wide-eyed Ginevra Weasley staring into his eyes, in utmost surprise

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So, what did ya think?

Reviews 6

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