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The Secret of the Samuriess
By Starlight479

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Category: Alternate Universe
Genres: Action/Adventure
Warnings: Violence
Rating: PG-13
Reviews: 1
Summary: *** The author has been reminded via the e-mail address on file that this story is listed as incomplete and has not been updated since 2003 ***

The ancient cult of the Samuriess died out millenia ago. Or so it is thought. But they very much exist, as young Ginny Weasley finds out one warm summer morning... (This is the prologue)
Hitcount: Story Total: 3283


Once, long ago, when human life had only just begun, there began an intense cultcalled the Samuriess (When loosely translated, the name means “Fierce Ones”). TheSamuriess evolved quickly, developing magical abilities and a strong belief that womenbelonged at the top among the many aspects of their culture. They were born with immenselylong life spans and long hair. Their magical abilities they tried to share, but it meant beingshunned and recognized as freaks, a serious misnomer-as they showed magical abilities upto 200 years before the first wizards-, an as a result of these feelings they were attackedconstantly by the other tribes. They withstood the attacks, and tried to ignore them, but oncethey went too far.

The Samuriess retreated into the mountains, placing powerful defensive wards aroundtheir nominated retreats-to insure no “visitors” came calling-, and became reclusive veryquickly. They put all their strength into developing offencial and defencial magics, includinga set of long, thin and very pointy swords that they used like wands to channel their magic,and as regular swords, for approximately 50 years, until they were ready to lead a revengeparty against their offenders. Of course, they had trained their women as their warriors andthe men to stay at home and look after the children. All the Samuriess warriors gatheredtogether, and prepared to descend the mountain.

Swift as a diving hawk, the Samuriess came out of the mountain and seized their preyin their mighty talons. They began their reign of terror by holding a mass slaughter of thepeoples, primitive English, Welsh, and Scottish, for about a quarter of a year, almost non-stop. Eventually, they had satisfied their thirst for revenge and established a reputation ofbeing blood-thirsty and terrifying, so they retreated back to the mountains and became quiet.

They put their newly recharged reservoir of energy into developing magical objectsand abilities, including even longer life spans, so long that some of the first Samuriess arerumored to be alive today, a object not unlike a cross between a portkey and apparating,which allowed them to travel all around the ancient world in hardly a moment, and a time-traveling device, though it’s existence has been questioned. They used these devices totravel world-wide, passing on bits of their culture to people of all nationalities. They werehighly respected in Japan, and the Samuriess taught the Japanese much of the art of war. Since the Samuriess required things in return, the Japanese credited the Samuriess by namingthe highest warriors of their craft Samurai, but it was too late to make the warriors women. They globe-hopped like this for many years, sharing their secrets, definitely not being seenas ridiculous, and getting snippets of almost all cultures and blending them into their own.They got into a regular rhythm of traveling, staying in one land and then vanishing toanother, but eventually found their thirst for blood to terrible to bear. They resigned theirpeaceful time of culture exchange, and returned to the English countryside.

They returned to England, finding them the only ones worthy of death, to kill andslaughter anything they saw. But this time-the people were ready, and had rehearsed manytimes how they would counter-attack them. Some groups of peoples had developed magics,and others remained “muggles”, but all were slightly skilled in the art of war. The 200Samuriess Warrioresses met over 20,000 people rallied from all over the islands, and theirpower came close to being matched. The Samuriess killed many, but their numbers dwindledalso. About 500 “normal” people survived the fight, while 75 Samuriess lived to retreat intothe mountains again, taking with them their dead and burying them in eloquent ceremonies.

The Samuriess decided that their reign of power was over. They retreated into themountains, by order of their leader, and were hardly seen again. Their presence went froma daily terror, to a occasional nightmare, to a deadly omen, and finally to whoever claimedto see one was admitted to St. Mungo’s. They went from a terrifying shadow to a nominalbeing. History became myth, myth became legend, and things that should not have beenforgotten were lost. But the Samuriess still existed, no matter who doubted them, as youngGinny Weasley was about to find out...

(No copyright infringement intended. All the characters-currently, Ginny Weasley-St.Mungo’s, and most other various things are J. K. Rowling’s. The only thing I claim is theplot and the Samuriess. And yes, the history became myth quotation isn’t mine either-that’sthe LOTR guy’s. Don’t know if it was Tolkien or Jackson...Also many inspirations fromvarious fic authors-and finally-thanks to the mighty pink curtain rods for the inspiration ofthe whole Samuriess thing. *whacks you with one*)

(Note: This actually will have a plot. This prologue is pretty much just to introduce the worldof the Samuriess. Review, pretty please?)(Another Note:This story is rated PG-13 for violence for good reasons-the Samuriess have kept their thirst for blood and will be occasionally demonstrating it throughout the story. I promise to keep it to a minimum though.)
Reviews 1

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