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By Ravenclaw

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Category: Post-OotP
Genres: Angst, Fluff
Warnings: Violence
Story is Complete
Rating: PG
Reviews: 25
Summary: Harry is in agony about being away from Ginny for her last year at school. One Shot!
Hitcount: Story Total: 6258


Author's Note: This is my first Fan Fiction. It is short, it is one shot, and I would appreciate your reviews. Thank you!

Harry walked along the pathway just outside The Burrow, oblivious to his surroundings. So many life altering things had happened to him in the last three months.

First had been his defeat of the Dark Lord Voldemort. That had happened just one month out of his seventh year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Many had been lost, but somehow, those closest to him had come out in one piece. He thanked his stars for that every night, though there were a few still in St. Mungo's Hospital for Magical Maladies.

Kicking a clump of grass, Harry walked though the crisp fall air toward the swimming hole that he had occupied with Ron, Hermione, and Ginny while laughter rang through the air during so many summers past.

Ron and Hermione had both gone off to an Auror training camp in Ireland, while he had stayed behind. He missed their company terribly as of late. It had come as no shock that after the final battle, Ron had asked Hermione to be his wife. Dumbledore was to officiate the ceremony upon their graduating from their initial training in April. Harry smiled and looked around at the fall colors.

A spectrum of gold, brown and red hung from the trees, the first just beginning cascade to the earth. It was the red that caught his attention so violently. He missed her something terrible. It had only been four weeks since Ginny had gone back to Hogwarts to finish her studies, and already he longed for her.

Harry slumped under a large tree, staring up into its scarlet leaves. It seemed like just yesterday when he had told her how he felt. He had known for quite some time, but he felt it better that he wait until the world was rid of Voldemort for good, as he didn’t want to cause her any additional pain in the event that he shouldn’t return. It was a foolish thing to do, but in the end when he stood face to face against He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named, it gave him a sense of drive and purpose.

It was, as he stared down his wand, when realized that he not only had feelings for Ginny Weasley, but he was head over heals for her and nothing would stand in his way. Voldemort and a heard of raging Hippogriffs would not hinder him in returning to Ginny.

After the smoke had cleared and the Death Eaters were gone, the luckier imprisoned, others dead, he had searched frantically for the red headed girl. It wasn’t until he found her that he breathed a sigh of relief. She had her wand twisted up in her hair, and a few bloody scratches tracing down one cheek. She was winding bandages across a fallen compatriot’s arm where it had been severed from his body by a curse.

She knew little of healing charms, but enough first aid to control what she could until the Mediwitches arrived. She took her robe off and laid it over the man who lay fallen, leaving her in shorts and a t-shirt. The weather outside had not matched the seen that lay before his eyes. Wounded and dead lay bleeding into the grass while the sun beat down upon them.

Harry’s heart swelled with pride as he watched Ginny take control of the situation, coaching others in how to bandage and position those who were in need of healing. Harry strode toward her in a daze and caught her by the hand, pulling her to his body. “I’m so glad you are alright.” He whispered into her hair, holding on tighter than was necessary. He planted a firm kiss on top of her disheveled hair, a tear falling down his face before he had time to notice and stop it.

For all she was worth, Ginny held on to Harry, her eyes cloudy as her resolve weakened, a hot tear tracing the wounds on her cheek. “Harry…” She started, looking up at him, but he held her by both sides of the face and kissed her full on the lips. It was hard and full of emotions that were bursting through his skin, begging to be released and absorbed by her.

Harry shivered thinking back on their first of many kisses, it had been so sweet, muddled with the salt of their sweat and tears. “Ginny…” He murmured in response to his vision as he leaned his head back against the tree trunk.

Standing, Harry started back toward the house, it was leaning toward the early dark of fall, and Mrs. Weasley would have dinner prepared soon.

As he entered the front door, he called out, letting Mrs. Weasley know he was home before heading up the stairs to get cleaned up. First, he went to his room, Fred and George’s old room. Hedwig hooted happily as he entered and sat on his bed and pulled his pillow to his stomach.

It was flowery, pink and scented of lavender. He had nicked it from Ginny’s bedroom upon her departure. “She won’t need it.” He reasoned with a smile. She had also left Mr. Bear in his care. The poor thing had two different buttons for eyes, and his mouth had been ripped half off, but Harry treasured him the same.

Breathing in the scent of Ginny’s pillow, Harry smiled to himself, wishing that he could see her. Hedwig flew to him and landed soundly on his shoulder, clicking her beak at him in a way that was nor friendly nor hostile.

As the owl’s beak clicked, so did Harry’s mind. “Good idea.” He said in praise of the owl. She hooted and flew back to her perch across the room. Racing to his desk, Harry got a piece of parchment and a quill out of the drawer and began to scrawl a note.

Hedwig fluttered to him as he sealed it tight and held her talon out. “You know where to take this.” Harry told her. She hooted and flew out the window. Harry then rifled through his wardrobe for another item. When he was satisfied, he changed into a sweater and fresh robes before going down to dinner.

Dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Weasley was always a lovely occasion, however tonight, a growing knot in Harry’s stomach kept him from eating his fill of the shepherd’s pie. When Mrs. Weasley asked about it, knowing it was his favorite, he launched into a full explanation. About an hour later, Harry went back up to his room, a smile playing across his lips. He grabbed his old Firebolt out of the closet, next to the new one he used when in training at Yorkshire Moors with the rest of his team, Puddlemere United (which Ron had been furious about). Harry also folded his invisibility cloak tightly under his arm, took out his wand and apparated to Hogsmead.

Once in Hogsmead, he visited the Three Broomsticks, and was pleasantly greeted by Lee Jordan, who offered to buy an old friend a butterbeer. Harry obliged and the two sat for a bit before Harry politely excused himself under pretense of a previous engagement that he was nearly late for.

Harry hopped on his Firebolt and flew to the outskirts of Hogsmead where a dreary, rundown shack sat. Making sure no one was about, Harry crept through the gate and used a charm to open the bolted door. The place was much nicer on the inside than it was on the outside, though dusty. During Harry’s sixth and seventh year, he and his friends had cleaned the place up a bit, and used it for extra (beyond The Defense Association) training in Defense and Charms.

Smiling fondly of the memories, Harry walked to the far wall of the great room and touched it. His grin broadened when he realized that Hermione’s cushioning charm was still in place. The walls had been painted scarlet and gold for Gryffindor House colors, they decorated the loo in Ravenclaw colors by Luna Lovegood’s request.

Harry walked through the room into the hall, which was dark as ever, and found the trap door at the end. He lowered himself down the ladder and into the cave that connected the Shrieking Shack to Hogwarts. After a long and lonely walk, Harry reached the spot where he could see the last fading bit of daylight.

He readied his Firebolt in the tunnel and pulled the invisibility cloak around his shoulders and up over his head. He pushed the knot on the root of the tree and it stilled to a slight sway in the wind.

All seemed to be calm on the grounds of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, so Harry mounted his broom and flew toward the highest tower of the castle, the Astronomy Tower.

He had put himself down about ten paces to the left of the door when he heard the door creak open. “Ginny?” he whispered.

“Who’s there?” a shrill woman replied. Harry backed toward the ledge of the building, out of the possible paths of Professor Sinistra, the Astronomy Proffessor. “I will repeat myself once, and only once! Who is there?”

Harry didn’t answer. He held his breath in the corner of the tower, making sure the cloak covered his entirety.

Professor Sinistra glanced around with the eyes of a hawk, so practiced from star gazing for years. Harry stood utterly and completely still, not even daring to breathe. The woman finally, with one last darting glance and a shrug, gave up and walked toward a telescope humming a tune.

After three to four minutes, Harry dared a glance at his watch showing that he had barely ten minutes to spare. The professor appeared to be wrapped up in her star gazing, so he chanced a walk toward the door into the castle. He opened it with a creak and made a hurried dash down the spiraling stairs. Not too long after he reached the bottom, he heard the door above him slam and the professor’s voice from above him.

Harry darted behind a unicorn statue and into a passageway the Marauder’s Map had shown. It led across the castle to the other wing of the seventh floor, just beyond the tapestry of Barnabas the Balmy and the trolls. It was here that Harry paced back and forth concentrating terribly on what was needed for tonight, not just anything would do. A door appeared out of the stone wall and Harry turned the handle.

When he opened it, his breath caught in his throat. The room never ceased to startle and amaze Harry. On the far side of the room, directly across from him was a large granite fireplace with a crackling fire. The walls were lined with shelves that held both books and candles causing the room to glow in a warm, rich light. A high-backed couch was turned to face the fireplace , two large mugs of steaming peppermint hot cocoa (by Harry’s request) sat on a short table that doubled as an ottoman. Across the floor were hundreds, if not thousands, of scarlet roses and rose petals strewn unmethodically. The room held only a hint of the fragrance of the flower, and for that, Harry was thankful.

Letting his breath out slowly, Harry walked into the room, mindful of the floor’s decoration. Along the back wall were sconces that held white taper candles, and mirrors that reflected the light into the room. Looking down at his watch, Harry realized that, according to his note, Ginny should be here already. A mind numbing panic settled in and he couldn’t think straight.

Harry Potter paced the floor, no longer aware of the roses that he was trampling, but the room replenished them every time without being told, for it was in his initial instructions that the room need be perfect, and that it was.

“What am I about to do?” He wondered out loud.

“I don’t know, Harry. What are you about to do?” Ginny said upon entering the room. Harry had been in such a fit that he hadn’t noticed the door silently open and close. Ginny grinned at him and launched herself at him wholeheartedly.

Harry threw open his arms and embraced a giggling Ginny. “It’s been so long.” Harry finally said.

“It’s been, but a month.” Ginny said sighing, “But I admit, it feels like a lifetime!” she agreed.

Harry held her under a wing as they went to the couch and sat down. He handed her a mug of the cocoa and she accepted it with a smile. “What’s the occasion?” Ginny finally asked, noticing the roses piled on the floor.

“I missed you.” He said simply, looking into her eyes. She cocked an eyebrow at him skeptically. “A lot.” Harry added, setting down his drink and running a hand through his unruly black hair.

Ginny relented with a grin. She turned so her back was to him and relaxed against his chest. “Tell me,” she prompted, “How did you get into the castle, I know you didn’t sneak into Honeydukes.”

“I came in through the Shrieking Shack and the Whomping Willow, then I flew to the Astronomy Tower.” He replied.

“You didn’t!” She gasped and sat up. “There is an early Astronomy class tonight! How did you get by Professor Sinistra?”

Harry told her about his near brush with the Professor, and pulled her back into his arms firmly. After a while and a few cups more of cocoa, Harry was growing irritated with himself. He buried his face in her vibrant hair and breathed in her scent. “I miss you so much, Ginny.” His voice was full of pain as well as nervousness.

Reaching into his pants pocket, where he had stowed it earlier, Harry produced a beautiful diamond and emerald ring. In the candlelight, the emeralds looked dark, but Harry knew that they were the exact color of his eyes, of his mother’s eyes.

“Ginny…” Harry said quietly, lifting her and turning her toward him on his lap. “I’ve been thinking a lot lately, and I know we haven’t dated long, but I’ve known you for the better part of my life.” Ginny started to say something, but Harry stopped her with a chaste kiss to her lips. He held the ring out to her and she gasped, “I was wondering, when you get out of school, will you marry me?”

Looking up into Ginny’s speechless face didn’t cause Harry distress, because even without the words, he knew the answer to his question. As she held a hand out toward his face, she gently cupped it in her petite hand and nodded her head.

Harry slipped the ring on her finger and she kissed him, deeply and thoroughly. It was a searing kiss that melted his entire being into a puddle of liquid in her arms. Harry’s toes curled in his socks and Ginny continued to snog him more soundly that she had ever snogged him before.

When she finally realized her need for air, she pulled back only slightly, still staring into Harry’s with a grin that was more brilliant than any he had ever received before.

“So, does that mean yes?” he asked with a goofy smile,

Ginny answered with another toe curling kiss. “Yes.”
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