
SIYE Time:7:33 on 10th December 2024
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Curse of the Damned
By melindaleo

Category: Post-OotP
Genres: Action/Adventure, Angst, Drama
Warnings: Death, Violence
Story is Complete
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Seventh year sequel to Power of Emotion. Harry is recovering from his captivity at the end of his sixth year, but he's hiding how much it's effecting him. With his powers increasing, and Voldemort now aware of the prophecy, can Harry find the secret to destroying him before Voldemort learns the contents of the ancient texts? Would this be HP fanfiction if it were that easy?
Hitcount: Story Total: 249299



1. Alone Again by melindaleo
6770 words, updated on 2005.07.08 [Reviews - 94] starstarstarstarstar

2. Reunion by melindaleo
7180 words, updated on 2005.07.08 [Reviews - 29] starstarstarstarstar

3. Broken Wings by melindaleo
6574 words, updated on 2005.07.08 [Reviews - 27] starstarstarstarstar

4. Money Changes Everything by melindaleo
7418 words, updated on 2005.07.08 [Reviews - 38] starstarstarstarstar

5. End of an Era by melindaleo
8366 words, updated on 2005.07.08 [Reviews - 40] starstarstarstarstar

6. Recovering...Again by melindaleo
6895 words, updated on 2005.07.08 [Reviews - 35] starstarstarstarstar

7. Political Maneuvering by melindaleo
7930 words, updated on 2005.07.08 [Reviews - 32] starstarstarstarstar

8. A Much Needed Break by melindaleo
7429 words, updated on 2005.07.08 [Reviews - 26] starstarstarstarstar

9. Of Legal Age by melindaleo
8282 words, updated on 2005.07.08 [Reviews - 29] starstarstarstarstar

10. Loss of a Brother by melindaleo
7875 words, updated on 2005.07.08 [Reviews - 38] starstarstarstarstar

11. Funeral for a Friend by melindaleo
9002 words, updated on 2005.07.08 [Reviews - 30] starstarstarstarstar

12. Back Where We Belong by melindaleo
7637 words, updated on 2005.07.08 [Reviews - 20] starstarstarstarstar

13. Feast of Fools by melindaleo
7164 words, updated on 2005.07.08 [Reviews - 29] starstarstarstarstar

14. Calm Before the Storm by melindaleo
6099 words, updated on 2005.07.08 [Reviews - 29] starstarstarstarstar

15. Defense Against the Dark Arts by melindaleo
7800 words, updated on 2005.07.08 [Reviews - 19] starstarstarstarstar

16. Riddle...Tom Riddle by melindaleo
7728 words, updated on 2005.07.08 [Reviews - 21] starstarstarstarstar

17. Vendetta by melindaleo
7388 words, updated on 2005.07.08 [Reviews - 23] starstarstarstarstar

18. Quidditch, Anyone? by melindaleo
8225 words, updated on 2005.07.08 [Reviews - 22] starstarstarstarstar

19. It All Hits the Fan by melindaleo
6578 words, updated on 2005.07.08 [Reviews - 25] starstarstarstarstar

20. All Hallow's Eve by melindaleo
10041 words, updated on 2005.07.08 [Reviews - 25] starstarstarstarstar

21. Blizzard by melindaleo
8817 words, updated on 2005.07.08 [Reviews - 31] starstarstarstarstar

22. A Muggle Christmas by melindaleo
9257 words, updated on 2005.07.08 [Reviews - 35] starstarstarstarstar

23. And the Mighty WIll Fall by melindaleo
8860 words, updated on 2005.07.08 [Reviews - 42] starstarstarstarstar

24. Summons by melindaleo
9923 words, updated on 2005.07.08 [Reviews - 32] starstarstarstarstar

25. Sacrifice by melindaleo
9370 words, updated on 2005.07.08 [Reviews - 47] starstarstarstarstar

26. The Winds of Change by melindaleo
9392 words, updated on 2005.07.08 [Reviews - 47] starstarstarstarstar

27. It Begins... by melindaleo
8188 words, updated on 2005.07.08 [Reviews - 63] starstarstarstarstar

28. Back in the Chamber by melindaleo
6544 words, updated on 2005.07.08 [Reviews - 59] starstarstarstarstar

29. Curse of the Damned by melindaleo
9678 words, updated on 2005.07.08 [Reviews - 102] starstarstarstarstar

30. Survivors by melindaleo
12704 words, updated on 2005.07.08 [Reviews - 61] starstarstarstarstar

31. Dawn of a New Era by melindaleo
11049 words, updated on 2005.07.08 [Reviews - 57] starstarstarstarstar

32. The Journey Home by melindaleo
9275 words, updated on 2005.07.08 [Reviews - 43] starstarstarstarstar

33. Epilogue by melindaleo
8411 words, updated on 2005.07.08 [Reviews - 103] starstarstarstarstar

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