
SIYE Time:17:18 on 4th October 2024
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By knightwhosaysni

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Category: Pre-OotP
Genres: Angst, Songfic
Warnings: Dark Fiction
Story is Complete
Rating: PG-13
Reviews: 9
Summary: After what happened in the Chamber, Ginny is no longer Ginny. She is now Ginevra, and Ginevra sees things that Ginny couldn't. Ginevra can see how staying the way she is will tear her family apart, and will do anything to keep them happy. So Ginevra will put on a mask to fool everyone, to make everyone think that Ginny is still there.
Hitcount: Story Total: 5028


AN- I know, I know "Get a move on with {insert story name here} but this just came to me late last night, so here you are. Every so often, there will be another songfic chapter, which will be named after their respective songs.
Disclaimer: The characters, events, and main plotlines belong to JK Rowling.

*Once upon a year gone by
She saw herself give in
Every time she closed her eyes,
she saw what could have been*

Ginny Weasley was angry with herself. No. More than that. Far more. What Ginny Weasley felt was.... was...


Ginny Weasley loathed herself, and with a passion. Also, sadly married to the self-loathing that filled her was desolation.

Ginny Weasley felt desolation for she had nearly killed an innocent bystander.
She felt desolation for she had nearly killed her brother’s soul-mate.
She felt desolation for she had nearly killed Harry Potter.

*Well nothing hurts and nothing bleeds
With covers tucked in tight.
Funny when the bottom
Drops out
She forgets to fight,
To fight.*

She had nearly killed Harry. The one person that Pre-Chamber, Pre-Tom Ginny had hero worshiped since she first saw him. The boy that she had sent the stupidest valentine with the most atrocious song. The one boy that Pre-Tom Ginny had loved and adored with all her 11 year old heart

But Post-Tom Ginny was different.

Post-Tom Ginny had been raped.

*Well, it’s
One more day in Paradise
One more day in Paradise*

No, not in the physical sense. Physically, Ginny was still pure. Tom Marvolo Riddle, he who Ginny confided in that first hard year of school, had raped her soul.

And Ginny, poor, sweet 11 year old Ginny,
was no longer Ginny.

Ginny would dance in the flower fields behind the Burrow. Ginny would smile and joke and tease with her brothers. Ginny would stick her elbow in the butter dish. She felt she could no longer do these things.

Ginny was now Ginevra.

Ginny had been 11 when she entered the Chamber of Secrets. Ginevra was much, much older when she left.

To have the 16 year old, Diary bound representation of the darkest wizard in recorded history take control of your mind and body, and having your soul’s innocence taken away by such a being will do that to a person.

*As Darkness quickly steals the light that
Shined within her eyes,
She slowly swallows all her fears and
Soothes her mind with lies*

Ginevra believed, no, knew that Tom’s coming was her fault.
And no matter what anyone, said, no one, not her father, her mother, her brothers Ron, Fred, George, Percy Charlie, not even Bill, Bill, her favorite brother, could convince her otherwise.
She could have left the diary, ignored Tom, or, better yet, burned the whole damned thing, but she didn’t. She kept the diary, she let it devour her, fill her soul with rancid and evil thoughts. She had betrayed everyone. Her parents, her brothers, her professors, Hermione, ..... Harry.


*Well all she wants
And all she needs
are reasons to survive.
A day
In which
The Sun
Will take
Her artificial light
Her light.*

Oh, how could Harry live with the emptiness, the black soul that Tom had left him with? How could he survive with the void filled with evil that his touch had created?

Or maybe, just maybe, it was just Ginevra that Tom had defiled so. Perhaps Harry had been lucky enough to escape the darkness. The Darkness that slowly rotted Tom from the decent person he was to the twisted, perverted, deranged being he was.

Ginevra looked inside herself just then, recuperating in the hospital wing. She wanted to see what damage Tom had done to what he could not take. She took a look inside her self to see her soul, or, what was left of it.

What met Ginevra’s eyes was a frightening sight. What had been a pale pink, spherical soul was now a dark red, tattered shapeless form, bleeding its innocence into the surrounding black that took it, never to be seen again.

*And it’s one more day in
One more day in

Ginevra’s tears soon became mingled with the blood of her soul, leaking out through the cuts and scrapes she had gained from the Chamber.

Taking a look to her left, Ginevra saw her parents, sleeping, worry etched into every line, concern sown into every sleep-derived murmur. Tear tracks glistened mournfully down her mother’s face. To her right, she saw her brother Bill, growling fiercely in his sleep. He had expressed his anger at Tom, the school, and himself in ways that their mother would have gasped at, were she not so pointedly concentrating on Ginevra. Her tears fell all the harder when she realized she was the cause of such consternation. Well, Ginny had to come back. Ginevra could hide in the closet, stay there, only to live while Ginny was alone. She could not be the reason for such anguish in her family. Ginevra would make a subdued appearance for the next few weeks, to make the process seem realistic, believable. To make it seem as if she truly had recovered. For no one, not even her uncaring brother Percy would believe that she could endure the chamber and come out unscathed. It would be...


*Don’t pretend to hold it in
Just let it out
Don’t pretend to hold it in
Just push it out
Don’t you try to hold it in
Just let it out
Don’t you try to hold it in
Hold it in.*

Ginny could see it now, the unshed tears of her mother, the utter concern of her father, the worry that Bill would show if she did not seem to be affected. If there was one thing Tom had taught Ginevra, it was how to lie.

* One more day in Paradise
One more day in Paradise
One more day in Paradise
One last chance to

Inside, Ginevra would feel the pain. Inside, she would hear herself scream and rave and cry for the child she had been. Inside she would know what was done to her. But on the outside, no one would be able to tell.

No one would be the wiser. Ginny would come back after a few short weeks, after a somewhat diluted Ginevra had her time, and then, everything would be back to normal. No one would know.

*Once upon
A year gone by
She saw herself
Give in.
Every time she closed her eyes
She saw
What could

Except Ginevra.


An#2. I love my beta, amblewat!
Reviews 9

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