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Finding Out About Feelings
By Sleepy

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Category: End-of-Term Challenge (2004-2)
Genres: Fluff
Warnings: None
Story is Complete
Rating: G
Reviews: 12
Summary: Will they or wont they find out how the other is feeling??
Hitcount: Story Total: 4334


Finding Out About Feelings.

A.N.1 I dont own anything except the lack of plot!!

A.N 2 Beta'd by the loverly Katieay Thanks Mrs your a gem!

As the end of term feast drew closer, Ginny sat in the common room - thinking about all the fun she had had in the last few years with her youngest brother Ron and his two best friends Hermione and Harry. She had spent more than a few nights in the same spot only a couple of months ago when Harry had gone missing. Missing! That was a laugh. Ginny had known that Harry had gone off to do what the rest of the Wizarding World expected of him; he had gone off to face Tom Riddle aka Lord Voldemort.
Ginny had been waiting for him. She had been the only one still awake in the common room the night that he had finally returned to the first place he had ever called home, and collapsed upon entering the common room.

Ginny shivered at the thought and brought her thoughts back to the present. Things would be so different after the feast - she'd be the only Weasley remaining at Hogwarts and she would no longer have her friends around her. Granted, she'd still have Colin and Dennis but it wasn't the same as having Harry, Ron and Hermione. A single tear slipped down her face as she realised they would no longer be playing pranks on the Slytherins and she would truly be alone for the first time in her life. At this thought the tears came faster and harder and she was unable to stop them, no matter how she tried.

Hermione had been up in the Head Girl’s room finishing the last of her packing when she had found something of Ginny's; well not really Ginny's - it was something they had used to communicate when they didn't want the boys to know what they were talking about. Of course they had enchanted it themselves. This was Hermione's copy of all they had talked about in the last two years during the holidays after the dreadful fifth year. Hermione had had so many things she needed to get off her chest that she was unable to talk to Ron or Harry about. Ginny had been the first person she'd thought of. She couldn't really go to her mother and talk about what was bothering her and even though most of the things that were bothering her concerned Ginny's brother, Ron, she knew Ginny would understand. They had started with short notes that had then turned into long novel type letters, which stopped as soon as they returned to school. By the time the holidays stated again they were in the same place they had been the summer before, and Hermione had just wanted someone there who could answer her straight away and had started looking through her various books for something the pair of them could do. Of course this hadn't just helped Hermione it had helped Ginny a great deal as well, she had confided in Hermione about numerous things. She had even told Hermione she didn't mind hearing how wonderful her brother was if Hermione didn't mind Ginny ranting on about her brother! At first Hermione hadn't clicked on to what Ginny had meant until she got a letter form Ginny explaining it to her. Hermione opened the book and it was that letter she began to read,

Hermione, (apparently the smartest witch Hogwarts has seen in decades)

Are you sure you’re the smartest witch Hermione, because you sure are dense sometimes! And I mean that in a good way of course.
In my last letter I told you I didn't mind hearing how wonderful you thought my idiot brother was if you, in turn, didn't mind hearing about how wonderful I thought your brother was. When I received your letter this morning you seem to have missed what I was getting at. Can you think of no one who classes themselves as your brother? Hmm someone who is just as bad as Ron when it comes to the attention you receive from the opposite sex?? Oh I can Hermione - think woman think!!
Here are your clues I want the answer to them by return owl before I send the letter I wrote last night!

Here we go!

Clue one: He's the same age as you!

Clue two: He's one of our best friends!

Clue three: You always tell him he has a 'people saving thing'!

Need any more clues???

Clue four: Come on Hermione I don't need to give you anymore really do I??


Hermione folded up the letter and placed it back into the book. She smiled as she remembered her reaction to that letter, she had laughed so loudly her mother had come running into the room thinking that something or someone was attacking her only daughter. Once she had calmed down enough to explain and shown her the note she had received form Ginny, her mother was laughing too. Of course she had seen Harry on several occasions but she had never known Harry was so protective of her daughter. Hermione had scribbled one word on a scrap piece of parchment and tied it to Pig’s leg before sending him on his way. It hadn't been to long after that the Pig had arrived back with a small hardbound muggle notebook. That had given Hermione the idea at first and after reading Ginny's thoughts on a certain Harry James Potter, she had scribbled off a quick note to Ginny explaining to her what she hoped would help them in the coming school year. Hermione flipped through the many pages that were in the book. They had spent many hours writing to one another this year and Hermione was going to miss her friend when she went off to do what ever it was she was going to do when she graduated Hogwarts. Flipping to the last entry in the book Hermione noticed writing appearing in the book and she grabbed a quill from her bedside table and began to write back,

I'm going to miss you too Gin

This should still work next year!

Hermione closed the book and placed it, and the quill, underneath her pillow and went in search of her friend.

Ron and Harry were to be found outside on the Quidditch pitch having a muck about with some other seventh year boys, surprisingly from all four houses. Neville had declined the loan of a broom and was currently sitting in the stands with one Luna Lovegood, watching his year mates and laughing at them. Harry, Ron, Ernie, Justin and Blaise were on one team while Dean Seamus, Malfoy, Crabbe and Goyle were on the other team - the object of the game was to see who could get the other team the wettest by throwing water balloons at each other. After an hour or two they landed on the pitch soaking wet and completely happy. After saying their goodbyes they each went off to get changed for the leaving feast later that night.
Harry and Ron were walking up towards Gryffindor Tower not talking at all until suddenly



“Are you going to do it?”

“Ron how many times in the last few months have we had this conversation? I’ve told you what my reasons are.”

This was something Ron had been doing a lot since Harry’s return from the final battle. The same thing over and over- he didn’t have to mention any thing specific about it. Harry just knew what his best mate was talking about. He had tried on several occasions to turn the conversation back on Ron but it had only worked once.

“Tell her how you feel, you daft prat!”

“Ha! That’s rich coming from you, have you told Hermione?”

“We’re not talking about me we’re talking about you and my sister.”

Harry mumbled the password and stepped into the common room - only to find Hermione and Ginny sitting on one of the overstuffed couches in front of the fire, tears rolling down their faces.

“What are you doing?” Ron asked indignantly.

Harry looked at his best friend like he’d grown an extra head.

“Ron will you ever get a clue?” Harry mumbled, looking apologetically to his two best friends. “Come on you two,” he said softly. “It isn’t that bad is it?”

Hermione looked at Harry and burst into a fresh wave of tears. Ron looked scared out of his wits - having two females bawling in the common room was not his idea of a carefree last day of school.

Harry walked over to the sofa and squatted down in front of the girl he thought of as a sister;

“What’s the matter Hermione?”

Hermione wiped at her eyes and looked at Harry with a sad look on her face,

“It’s just…I mean after tomorrow when we get off the train for the very last time… well how do I know we’re still going to be friends next year?”

Harry looked up at Ron and then over to Ginny who was trying to hide her face by curling up as small as she could on the sofa.

“Hermione why on earth would we not be friends next year?”

“Well after tomorrow we’ll all go home and who knows when we’ll see each other again?”

Hermione said, looking at her hands. Harry lifted his head and looked at Ron. Ron stared straight back and nodded towards Ginny who could still be heard sobbing into the arm of the sofa.

Harry took a deep breath and stood up from in front of Hermione so Ron could take his place.

“Hermione, come on look at me,” Ron said huskily. Hermione shook her bushy head and wouldn’t look up.

“How can you say we’ll not see each other again? You’re coming to the Burrow in a few weeks aren’t you?”

“It’s not going to be the same though Ron,” Hermione said. “You and Harry are going off to Auror training, you’ll most probably meet some wonderful girl there and I’ll just be left behind.”

Ron snorted, and Harry mouthed,

“Just tell her you prat.”

Ron swallowed nervously, and reached out for one of Hermione’s hands, taking it in his and interlocking their fingers he pulled her towards him.

“Hermione look at me. I’m not about to make a fool of myself while looking at the top of your head.”

Hermione didn’t move she just sniffled.

“’Mione please.”

That got Hermione’s attention she wrenched her hand from Ron’s and jumped up.


With that she turned around and stormed up the stairs and slammed the door to her room. Harry was gob smacked Hermione had just cursed. After all the times in the past seven years she’d attacked Ron for doing the same thing.


“Ron you git! All of Hogwarts can hear you,” Harry stated, starting to feel uncomfortable.

“Shut it Harry! How am I meant to tell her how I feel if she wont even talk to me?”

“Go after her,” Harry said, as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.

“Harry, did Voldemort do something to your brain? The last time we tried to get up there it turned into a slide.”

“So? Are you a wizard or not?”

Ron looked thoughtful for a moment then ran up the boys staircase. Harry turned to Ginny, and sat down next to her.

“You ok Gin?”

Before Ginny could answer there was a shriek from the girls dorms. Harry was the first up the stairs holding desperately to the banister and pulling himself up as the stairs changed into a slide.


Shocked by Ginny shouting at him, Harry let go of the banister and slid all the way down to the bottom. Landing in a pile at Ginny’s feet, Harry stood up, took hold of one of her hands and with the other he held on to the banister again and pulled them both up the slide. Once outside the Head Girls room, Harry kicked the door, unable to let go of the banister and not willing to let go of Ginny’s hand now he finally had hold of it. A red faced Ron opened the door.

“Hey Dipstick!” Ginny said huffily

“That’s a nice way to greet your brother,” Ron said sarcastically.

“Yeah well, idiot, if you hadn’t made Hermione scream, Harry wouldn’t have tried to get up here and I wouldn’t be calling you a Dipstick now would I?”

“Yeah Ron. Come on, give a bloke a hand here.”

“Are you saying I’m heavy Harry?” Ginny asked indignantly.

“NO! but it’s not exactly easy holding two people up with one bloody hand.”

Hermione opened the door as wide as it would go looked at Harry and Ginny. Grinning, she stated calmly that she was going down to the Great Hall.

She then sat down on the floor and pushed off, sliding all the way down to the bottom of the staircase. Ginny grinned up at Harry and let go of his hand, following her friend. Harry groaned and let go of the banister and landed in a heap, once again, at Ginny’s feet. Ron followed shortly behind.

“Where’d Hermione go?”

“She’s already gone down. Did you tell her, Dipstick?” Ginny asked cheekily.

“What’s this? Pick on Ron day?”

Ginny just grinned, although it didn’t reach her eyes. They were still red rimmed and puffy from crying with Hermione. All the way down to the Great Hall, Ron kept shooting Harry looks which he chose to ignore. Ginny spotted Hermione as soon as they entered the Hall and quickly made her way towards her friend, sitting opposite her. Harry, having no choice, sat next to Ginny - not that he minded. Ron had kept trying to get them together, even when Ginny had a boyfriend.
Harry had constantly told Ron all through sixth year to stop because it wasn’t going to happen. Finally he stopped the daily pestering and settled for weekly hints. Until just before the leaving feast at the end of sixth year when Harry had dragged Ron up to their dorm and explained about the deal with Voldemort to which Ron had said,

‘That’s no excuse mate. It’s something to come back for.”

Everyone had heard the outburst that followed that statement, no names were mentioned but that didn’t stop the rumours - the worst of which being Harry was in fact in love with Snape. The rumours were quickly forgotten when the gossips found something else to talk about.
Harry shook his head to clear his thoughts, he’d completely missed Dumbledore’s speech. He knew Gryffindor and Slytherin had tied for the House Cup for the first time since Harry had been at Hogwarts. Lately, he’d been completely caught up in thoughts of Ginny. The timing wasn’t right and he didn’t want to make a fool of himself and ruin what they already had. On the other hand, he didn’t want to miss his chance completely. Lost in his thoughts again he nearly missed Ginny’s mumbling.

‘Will I ever get a normal boyfriend?’

“What Gin?”

“Oh! Nothing Harry.” Harry could have sworn her ears were red underneath her hair. “So, any thoughts on where you’ll live now you don’t have to go back to the Muggles?”

Harry nearly choked on a piece of chicken at Ginny’s words and dropped his head to the table and banged it several times; making half of the Great Hall turn to look at him.

“Harry, are you alright?”

“Hadn’t thought about where I was going to live.”

Harry answered banging his head off the table again.

“Not a problem mate,” Ron said with his mouth full. “Percy never moved back in so you can stay in his room.”

“Ron, you haven’t even asked your mother.”

“Yes I know that Hermione, but mum would no sooner see you on the streets than she would Harry.”

“Tell you what Harry I’ll owl her in a bit, she’ll either send a reply before we get on the train or let us know when we get back tomorrow, but I’m sure she wont say no Harry,”

“Yeah Harry, Gin’s right. You’re like her seventh son’ and then more quietly Ron added ‘and if you just told her how you felt it would be official”

Harry kicked Ron under the table.

“I heard that, Prat, and you have room to talk.”

Ron pretended he didn’t hear his friend speak and continued eating the puddings that had just appeared on the table. The rest of the feast went smoothly with Ginny scribbling a quick not to her mother and using Hedwig to send it.

The journey on the Hogwarts Express was a subdued affair for a few reasons. Ron and Hermione had had an argument first thing in the morning and were still not talking and Ginny was also quiet, although Harry didn’t know why. Just after the trolley came round, Harry had had enough of the atmosphere in the compartment and leaned over to whisper to his friend.

“Just tell her already. Ron, you might not get another chance for months.”

This caused Ron to go into another rant but this time at Harry.

“Will you just leave it bloody out Harry? Why haven’t you told Ginny hey?”

Both girls were now staring at the boys with curious expressions.

Harry looked from Ron to his two best friends, blushed slightly and shook his head.

“I think you two need to calm down. It’s obvious Ron doesn’t want to tell whomever something and from the look on your face Harry-” Hermione was cut off by Ron rounding on her.



“What Harry?”

“Chill out mate, err…Gin want to come for a walk?”

Ginny stood up looked at Ron with an unreadable expression and opened the compartment door to find nearly all of the sixth and seventh year crowded outside.

“YES? Can we help you?” She snapped.

“We were just wondering what all the shouting was about that’s all?”

“No you weren’t. You want to be nosey Colin.”

Ginny said sticking her tongue out, Colin just shrugged before asking,

“So anything happening?”

“Wouldn’t you like to know?”

And with that, Ginny grabbed Harry’s hand and walked off down the corridor towards the back of the train. They were guaranteed an empty compartment there. Once inside, with the door slid closed, Ginny turned to Harry who was looking at his feet.

“So…” Ginny said awkwardly.


“Come on Harry, what was all that about? You can tell me, you know I wont laugh I promise. Well, unless you’re going to tell me you really are in love with Snape then I’m sorry but…”

“What? How can you even think that?”

Ginny just chuckled at the look on Harry’s face and stepped a bit closer towards him. Harry must have noticed the movement and took a few steps back, ending up against the door and finding himself looking straight into Ginny’s eyes.

“The thing is well…err…you see,”

“What is it Harry?”

Unable to form a complete sentence, Harry stepped forward and captured both of Ginny’s hands and pulled her towards him. Thinking it was now or never, Harry bent his head slightly and was just about to kiss Ginny when the train screeched to a halt and sent them both flying to the floor. Ginny didn’t move - she was too scared that she’d interpreted the situation wrongly. She couldn’t breathe and it had nothing to do with the fact that she was pinned underneath Harry and he was squashing her with his weight. After regaining his senses, Harry looked down and half smiled.

“Not exactly how I thought this would turn out,”

Ginny didn’t say anything; she was lost in his eyes. Her own closed of their own accord when Harry’s face came closer to hers, their first kiss was sweet before it was rapidly turning into something completely different as they both realised how the other felt. Only the need for air pulled them apart.

“Err what was that Harry?” Ginny asked in a shaky voice.

Harry opened and closed his mouth and turned Weasley red.

“That didn’t come out how I meant, I should rephrase it. What I meant was what was that for Harry? I know it was a kiss.”

Harry sat up. He held out his hand to pull Ginny into the sitting position just as the train lurched into motion again and Harry ended up on his back with Ginny on top of him.

“That, Miss Weasley, was a sign. I was taking too bloody long telling you how I felt.”

“And how do you feel Harry?”

“Pretty good at the moment thanks.” Harry grinned cheekily at her, feeling as good as he ever had.

“Very funny. Are you channeling Ron?”

Harry brushed a piece of hair behind her ear and looked straight at Ginny.

“Well it never seems to be the right time to tell you what I’ve wanted to tell you for ages.”

“Come on Harry, out with it. You can’t get much better than this and if you don’t spill soon, we’ll be at the Burrow,”

“The thing is Ginny,” Harry took a deep breath. Somehow, he knew exactly what to say. “I’ve fallen for this girl and I can’t stop thinking about her for more than five minutes at a time.”

“Oh,” Ginny said, lifting up from Harry and getting to her feet. Harry stood up as well.

“Yeah… you see… the thing is… she’s my best friend and I don’t want to spoil the relationship we already have.”

With her back to Harry watching the countryside fly by the window Ginny nodded, Harry stepped up behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist.

“And her idiot brother has been on my case for two years to do something about it; but — well - she once told a friend she was over me and I thought I’d lost my chance.”

Ginny turned round and placed her arms slowly around Harry’s waist and smiled up at him.

“Got over my crush Harry yes,” she said softly. “Only because I couldn’t keep waiting for something I thought would never happen. I found out no one could take your place in my heart.”

Harry grinned and bent his head again for another kiss. Just before their lips met they were interrupted by the announcement telling them they were already at Kings Cross.

“They’ll wait.”

And with that said, Ginny stood on tiptoes and planted a kiss on the lips of the boy she thought couldn’t return her feelings; only to be interrupted by a loud sob from the platform. Ginny whipped round to find her mother at the window of the compartment, along with her brother and best friend who didn’t seem to notice what was going on inside the compartment because they were locked at the lips. Harry chuckled, and the chuckle quickly turned into a laugh.

“You think he finally told her?”

“Hmmm must be the day for finding out about feelings.”
Reviews 12

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