
SIYE Time:18:42 on 8th September 2024
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By Fire

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Category: Post-OotP
Genres: General
Warnings: None
Story is Complete
Rating: PG-13
Reviews: 32
Summary: The four teenagers have left Hogwarts and are beginning their lives together. The story focuses on the event s at Grimmauld Place surrounding Ron and Hermione, Harry and Ginny, with some individual character spin offs...
Hitcount: Story Total: 33687; Chapter Total: 4757


Hermione sat by the electric fire in the living room of her parents' house. It was about eleven o'clock at night on October 14th and she was alone. Ginny and her parents were upstairs finalising arrangements for tomorrow's big day. Hermione pulled a blanket around her shoulders as she stared at the artificial flames.

Why on earth am I doing this? Why am I getting married? Why? I'm so young. There's so much I could have done with my life than become somebody's wife. And what if something goes wrong? What if our children are born muggle? What if Ron and I fight like we used to? I just couldn't bear it. It would be awful. I'm so nervous. What if Ron backs out tomorrow? What if he never shows up? I'd look like such an idiot. I'd never forgive him. What if I forget what to say? Or if I trip over my dress and fall? I couldn't live with myself if I embarrassed Ron like that. And what about Harry? No doubt he'll be trying to put us off, either that or he'll be making goo - goo eyes with Ginny. Why did I agree to this whole wedding thing? Look at my nails! They're bitten down to the quick, practically! They look a right mess, and my hands are shaking! I am actually shaking! I've never been this nervous before. Not before OWLs or NEWTs or even the Last Battle. Why am I getting so worked up about? It’s just a wedding; it’s a happy occasion, nothing to get worked up about. I'm such an idiot getting worked up like this. I mean, I'm an intelligent girl and Ginny's planned out every single step, every single breath that Ron and I will take. Nothing can possibly go wrong. What if Death Eaters turn up? Don't be an idiot Hermione! Death Eaters are not gonna turn up at your wedding. They're all in Azkaban as it is, and why would they want to sabotage your wedding, it not like Voldemort's gonna come back. They've got nothing to fight for. I wish Sirius were here. I always got on well with Sirius, he always knew so much, kept us well informed. I know that Harry misses him, and Harry is one person who deserves happiness in his life. Well, he might get that now with ginny. Everyone knows that they adore each other, it plainly obvious to anyone with eyes or ears, even ones that don't work that great. Ron's not that good at noticing thing though. It took him years to notice that I liked him. It did amuse me to see how frustrated Harry got with it all though. Yeah. Those were some good times. I miss Hogwarts. I've perhaps only just realised it, but I do. I miss the castle, the moving stairs, the classrooms, the lessons, the roaring fire in the common room, the dormitories and the four posters, the library, the quidditch matches and the electricity and harmless rivalry with which they were approached. In a way I miss Malfoy. I miss being able to have a go at him, or watching Ron desperately trying to injure Malfoy because of something he said to me. Oh, I love Ron so much, I just hope we're not rushing into anything. Why would we be though? I mean, we've been going out with each other for years, we've loved each other for years. That' all we need right? Love? I shouldn't really be nervous at all but I am. Why am I being so ridiculous? Its like all sense has been knocked out of me. Maybe that's what love does to a person...


Ginny shut the door with a gentle click and ran silently up to the room where she would be sleeping.

Poor Hermione is so nervous!

Ginny giggled. She went to her trunk and rummaged around in the bottom of it. She pulled out a mirror. A two-way mirror. The mirror that had once belonged to Sirius Black, a mirror given to her by Harry.

She held the mirror up to her face.

"Harry Potter," she said clearly.

The handsome face of her fiancé soon replaced her reflection.

"Hey Harry!"

"Hi Ginny! What's up?"

"I'm just checking up on you. I'm missing you."

"I miss you too, sweetie."

"How's Ron doing?"

"He's very nervous."

"So's Hermione. She's just sitting my the fire staring into it as though watching something tremendously important, or you know, reading a book. She mutters to herself occasionally too. Its quite funny to watch."

"Well, this just proves how perfect they are for each other."

"How's that?"

"Well your brother is doing exactly the same thing that a certain Miss Granger is doing."



"Seems like they really do belong together."


"What time are you apparating tomorrow?"

"Around half oneish."

"I'll make sure that Hermione, Susan and I are ready by then. Hermione looks so lovely in her dress. Ron will be drooling over her without doubt."

"Better make sure I've got some tissues handy then."

Ginny giggled.

"That would probably be a good idea."

"So what's Hermione's house like."

"Small, but dad would love it. Everything has plug and batteries."

"Has she shown you the chapel?"

"Yes, he has. It is the most beautiful little church I have ever seen. It definitely has to go on my top ten buildings list."

"What else is on your list?"

"Well, you know. The Burrow is number one, Hogwarts, Grimmauld Place, that castle where we spent Christmas when I was in sixth year. Stuff like that."

"I don't have a favourite building in particular. Whatever building you're in is always the best, especially if I'm there with you."

Ginny smiled at his last statement.

"I wish you were here now, Harry."

"Me too. You look gorgeous even through this mirror."

"You're just saying that!" exclaimed Ginny, smiling all the same.

"I mean it, sweetie. You're the most beautiful woman in the world, you always light up the room."

Harry grinned at her.

"I love you, Ginny."

"I love you, Harry."

"Tomorrow should be a good day."

"Yeah, I'm looking forward to it more than Hermione is I think. She's very nervous."

"Most people are on their wedding day."

"Yeah, I guess you're right."

"I'm expecting you to look gorgeous tomorrow, Ginny. Give the bride some competition."

"I wouldn't dream of it, Harry Potter. Especially not if it is jut to satisfy your needs."

"Well, you know what they say about the best man and the chief bridesmaid."


"That they end up together."


"Looks like this time that saying is going to come true."

"Certainly looks like it. As long as you behave yourself!"

"Of course I will Miss Weasley. There will be no 'funny business' tomorrow. I promise."

"There'd better not be. I don't want anything to spoil Ron and Hermione's big day."

"Me either."

"I'd better go now, sounds like Hermione's coming upstairs."

"Ok. I love you Ginny."

"I love you too Harry."


Harry disappeared from the mirror. Ginny quickly changed into her nightgown and slid into bed. Tomorrow would be a very busy day.
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