
SIYE Time:15:47 on 9th December 2024
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By rjocl12

Category: Alternate Universe
Genres: Action/Adventure, Drama
Warnings: Death, Violence
Story is Complete
Rating: R
Summary: Book 5 of Imogen's brilliant and beloved Carpe Diem Universe. INVICTUS is the untold sixth year story which attempts to solve the mystery of what happened to Harry and the gang following CARPE DIEM, based on the clues left by Imogen in ALPHA & OMEGA, Book 2 of the Carpe Diem Universe, her brilliant A/U seventh year story. Every man has a breaking point. The question is: does he allow the guilt to destroy him or does he find a reason to go on?
Hitcount: Story Total: 529704



1. Chapter One- Arrival by rjocl12
2990 words, updated on 2005.07.15 [Reviews - 6] starstarstarstarstar

2. Happy Birthday, Harry! by rjocl12
4225 words, updated on 2005.07.15 [Reviews - 1] starstarstarstarstar

3. Revelations & Reflections by rjocl12
2491 words, updated on 2005.07.15 [Reviews - 2] starstarstarstarhalf-star

4. Summer With The Dursleys by rjocl12
4509 words, updated on 2005.07.15 [Reviews - 3] starstarstarstarstar

5. Salvation! by rjocl12
4196 words, updated on 2005.07.15 [Reviews - 3] starstarstarstarstar

6. O.W.L.S. & Other Surprises by rjocl12
4296 words, updated on 2005.07.15 [Reviews - 1] starstarstarstarstar

7. Freedom! by rjocl12
5014 words, updated on 2005.07.15 [Reviews - 0]

8. Puller's Place by rjocl12
5203 words, updated on 2005.07.15 [Reviews - 2] starstarstarstarstar

9. Unexpected Encounters by rjocl12
3996 words, updated on 2005.07.15 [Reviews - 1]

10. Going Home by rjocl12
2195 words, updated on 2005.07.15 [Reviews - 0]

11. Old Friends and New Faces by rjocl12
4086 words, updated on 2005.07.15 [Reviews - 0]

12. Starting the new Year by rjocl12
3814 words, updated on 2005.07.15 [Reviews - 0]

13. Sometimes You Can Care A Little Too Much by rjocl12
4297 words, updated on 2005.07.15 [Reviews - 0]

14. Surprise Party! by rjocl12
4590 words, updated on 2005.07.15 [Reviews - 0]

15. The Calm Before The Storm by rjocl12
1911 words, updated on 2005.07.15 [Reviews - 0]

16. A Leap of Faith by rjocl12
3439 words, updated on 2005.07.15 [Reviews - 0]

17. Crossing the Rubicon by rjocl12
3013 words, updated on 2005.07.15 [Reviews - 1] starstarstarstarstar

18. Catching Hell on All Sides by rjocl12
4902 words, updated on 2005.07.15 [Reviews - 2] starstarstarstarstar

19. A Life in the Balance by rjocl12
4390 words, updated on 2005.07.15 [Reviews - 1] starstarstarstarhalf-star

20. Let Sleeping Weasley's Lie by rjocl12
4936 words, updated on 2005.07.15 [Reviews - 1] starstarstarstarstar

21. Magic Moments by rjocl12
2373 words, updated on 2005.07.15 [Reviews - 0]

22. Christmas Eve by rjocl12
4296 words, updated on 2005.07.15 [Reviews - 0]

23. The Perfect Ending to the Perfect Day by rjocl12
2942 words, updated on 2005.07.15 [Reviews - 0]

24. A Bit of Fatherly Advice by rjocl12
1629 words, updated on 2005.07.15 [Reviews - 0]

25. Return to Hogwarts by rjocl12
4720 words, updated on 2005.07.15 [Reviews - 1] starstarstarstarstar

26. A Night to Remember by rjocl12
3498 words, updated on 2005.07.15 [Reviews - 0]

27. The Thin Green Line by rjocl12
4293 words, updated on 2005.07.15 [Reviews - 0]

28. A Matter of Honour by rjocl12
3524 words, updated on 2005.07.15 [Reviews - 0]

29. Secrets of the Past Revealed by rjocl12
5084 words, updated on 2005.07.15 [Reviews - 1] starstarstarstarstar

30. A Special and Private Valentine's by rjocl12
4432 words, updated on 2005.07.15 [Reviews - 0]

31. Turning the Tables by rjocl12
4933 words, updated on 2005.07.15 [Reviews - 0]

32. Defiance by rjocl12
4592 words, updated on 2005.07.15 [Reviews - 0]

33. The Other Guest by rjocl12
2879 words, updated on 2005.07.15 [Reviews - 1] starstarstarstarstar

34. The Last Throw of the Dice by rjocl12
2886 words, updated on 2005.07.15 [Reviews - 0]

35. Questions & Answers by rjocl12
2970 words, updated on 2005.07.15 [Reviews - 0]

36. Facing Reality by rjocl12
3641 words, updated on 2005.07.15 [Reviews - 0]

37. Accepting Reality & Finding A Reason To Go On by rjocl12
4227 words, updated on 2005.07.15 [Reviews - 1] starstarstarstarhalf-star

38. Unfogging the Future by rjocl12
1838 words, updated on 2005.07.15 [Reviews - 0]

39. Epilogue by rjocl12
5966 words, updated on 2005.07.15 [Reviews - 1] starstarstarstarstar

40. Author's Addendum by rjocl12
2708 words, updated on 2005.07.15 [Reviews - 2] starstarstarstarstar

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