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He Loves Me... He Loves Me Not
By Arual

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Category: Post-OotP
Genres: Fluff, General
Warnings: None
Story is Complete
Rating: G
Reviews: 24
Summary: Ginny is picking flowers by the lake. Does Harry love her or not? Pure fluff.
Hitcount: Story Total: 5985


He Loves Me… He Loves Me Not

Ginny Weasley sat along the edge of the lake, staring at a certain green-eyed boy sitting on the other side as she pulled off petals from the flower she held in her hand.

“He loves me… he loves me not… he loves me…” She looked down at the flower. There was one petal left.

Ginny sighed. “He loves me not.”

She looked across the lake at Harry. He was just sitting there, watching the giant squid swim lazily through the waters.

It had been two years. Two long years, yet still, it seemed that every little thing reminded him of the godfather he had lost. Voldemort was gone now as well, and still Harry hid within himself.

Sometime over the last two years, Ginny and Harry had grown closer, mainly due to Ron and Hermione evolving into a couple, and Harry being reduced to feeling like a third wheel. She knew that they would never intentionally leave him out, but because of their frequent snogging, Harry couldn’t help but feel that way. But because of their new friendship, Harry had begun confiding in her, something he had rarely done–ever, even with Ron and Hermione.

He had told her of the dream he had nearly every night, where Sirius was once again alive, Harry living with him at Grimmwauld Place, until suddenly Harry would look for Sirius and find he wasn’t there, and all that was left in their home was a note with the words ‘I’ve left you, Harry… forever’ written on it. He had also told her of how just even looking at a house-elf made his heart race with a thirst for revenge.

Harry had told her how whenever he was alone and had nothing to do, his thoughts would turn to his godfather, and the future they would never have, the memories they would never make.

Ginny glanced up again, and looked across the lake. Harry was still sitting there, by himself. Even from where she sat, she was sure she could see the sadness in those green eyes.

How she wished she could be the one to take the sadness from his eyes, and give him a chance at the happiness that he never had.

All Harry needed was someone to love him.

Why shouldn’t that someone be her?

For the past two years, Ginny had been that strong, sturdy wall that Harry could lean on when things got too tough for him to handle on his own.

And all she wanted in return was for him to love her.
That’s all.

But she was quite sure that it was unrequited love.

Ginny looked up at Harry once more. He was now dragging his fingers absentmindedly through the waters.

Ginny couldn’t help but think about how cute he looked when he had that faraway expression on his face.
It really was too bad that Harry thought she was over him. But going through so many boyfriends in the last three years to help herself fall out of love with him had only made her realize that she would always love Harry, and only Harry.

Now she couldn’t get enough of him–he was all she ever thought about, all she ever wanted to look at
So she looked again.

Boys shouldn’t be made this gorgeous, she thought to herself, it’s enough to make a girl go insane.

She was too busy staring at him to realize that he was staring back at her. Once Ginny noticed, she quickly tore her eyes away from Harry and instead focused on the giant squid.

Oh gods, she thought, he must think I’m so strange, staring at him all the time.

And yet she still risked another glance.

But Harry had gone.

Ginny looked around, hoping to see where he had gone to, but it was as though he had vanished into thin air.

Perhaps he’s Apparated up to Gryffindor Tower or something, she thought, but then the reprimanding voice of Hermione forced its way into her mind:

You cannot Apparate or Disapparate anywhere on school grounds, Ginny!

Ginny sighed, and picked another flower from the lake’s edge. She began to pull the petals off once again.

“He loves me…” Sometimes it really seemed like he loved her just as she loved him. Mainly when he was letting her in on his feelings and he would look into her eyes and tell her that she was the only person he could really talk to.

She took another petal off of the flower.

“He loves me not…” And yet sometimes he acted as though she meant absolutely nothing to him. He would get into a mood where he would shut everyone out… including her.

Ginny let another petal fall to the ground.

“He loves me…” Sometimes Harry would flirt with her like there was no tomorrow. Like this past December when he had spent Christmas at The Burrow with her family. She and Harry had been having a snowball fight and when they were done, they had fallen down into the snow together… their arms entangled and their lips lingering dangerously close… But he had pulled away at the last second, causing an awkward silence to arise between them.

“He loves me not…” said Ginny, pulling off another petal. Harry would sometimes get mad at her for no reason, or when she didn’t understand something he was trying to say, and he would yell at her, “No one understands! I wish I could talk to Sirius!” But she would never get mad at him for it. She knew that it was still so hard for Harry, and that no matter how long it had been since his godfather’s death, it would still hurt.

Soon the pile of loose petals at Ginny’s feet grew to be quite large, and the flower became barer and barer.

“He loves me… he loves me not…”

There was just one petal left now.

“He loves–“ she began, but was cut off by someone abruptly placing his lips on her own.

It was the most sensational kiss Ginny had ever experienced. She didn’t want to open her eyes for fear that she wouldn’t see who she wanted it to be kissing her.

But the kiss eventually ended, and Ginny soon found herself looking into the green eyes of Harry Potter.

“He loves her,” he whispered to her, as they both leaned in to share another kiss.

The End.
Reviews 24

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