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Her Every Whim
By littlewonky

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Category: Post-OotP
Genres: Fluff, Humor
Warnings: None
Story is Complete
Rating: R
Reviews: 18
Summary: Ginny says in jest// Harry does in zest// Slytherins have a fest// read to know the rest// Review please and make me feel blest
Hitcount: Story Total: 4928


A/N You know, it should really be illegal, unintelligent fluff! Anyway, i'm stuck somewhere in the middle of Half Blood Founder and I felt like a bit of running...this is what crazy manic midnight ideas translate into. But please Review!!! Just to say hi!

DISCLAIMER: I do not own Harry Potter, I might have some rights over Fred and George...but Harry no...nope...that's all JKR.


Harry Potter was running as fast as anyone could run up the Hogwarts stairs. He skippped alternate steps and pulled himself up drawing on all his quidditch strength. There were students filing down from the astronomy tower when the Harry's stairs decided to go join them.

"Oh god", thought the 16 year old as he served to left to avoid some Hufflepuff students. "Excuse me!"..."Move! Sorry! Thank You!"... and it continued till he managed to reach a new level and began to run in the general direction of somewhere.

By now most of the portraits and students had realised that the Boy-who-lived was running...rumours began to fly faster than Harry on his firebolt and while Harry was running down the Divination staircase he heard someone scream, "Harry!!! Hide Voldemort's here".

"WHAT?" he screamed, showing amazing fortitude as he continued running. The student, who obviously wasn't familiar with the concept of the rhetorical question began a lengthy explanation about how he heard from Ernie McMillan who in turn had heard from Colin Creevy who heard from the Fat Lady who had heard from one of the portraits along the astronomy staircase.

Harry had reached the bottom of the stairs and did a step jog and shouted back, "TELL EVERYONE NOT TO WORRY".

Having said that he began running again and word carried as he reached the Hogwarts grounds and students filed out to see Harry Potter race across Hagrid's hut. The Gryffindor's pretended to know what Harry was up to, though in reality they no clue whatsoever but they nevertheless pretended to seem to know so that Harry’s off-season muggle style running wouldn’t confirm the nasty Slytherin rumours about his sanity.

Harry heard their voices and turned to see if he could spot red hair. No. She wasn’t here. Great. He was up all night thinking about this and she wasn’t here, he was going to finish very soon he thought as he glanced at his watch. And on time too. Damn. Please let her be there, let her come…

Woof! Wooff!

Harry turned and saw Fangs running towards him. Oh God No, this is worse than trying to run past Snape in the dungeons. I have still have god knows how many miles to cover, and he’s going to slow me down. “Shush….Fang…shoo boy…go …go…”, he told the dog, but Fang was even more excited by Harry’s tone and started running around him in circles.

By now Ron, Hermione and Ginny had joined almost half the school’s students who were spread out around the grounds. They did a quick scan and spied their friend at the fringes of the Forbidden Forest. Fang, Hagrid's dog figured this was a new sort of game and was now running wildly along with Harry who occasionally had to jump or skid or swerve to avoid the big dog.

"What is he doing Ron?", asked Hermione sounding slightly exasperated. Ron noticed Malfoy looking their way with distinct glee on his face so he raised his voice to loud octave and replied "Don't you remember Hermione, the record...mumblemumblemumble ...fastest run across Hogwarts". Hermione remembered no such thing and was about to say so when she saw some Professors come out on to the field.

"What is the meaning of this Ms Granger, Mr. Weasly?", said the stern voice of Professor McGonagall. Professor Snape, whom most students were seeing out in the bright sunlight for the first time, was looking even more sallow. His greasy hair now looked positively drippy! "Potter doesn't get written about in the papers so he makes a spectacle of himself. I say we stop him now and give him detention till his swollen head shrinks".

"Mr. Potter is in my house and I will decide what is to be done. Thank you Severus. Now, you three. Please explain to me why your friend sees it fit to run across school, scare the portraits and the students and play Hookie with Hagrid's dog?".

"", began Ron, looking at Hermione, who could find enough to say at the worst of times. But Hermione, as was characteristic of her, was so involved in introspective conflict; her duties as prefect Vs her duties as friend, that by default she said nothing and her duties as friend worked out.

Professor McGonagall pursed her lips and looked towards the object of discussion. Crabbe and Goyle stood in Harry's path, standing apart and holding out their hands to form a kind of blockade. Harry was going too fast to turn without falling so sped up even more. Just before he reached the human wall he stopped and leapt into the air.

Hermione's jaw fell open, Ron eyes were wide. Cho Chang's hands flew to face and Neville Longbottom fainted. Professor Snape stood stock still, and unlike everyone else, his hair, heavy from grease didn't even ruffle. Ginny Weasley's jaw fell open, eyes opened wide, her hands flew to face and the wind blew her beautiful red away from her face, highlighting her anxiety.

Harry jumped above the hands of the dim wits that should've reached up to make him fall. But they stood and gaped as the Gryffindor seeker somersaulted over them and landed perfectly on the other end. He continued running, "Ginny's here", he thought as he took in her beautiful face, laughing and clapping, jumping with Hermione and cheering him on. He ran on. "Professors are here too...*groan*...fine... can still do this...."

As Harry ran closer to the crowd he kept his gaze on his youngest best friend. Ginny eyes locked with his and she half ran half walked to meet him halfway. All eyes were locked on them as they completed the last few steps, Ginny stopped short as she reached him and he skidded to a halt in front of her. He was panting heavily but he didn't care, she was smiling at him it was all he needed to carry on.

"Harry! What were you doing?", she asked laughing breathlessly. "Why?"...

Harry stared at her and then began to speak very fast. "Last night you said that no one did anything for in...just like that. Like Ron sneaked into the kitchens at 2 in the night just because Hermione wanted a cup of I thought..."
Ginny was caught between shock and utter shock. Did he just say romantic and compare 'us' to Ron and Hermione. But instead of asking the important question, she, in true Weasley tradition, asked the trivial one. "Why the run around Hogwarts?".

"In fifteen minutes"


"I ran around Hogwarts, all over, in and out, in fifteen minutes".


"Because you said you wish someone would run all over Hogwarts in fifteen minutes just for…on your whim”.


Harry had a lot of scenarios in his head of the moment when he finished he run. One, his favorite one was where she ran half way to meet him. he swung her around in his arms and then they kissed long and hard. And then got magically transported to Harry dorm bed...
Another one was where a lot students gathered and he did pretty much the same thing. Except instead of kissing he said "Ginerva Weasley, I love you", to which she said "Oh Harry I love you too" and then they kissed while everyone else catcalled. Harry was not fond of that version, he was afterall wary of public attention.

But not even in the dreams where Ginny slapped him for his presumptuousness did he see himself standing in front of half of Hogwarts' students, all of Hermione's teachers (which meant pretty much all of them) and Hagrid's dog. And in none of them did Ginny say Oh! That wasn't even a word. He must've misheard or misunderstood, oh god what he done! Ginny would hate him now, he thought as he continued thinking of ways to kill Ron. Ron had all but TOLD him Ginny liked him too.

Harry’s face was going red, he clumsily put his glasses up his nose and fumbled with his hair. He was embarrassed yes, but more than that he was hurt. A loud pumping began in his ears and he felt like he couldn’t breathe and why did he have hands. Oh god what should he do with his hands…why is he shaking them like that…stop….Harry stopped looking at ground to risk a look at Ginny’s face and saw her eyes brim up as she looked at him like she had never seen him before. The water filled her eyes and as he watched one drop tipped over and fell staining her cheek as it rolled past her lips and descended to the ground. Harry Potter watched it fall, his eyes tracing it like football fan watched a penalty being scored, like a lifeline that could take your breath away. It broke him.

As Harry turned to leave there was pin drop silence on the grounds, mostly because Professor McGonagall had discreetly placed a silencing charm on the Slytherins. Professor Snape had decided that this public humiliation was enough for the arrogant brat, his words, and therefore allowed the spectacle to continue. For reasons unknown to him and all the boys present there many girls were sniffing, including Hermione who had gotten past Harry’s public announcement of her and Ron’s relationship. Ron stared at his best mate somewhat with admiration for his stupidity and somewhat with pity. He couldn’t see why his sister hadn’t said anything and why did girls always cry…

As Harry started turning he felt Ginny hold his arms and stall him. He turned around to look at her, waiting for to say she was sorry and that they could still be friends. But he wasn’t interested; he just wanted to go back to his dorm and cry into his pillow…after a hot bath and some medicine for his aching bones.

“Why Harry? Why now?”, her voice was so wistful that Harry felt hope burgeoning in his heart. He held her face in his hands and rubbed her tears with his thumbs, gently forcing her to look at him.

“I didn’t mean to hurt you. You looked so sad the day you said that…I didn’t realize you were joking. I am quite daft really. It didn’t occur to me even once to rationalize why you would want someone to run all over Hogwarts…it is a very long run you know”.

Ginny snorted through her tears as did a lot of others but they tried not to disturb the moment by being too loud.

“Yeah! It must be atleast a 1000 miles”.

“Not quite Gin…”

“Actually Harry, it’s all Hermione’s fault!”

“She told you to wish for someone to run all over Hogwarts for you?”

“No…she um… in muggle movies…in the end the guy always runs a lot before he reaches the girl and then they come together and kiss with all this music in the background…I mean we saw so many of them at her place over Christmas and it messed up brain….”

“I think it’s a brilliant idea”


“To kiss”

“But…but…there’s no music…and everyone’s watching and you might not know it right now but you don’t really want to kiss me and it’s all the adrenaline from running too much and you’ll hate me tomorrow for…”

Harry had seen some muggle movies too and he figured that the best way to shut her up was to kiss her, after all she only said he didn’t want to kiss her nothing about her not wanting to kiss him. So Harry grabbed her face tight with both his hands cupping her cheeks tight and kissed her open mouth hard. Ginny took a few second to react and her failing arms found their way around his neck as he softened the kiss. She tugged his hair and pulled him closer and he wound his arms around her waist and pressed her against him.

Harry lifted his mouth from Ginny’s but continued holding her, “I love you Ginny, I have since…”, this time she shut him, swiftly and effectively.
“I love you too Harry…I love you too”.

As the kiss continued the spectators vacillated between disgust at the mush, wonder at the boy who lived and jealousy for the girl in his arms. Ron and Hermione hugged each other out of delight and Hagrid, who had witnessed it all from his hut could be seen unfolding his big white handkerchief. Just when Professor McGonagall decided to intervene a magical sound filled the grounds and everyone looked up to see a golden phoenix circle the kissing couple singing its magical song.

Ginny looked up at Harry and smiled, “Harry! Look…we even have music now”

“Just fulfilling your every whim love”


Reviews 18

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