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A New Beginning
By Rupie

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Category: End-of-Term Challenge (2004-2)
Genres: Fluff, General
Warnings: Sexual Situations
Story is Complete
Rating: PG
Reviews: 10
Summary: A/N- This is a one-shot fanfiction. It is also my first story on this website. I saw the End-of-Term Challenge description, so I decided to write a story to enter in it. Please R&R and Rate to let me know what you think. Also, please look out for other stories by me, Rupie, that I will be posting shortly. Thanks!~ * Ginny has fancied Harry since she first met him, but has he felt the same way this whole time? If so, why has he been hiding it? He is now in his seventh and final year of Hogwarts. Will he let Ginny know how he really feels before it's too late? A/N- The sexual situations warning is only b/c of kissing... Nothing 'bad'. lol* Love from, :: Amanda ::
Hitcount: Story Total: 6378


Harry sat at the Gryffindor table, taking a bite of his dinner. It was to be his last night as a student in the castle, yet he wished otherwise. He didn't want to go back to number four Privet Drive. He wasn't ready... He would never be. However, he had no choice. He had nowhere else to go. He was going to miss the castle, and his friends. But what he was going to miss the most was Ginny. She was no longer, 'Ron's Little Sister'. She was beautiful. Harry looked at her across the table, watching her long, smooth, crimson hair fall over her shoulder. He looked into her deep blue eyes. She looked up at him, so he quickly looked down, hoping she hadn't noticed him staring. His heart gave a small thump. He remembered back into his second year of Hogwarts; when he had saved Ginny’s life down in the Chamber of Secrets. She had still been a little girl at the time, but that was when Harry realized there was an emptiness in his heart that she was meant to fill. He knew Ginny fancied him, yet something made him hide his feelings from her. Now it was his last day at Hogwarts, and she still didn’t know how he felt. He had to do something, before it was too late.
"Excuse me, Ginny?" Harry said as Ginny turned towards him.

"What is it?" she asked, waiting for a reply.

"Can I talk to you about something?" he said, a nervous look on his face.

"Yeah, sure."

"Alone?" Harry requested, sounding a bit embarrassed.

"Oh, yes- of course", Ginny said, excusing herself from the table.

The two of them headed to the deserted Entrance Hall where they could talk privately.

"What do you need to tell me?" Ginny asked, looking slightly puzzled.

"Er…Well- there’s something I need to let you know…" Harry said, looking at his feet.

"What is it?" Ginny asked, sounding concerned.

"Well…" Harry began, now looking into Ginny’s eyes. "I… I really like you Ginny…"

"You do?" Ginny asked, grinning.

"Well… Yeah. I just didn’t know how to tell you… I’m sorry you had to wait all of this time."

"Don’t be", Ginny said, putting her arms around Harry’s shoulders.

She leaned in closer to him, and their lips met. After a few seconds Harry parted his lips from hers, once again looking into her eyes.

"What is it?"

"I love you Ginny", Harry said, grinning.

"I love you too Harry." She smiled, and then quickly leaned back towards him for more.
The two kissed passionately for several minutes before realizing they were missing the end-of-term feast.

"We really should be getting back…" Ginny said.

"Yeah", Harry said, giving her one last kiss before they went back into the Great Hall.


Harry took his seat between Ron and Hermione, trying hard not to smile.

"What have you two been up to?" Hermione asked, sounding very suspicious of the look on Harry’s face.

“Oh… Nothing”, Harry replied, not fooling Hermione.

“Sure”, Hermione said sarcastically, still not fooled.
Harry just smiled, thinking of how amazing it had felt to kiss Ginny’s soft lips.


As the feast came to an end, Harry, Ginny, and Hermione headed up to the Gryffindor common room to finish packing their things. Ron stayed in the Great Hall, talking to Seamus and Neville.


As Harry came down the spiral staircase from the boy’s dormitory, he saw Ginny sitting on the couch, looking up at him. He grinned, and took a seat beside her. He put her arm around her, and felt her rest her head on his shoulder. He smiled to himself, wishing he had never been without her. He loved her.

“I’m going to miss you Ginny”, Harry said, his smile fading.

She looked into his eyes, and gave a weak smile. “I’m going to miss you too…”

“I wish I never had to see the Dursleys again… But I don’t have much choice…”

“I think there’s something I could do to change that… Stay here”, Ginny said, jumping up and quickly climbing through the portrait hole.


About five minutes later, she arrived back in the common room, looking as though she had just won a thousand galleons.

“Harry!” she shouted, sitting down on the couch.

“What?” Harry asked curiously.

“I’ve just been to the Great Hall to talk to Ron… and he said that he doesn’t think Mum would mind if you came home with us! You don’t have to go back to the Dursley’s!” she exclaimed, grinning from ear to ear.

“Are you serious?” Harry asked, practically in shock.

“Yes, I’m serious!” Ginny said, laughing.

“Wow- That's great!”

Harry felt the same way he had felt when Sirius had invited him to live with him. Something inside of Harry made him want to yell out in excitement, but instead he gave Ginny a passionate kiss on the lips. Just as Ginny parted her lips from Harry’s, Professor McGonagall walked into the room.

“Where is everyone?” she asked Harry.

“Oh… they’re all upstairs packing”, he replied.

“Very well… please let them know that it is just about time to board the Hogwarts Express”, the professor requested.


With that, Professor McGonagall left the common room, leaving Harry and Ginny alone once more. Just as Ginny rested her head on Harry’s shoulder, Hermione came down the spiral staircase, her trunk thudding behind her as she dragged it along. Ginny quickly lifted her head up, trying hard to look innocent.

“Hey Gin, hello Harry”, Hermione said, leaving her trunk at the bottom of the stairs. She took a seat on the big, red chair, not knowing she was interrupting anything.

“Hey”, the two replied in unison.

“I don’t want to go home just yet…” Hermione said, frowning.

“Me neither- but McGonagall was just in here… She said it’s just about time to board the train”, Harry explained, looking at the fire.

“Well, one of us had better get Ron and the rest of them”, Hermione said, hoping Ginny or Harry would volunteer.

“We will”, Ginny said, motioning for Harry to follow her.

Harry followed Ginny to the portrait hole, and hand in hand the two of them headed for the Great Hall.


“Ron, have you packed your things yet?” Ginny said as the whole lot of them climbed the stairs to the seventh floor.

“Yeah, we all have”, Ron replied.

“Good- it’s time to get on the train”, Ginny stated, skipping up the last couple stairs.

“Let’s just get Hermione and then head down to the Entrance Hall… I think they’ve already brought our things down there”, Harry suggested, muttering the password to the Fat Lady.


Five minutes later, the Hermione, Ron, Harry, and Ginny stood outside of the castle, saying their goodbyes to Hagrid; especially Harry. Harry was going to miss Hagrid. Although Hagrid was an adult, he was a good friend to Harry. The four of them also said goodbye to Dumbledore, then boarded the Hogwarts Express. Hermione led them to an empty compartment, and then took a seat by the window. Harry sat on the opposite side, leaving room for Ginny. She took the seat beside him, so Ron sat next to Hermione.

“I knew it”, Hermione muttered quietly, almost as if she was talking to herself.

“What was that Hermione?” Ginny asked, not sure what she was talking about.


“Y eah right- what did you say? Tell me-”
“I said 'I knew it'… That something was going on with you and Harry.”
“There’s nothing going on with me and Harry…” Ginny said, not able to keep a straight face.

“So how long has this been going on for?” Ron asked, looking Harry in the eye.

“Since last night”, Harry said grinning.

“Oooohhh…” Ron said teasingly.

“Oh shut up Ronald!” Ginny shouted.

The train began to move as Harry looked out the window, silently saying goodbye to the castle. It was now his past. He didn’t want it to be over, but it was. He didn’t want to leave Hogwarts, but he had to. He was now seventeen years old. Although he was leaving his home, he couldn’t help but be happy when the thought of living with the Weasleys filled his mind as he felt the warmth of Ginny resting her head on his shoulder. It was a new beginning.
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