
SIYE Time:18:25 on 8th September 2024
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By Fire

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Category: Post-OotP
Genres: General
Warnings: None
Story is Complete
Rating: PG-13
Reviews: 32
Summary: The four teenagers have left Hogwarts and are beginning their lives together. The story focuses on the event s at Grimmauld Place surrounding Ron and Hermione, Harry and Ginny, with some individual character spin offs...
Hitcount: Story Total: 33683; Chapter Total: 5298


Harry walked up and down on the platform, waiting. He had been waiting for over an hour. Why was the train taking so long? He was aching to see her. Not since Christmas had he seen her. Not since Christmas had he held her in his arms, not since Christmas had he kissed her, or felt the warmth of her body or touched her silky soft hair. He was desperate to see her.

Harry suddenly looked up from the ground. He could hear it. It was coming. He stood back on the platform and watched the beautiful red steam engine pull into the station followed by its magnificent carriages.

The train came to a hault and the prefects stepped out holding the doors open. Harry's green eyes searched the horde of students. He couldn't see her where was she? His eyes frantically searched the crowd, then he saw her. She was looking for him.

"Harry!" she squealed.

She ran into Harry's arms and he kissed her passionately, savouring every moment.

"I've missed you, Harry," she said smiling widely.
"I've missed you too, Ginny," said Harry.

He kissed her again. When they broke away, Harry grabbed her trunk.

"Come on, Ginny, lets get away from here. The others are waiting in the main station."

With one strong arm Harry dragged the trunk and with the other he grasped ginny's hand tightly, pulling her close. They walked through the barrier and withing ten seconds Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger descended upon Ginny.

Three hours later, Hermione, Ron, Harry and Ginny were sitting in Charlie’s old bedroom, telling Ginny the details of things that had happened whilst she was at Hogwarts.

“They caught Wormtail,” said Ron. “About three weeks ago.”
“Yeah, Harry told me,” said Ginny.
“His trial was fascinating,” said Hermione.
“Yeah, he couldn’t answer half the question they asked him, he was that nervous,” laughed Ron.
“He got life in Azkaban,” said Harry.
“Cornelius Fudge was sacked, well, obviously,” said Hermione.
“They couldn’t do anything else after he was caught with a group of known Death Eaters,” said Harry.
“When they brought in Pettigrew, Arthur immediately had Sirius acquitted of all his charges. After all, with Wormtail alive, they had proof that Sirius was innocent,” said Hermione.
“They held a memorial service for Dumbledore, the other week. Over a hundred thousand people there. They had to use the quidditch stadium,” said Ron.
“That was so sad,” said Ginny. “He just passed away in his sleep.”
“Yeah,” said Harry. “A lot of people will miss him.”
“Dad made 26 June Harry Potter Day,” said Ron chuckling. “Harry wasn’t too impressed.”
“Too right I wasn’t. That the last thing I need, more worship,” grumbled Harry.
“Aw, poor ickle ‘Arry,” said Ginny kissing him on the cheek.
“I like the sympathy though,” said Harry kissing Ginny gently on the lips.
“Its been one hell of a year. They’ve arrested every single Death Eater. None of them have walked free this time,” said Ron.
“They can’t risk it,” said Hermione. “Many of the Death Eaters were as terrible and ruthless as Voldemort himself.”
“They locked Draco Malfoy up too,” said Harry.
“What!” said Ginny.
“He was charged with being a spy at Hogwarts,” said Ron.
“Leaking information about secret passages into the school, giving Voldemort Harry’s timetable. Making sure that Voldemort knew when Dumbledore was away,” said Hermione.
“I didn’t know that,” said Ginny.
“Neither did we,” said Harry. “I don’t know how they found out about it.”
“I’m willing to bet it was Moody,” said Ron.
“He’s not looking to good at the moment is he?” said Ron.
“No,” said Harry.
“How’s our old friend Snape doing, Gin?” asked Hermione.
“Vindictive as ever,” said Ginny. “Although he’s definitely not as biased against Gryffindor as he used to be.”
“He never got the Defence job, did he?” said Ron.
“No. Good job too,” said Hermione.
“What about Bellatrix Lestrange?” asked Ginny.
“She was charged with the murder of acquitted Death Eater Sirius Black, and the use of the cruciatus curse to insanity on Frank and Alice Londbottom,” said Hermione.
“She was kissed,” Harry said quietly.

Harry put his arms around Ginny and pulled her close to him. He kissed her gently. Hermione smiled, Ron looked disgusted.

“Honestly, Ron!” said Hermione, exasperated.

He grinned and kissed her passionately. Ginny giggled. Hermione turned red and pushed Ron away.

“When I the wedding going to be?” asked Ginny.
“Sometime next summer, we think, or maybe Christmas,” said Hermione smiling.
“You must be really happy,” said Ginny with a definite note of envy in her voice.
“We are,” said Ron.

Hermione grinned and kissed him again.

“Are you not happy?” said Harry.
“Of course I am,” said Ginny.

She smiled. Harry took her hand and slid off the bed.

“Come with me,” said Harry.

The two of them ran from the room, leaving the kissing couple in peace.

Ten minutes later Harry and Ginny were walking through the woods hand in hand.

“I’ve missed you so much this year, Ginny,” said Harry.
“I missed you too. Gods, it was almost unbearable. If I hadn’t had NEWTs to distract me, I think I might have gone insane.”

Harry smiled.

“I know the feeling,” he said.

He turned to face her. Harry put his arms around Ginny’s waist and held her close. His mouth was close to hers he leant forward and kissed her. His hands held her waist gently, supporting her as she melted into the kiss. She loved him, so much and she knew that he loved her. He was genuinely happy to see her, and she knew he was telling the truth when he told her that he’d missed her. Harry broke away, gasping for breath.

“Promise me, that you’ll never leave me Ginny,” Harry said.
“I promise, Harry,” she said her gaze never leaving his deep green eyes.

Something slid onto her left ring finger and she gasped. A voice whispered in her ear.

“Will you marry, me?”
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