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He's Mine Now

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Category: Pre-OotP
Genres: Fluff, Humor, General, Songfic
Warnings: None
Story is Complete
Rating: G
Reviews: 13
Summary: Summery in one breath: Cho dumps Harry, Ginny gets Harry, Ginny rubs it in Cho's face.
Hitcount: Story Total: 6435


DISCLAIMER: I do not own Harry Potter and Co. Or the song that is sung below- Avril Levigne sings it.

A/N: "Flashback" is going back to a part in OotP


*He was a boy,
She was a girl.
Can I make it anymore obvious?

He was a punk,
She did ballet.
What more can I say?*

I, Ginny Weasley, sighed. Ms. Right and the all time famous seeker and Boy-Who-Lived, AKA, Cho Chang and Harry Potter. Need I go on? They were making their way toward Hogsmade, hand in hand. The sad thing was, I still loved him. And he had yet to see I existed.

*He wanted her,
She’d never tell,
Secretly she wanted him as well.

But all of her friends,
They stuck up their noose,
They had a problem with his baggy clothes.*,

For quite a while Harry had been in love with her and it was obvious to seemingly me only that Cho had liked him back, even when she was with Cedric. Then Cedric died, and she was able to fling her sorry self into Harry’s arms. They didn’t know it, but I had seen Cho corner Harry in the Room of Requirement......And as for those awful stuck up girls that Cho called friends, they did not even bother to hide their disapproval. They all thought him a crazed attention-seeking liar.

*He was a skater boy,
She said see ya later boy,
He wasn’t good enough for her.
She had a pretty face,
But her head was up in space.
She needed to come back down to earth.*

Yet, Cho had ‘discreetly” dumped him, realizing she wasn’t getting everything she had so selfishly expected. It was either that, or she was trying to play hard-to-get. And if she was playing games, then she soon found out it didn’t work, for she later tried to “come back to him”, but her only “turned her down”. I was elated.


*Five years from now,
She sits at home,
Feeding the baby,
She’s all alone.*

Now Harry was in his sixth year, and I in my fifth. We had grown closer over the summer and soon (thankfully) Harry finally woke up and asked me-his true love- out. Ron was ecstatic, as was my whole family. And, strangely, Ron also claimed to be the one to bring us together in the first place, when truthfully, it was actually Mum who gave us the greatly needed push. But we didn’t spoil his fun.

*She turns on TV,
Guess who she sees?
Skater boy rockn’ up MTV.

She calls up her friends,
They already know.
And they all have tickets to see his show.

She tags along,
Stands in the crowd,
And looks up at the man that she turned down*

Now, with Harry’s picture all over the newspapers and the ministry on his side, Cho’s friend’s liked him, I could even go as far as to say they wanted him. Cho was determined to win his heart back, but Harry saw her only as a fellow pupil. Once blinded by her ravishing beauty, Harry now saw though her disguise: Cho was a nasty, self-centered beauty queen who was used to having the world go her way, and if something was out of order, every existing being on the planet had to suffer with her.

*He was a skater boy,
She said see ya later boy.
He wasn’t good enough for her.
Now he’s a superstar,
Slammn’ on his guitar.
Did your pretty face see what he’s worth?*

I almost feel sorry for Cho, now that I see what she’s lost. No, wait, actually, I’m not. I’m glad they broke up, because if they hadn’t, I wouldn’t have my Harry. He would be stuck following her around as she showed him off to all her little friends. And to think, she would be brain washing him all along the way! No, Harry’s still Harry, and I can honestly tell he’s the one for me. I love him to death, and would do anything for him, even if it meant flying to the moon on one of the school’s broomsticks. And I know he feels the same. This I know. Though it’s not so much shown by words, his simplest of gestures are filled with love [for me]. So, if you want me to be dreadfully honest, I-in truth- feel like laughing in her face, though I know that would be mean. But really, who would have thought, me, “little” Ginny Weasley, would get the guy of her dreams right from under the noose of one of the most popular girls in school.

*Sorry girl,
But you missed out.
Well tough luck that boy’s mine now.
We are more than just good friends,
This is how the story ends.

To bad that you couldn’t see,
See the man that boy could be.
There is more than meets the eye,
I see the soul that is inside.*

Well, she’ll just have to tough it out. Harry is definitely mine now. And if there’s one thing I know for sure it is this: the only thing those girls really want is “Harry Potter, the Boy-Who-Lived”. Not Harry Potter, I mean the real Harry. That’s not at all what I want, or rather, not at all what I have. They don’t know how stubborn he can be, or how moody. But they also don’t know how sweet and gentle he is. With Harry, you don’t see what you get; you have know him to understand. From Harry, I learned to love, I learned to hate, and most importantly, I learned to let go and grow up. In truth, we learned this from each other.

Harry is a kind of person, who looks one way, but is really another. Cho and those other girls, they would never chance to finding that out. And I say to her, she should have known, Harry’s world does not revolve around her. No, no. It revolves around me! Yeah, I know you all can see me here, grinning like a maniac as I speak. But what can I say? I’m wild about Harry!

But I suppose-no, I know- we have done each other good. We have changed for the good and the bad but-Hey! What am I saying? This was supposed to be about me gloating in Cho’s face! How did my rambles manage to get in this fluff-filled place? Ick! It’s disgusting. I sound like some love sick school girl no, wait…..I am.

*He’s just a boy,
And I’m just a girl.
Can I make it any more obvious?

We are in love,
Haven’t you heard,
How we rock each other’s world?*

Like I said, get over it Cho. Harry’s mine-and always will be. I love him, he loves me. He won’t even spare you a second glace, seeing as too busy with me (and that psychopathic freak Voldermort-I wish he would just GO AWAY!). But he’ll never have you. I am the one he’s meant to be with, and he with me. Will you ever learn? Obviously not, judging by the fact that you just won’t give up on him! I swear, some people! And the funny thing is, Harry doesn’t even seem to know you’re still after him. Hah! But really, don’t you see, I’m the light of his world, the only thing that really keeps him going. Well, besides those other two fools. What were they called? Oh yes, Ron and Hermione. (You can tell I’m really quite disgruntled about having to share him, can’t you?) But ah well, we can’t have everything-wait! How did I get here? How come I’m always wondering off the subject? And why? Urgh! Oh well, I’ll just have to make it up with some more gloating later now, won’t I. And yes, dear people, I do have that impish look that even puts my brothers (Fred and George, that is) to shame plastered all over my face.

*I’m with the skater boy,
I said see ya later boy,
I’ll be backstage after the show.
I’ll be at the studio,
Singing the song we wrote,
About a girl you used to know.*

And Cho, Harry is not stupid enough to fall into your brainwashing. I mean, come on, if Ron and Hermione could wake up to their own undying love and start going out, then they must have something of a brain. And everyone knows Harry’s smarter than Ron. So he won’t fall for your idiotic traps!

Let me put it in perspective for you: The world is round, Ron loves Hermione, the sky is up, Harry’s with me. Not. You.

Oh, how I just love to gloat!


A/N: Ah, got to love the fluff! But believe me people, Ginny was not being aggressive or arrogant. It’s all in good fun! As always the wish of the authors, click on the sweet little button below and leave your opinion!

Reviews 13

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