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The Forgotten Girl

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Category: Pre-OotP
Genres: Drama
Warnings: None
Rating: R
Reviews: 258
Summary: *** The author has been reminded via the e-mail address on file that this story is listed as incomplete and has not been updated since 2006 ***

WELCOME TO THE WORLD OF SSPOTTER! - - -Ginny Weasley survived the Chamber of Secrets and the summer of revelation and discovery that followed, but how will she deal with her newfound powers?
This is a bridging story between SUMMER OF THE SERPENT and TOWARDS TOMORROW, both posted on this site.
It is highly reccomended that SUMMER OF THE SERPENT be read first.
Hitcount: Story Total: 224718; Chapter Total: 10028


CHAPTER TWENTY-SIX: Mistress of Mayhem


30 April 1996

Can you believe that I’m still sore where Harry’s ink bottle hit me upside the head? I mean, it was days ago and I’ve still got a good sized goose egg! Madam Pince is obsessed with her damned books.

I was ticked, not just because she kicked us out of the library — and cracked open my head in the process - but because she interrupted the moment. It was a really good moment. For that moment Harry really saw me as me — he responded to something I’d said (I know, I know, he thought it was a reaction to the chocolate, but the effect we have on each other is still not something he seems willing to accept).

Ginny stopped writing as a copy of Service First, the career brochure that had been put out by St. Mungo’s for students interested in becoming Healers was flipped onto her page.

"There you go little sis," said Fred with a smirk. "Better start planning now, mum has her heart on being a Healer now, doesn’t she?"

"Fuck that," muttered Ginny just loud enough for Fred to hear her.

"Tsk, tsk. Sweet little Ginny using foul language?"

"Watch it Fred, or I’ll put another silencing charm on you," said Ginny, brandishing her wand.

"You’d do better with the Bat Bogey hex on him Ginny," advised George, extracting the unwanted pamphlet and unfolding it. "I know you don’t have to choose careers until next year, but really, what do you want to do?"

"Doesn’t matter what she wants," said Fred airily. "Mum’s got her heart set. She’s going to be a Healer. I heard her say so, she was talking to auntie Muriel. Ginny will make a wonderful Healer," said Fred, imitating his mother’s voice. "She’s so sweet and sensitive. Its what I’ve always wanted Muriel, and what better way for her to find a good husband?"

Ginny snorted. "She doesn’t really know me then, George, does she?"

George grinned broadly at her.

"You do have a rather independent streak," conceded Fred. "What’s it going to be for you then, sis? A curse breaker, like Bill?"

"You know that’s not what Bill really wants to be doing," said Ginny lightly. "I think I’d like to help him when he opens up his studio."

"What, and teach Poofter dances to a bunch of prancing pansies?" said Fred, sounding surprised.

"A dance studio, Fred, is not something to be ashamed of," said Ginny flatly. "He’s been saving every bonus Gringotts gives him for finding the different cache’s for the last five years."

"Yeah, but a dance studio?" said Fred incredulously. "What would you do to help, tend the till?"

"I’d teach," said Ginny brightly. "He’s already said that he’d give me the younger students to teach."

"You don’t think she’s taking all of those lessons for her health, do you Fredo?" said George comfortably.

"Yeah, but teach?"

"Why not?" said Ginny with a shrug. "That and compete — Bill says when I turn sixteen we can enter professional tournaments."

"Does mum know about this?" said Fred frowning. "She’ll go nutters you know. She’s got her heart set."

"She’ll just have to unset it then," said Ginny flatly. "I’m not going to go into a line of work just to make mum happy. She’s going to have to learn to love the daughter she’s got, not the daughter she wishes she had."

Fred and George both burst into applause, causing several other students who were lounging around the fire look around to see what all the noise was about.

"Bravo Ginny love, you keep that attitude and mum won’t know what hit her," said George, beaming at her.

"Oh yeah, you two, while I’ve got you, I’ve been meaning to ask you if you know of any way that Harry would be able to talk to Sirius without Umbridge finding out about it?"

Fred stared at her blankly, but George dropped her a broad wink. "Been making hay while the sun shines, little sis?"

"Oh come off it, he mentioned it is all, do you think you could help him out?"

"Well, all the fires are being watched," said Fred, frowning.

"And the owls are being searched," put in George.

"Except for Umbridge’s fire," said Ginny quickly. "She said it herself, hers is the only fire not being watched."

"So, once he gets into Umbridge’s office," began George.

"You mean if he gets in," corrected Fred.

"He’ll get in, but he’ll need a diversion," said George thoughtfully.

"Something messy."

"And loud."

"And that will keep her occupied for a bit," agreed Fred. "No problem. We can manage something."

"Hey, isn’t that them by the fire?" said George, and they were off to where Harry, Ron and Hermione sat at a table by a window browsing through the various Ministry career pamphlets.

Ginny watched them go. She hoped they wouldn’t actually say anything to Harry about her saying he was considering McGonagall’s fire. He hadn’t actually said anything to anyone about it, but he had been thinking about it for a good bit now.


2 May 1996

Oh my god, oh my god! What an incredible way to go! I can’t believe that they went with such style!

Fred and George are gone. They’ve left. They got caught this evening setting off that portable swamp in the east wing — right in Gregory the Smarmy’s corridor. It’s brilliant! And best of all, they didn’t leave directions on how to get rid of it.

They were cornered in the Entry Hall by Filch, who then called in Professor Umbridge, who started working up a whole head of self-righteous steam as a preliminary to ordering them whipped as punishment (Filch looked as if he’d been given Christmas a year early!) when Fred and George summoned their brooms, hopped aboard, told Peeves to give Umbridge hell from them and left, out the front doors and into the most glorious of sunsets.

It was fantastic! It’s the stuff of legends. People are going to be talking about their leaving for years!

Harry did get to talk to Sirius, but he’s feeling guilty now that it was because of him that Fred and George got caught. Idiot. They were planning a host of joke stuff anyway, and in fact they had expected to get caught. I know because Lee Jordan came up to me tonight with a big box George had left me, all sorts of stuff and directions on how to set it off, even a note saying that if I’d gotten this, it meant they’d finally gotten kicked out — or had left of their own will — and that they were relying on me to carry on ‘the glorious Weasley tradition of mischief and mayhem.’

Good words! I’m going to have some fun now!



15 May 1996

What glorious fun! I’ve been having the time of my life with the stuff Fred and George left me! I gave the stink pellets and dung bombs to Lee though, they’re a little crude for my taste, and he seems to get a kick out them. Ah well, each to their own.

I’ve been spending my time with their Confusion cookies. A person eats them and forgets everything they were thinking about. The effect lasts for an hour — so it’s perfect for teachers, gives us all a break from their continual lecturing. I left cookies on the desk for each of our teachers — with very entertaining results (except for Snape, who refused to even touch them). Only Umbridge has fallen for the joke more than once. She has yet to connect the cookies with her sudden brain lapses and so will sit there at her desk all during class, trying to remember what it was she was going to say, while the rest of us take naps or read magazines or other stuff.

I offered some to Ron, but Hermione confiscated them, saying that with O.W.L.’s coming up that they needed every bit of information they could (and Harry informed me that, at least with Trelawney, a Confusion charm wasn’t even necessary, seeing as that she was so brainless anyway). Ah well, it was worth a try!


22 May 1996

All the fifth and seventh years are really starting to get serious about their studying now. Hermione keeps snapping at people who are too loud in the common room at night, so I’ve taken to going down to my clearing just to be by myself. That’s where I am right now. The ground is so smooth here — so even, that I can practice my dance steps, or just sit quietly with my back against one of the standing stones and think or write. Mira may be gone, but I always feel closer to her here, as if at any moment she might slip out from behind a tree, laughing at the joke she’s played. I miss my friend, I really do.

The Quidditch final is just two weeks away. All the houses are in a dither. Poor Harry’s going spare trying to fit in all his practices and all the studying and trying to deal with his feelings for Cho, which are all muddled and confused now. And he keeps having those corridor dreams, which causes him to sleep poorly and be tired and grumpy as a result.

He’s now through the door at the end of the corridor, through the circular room and the room where all the clicking and glittering lights are, and is now in a cathedral like room full of shelves that are filled with dusty glass spheres. In his dream he’s trying to reach row number ninety-seven, which he can never quite reach.

Needless to say these repeated dreams are getting on my nerves, mainly because they keep interrupting my sleep too! Sometimes I am able to do some of the meditation exercises that Mira taught me, but sometimes they don’t work. It’s something I’m going to have to live with I guess.



26 May 1996

Weasley cannot save a thing,

He cannot block a single ring . . .

"Idiots," muttered Ginny, watching with a sinking feeling in the pit of her stomach as Ron stretched . . .stretched . . .and missed the Quaffle by a full six feet. It soared neatly through the hoop and the Slytherins and Ravenclaws went wild.

"Ravenclaw scores!" bellowed Lee.

But Ginny wasn’t listening, not really, she was looking about for the Snitch, but she was also aware of Hagrid asking Harry and Hermione to follow him.

Where the devil was he taking them in the middle of a Quidditch game?

She didn’t have time to think about it, concentrating instead on the Ravenclaws, who were really very good. Her attention was brought back to Harry though when a stinging sensation on her arms caused her to swerve unintentionally.

What the hell? Nettles. Harry was struggling through a patch of Nettles, beside him, Hermione was disentangling her hair from a particularly stubborn branch.

Ginny focused on the playing field. Put him out of your head. Look, there goes Ron! Second save of the game! Excellent!

One more goals by the Ravenclaw Chasers, and Ginny still hadn’t caught so much as a glimpse of the Snitch. Cho was circling the pitch, a look of fierce concentration on her face. Ginny’s broom suddenly dropped about three feet, causing several people in the stands to squeal.

A giant? Hagrid went and brought back a giant? A giant, living in the Forbidden Forest?

The image of a large curving shoulder and a head the size of a boulder superimposed itself over her view of the Gryffindor Goal Posts, and she started when another cheer went up from the crowd.

They were cheering a giant? No, no, the game. Got to concentrate on the game!

Ginny wrenched her concentration back to the pitch. She was going to get herself seriously injured if this went on much longer, more to give her something to focus on than for any other reason, Ginny began marking Cho, flying just below and to one side of her. Doing so, she was only vaguely aware of the run in with the Centaurs, smiling slightly as the image of Bane was superimposed over Cho’s slim figure.

Twice more Gryffindor scored, brining the Gryffindor even. It was up to her. She stopped marking Cho, making a circuit of the pitch, putting all her concentration into finding the little golden ball."

Cho dove, suddenly, aiming for something gold that was glinting in the air near the stands. Ginny saw it and put on an extra burst of speed, lying flat on her handle, trying to cover half the distance of the pitch. But she needn’t have worried. The Ravenclaw Seeker was flying sluggishly, battling a cross breeze that was coming in off the lake and Ginny had the tail wind. She reached out a hand, snatching the Snitch from mid-air, and felt Cho’s fingernails scrabble at the back of her hand.

They’d won. Ron had saved nearly every goal and she, Ginny, had caught the Snitch! She couldn’t wait to see the look on Harry’s face.


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