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Hemingway Six Challenge Part 3 (2022-3)
By ginnyweasley777

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Category: Hemingway Six Challenge Part 3 (2022-3)
Genres: None
Warnings: None
Rating: G
Reviews: 5
Summary: All entries for the Hemingway Six Challenge part 3
Hitcount: Story Total: 1277

Disclaimer: Harry Potter Publishing Rights ? J.K.R. Note the opinions in this story are my own and in no way represent the owners of this site. This story subject to copyright law under transformative use. No compensation is made for this work.


"Phoenix perch for sale. One owner." by MyGinevra

"He came back. She was waiting." by MyGinevra

"Molly's spell. Death knell. Bella fell." by MyGinevra

"'Look! A castle!' 'Don't see it.'" by MyGinevra

"Fire sale: Cabin near the woods." by MyGinevra

Divination class will predictively meet tomorrow." by MyGinevra

"Volvemort died, Harry lived, Ginny married." by MyGinevra

"Into the Chamber, out with Ginny." by MyGinevra


"Magic's only magical when believed in." by Sasha

"Brave Gryffindor pulled sword from hat." by Sasha

"Hat chose Slytherin, Harry chose Gryffindor." by Sasha

"Emerald eyes, red hair. Perfect combination." by Sasha

"Ginny never gave up on Harry." by Sasha

"Blast Ended Skrewts destroyed Hagrid's hut." by Sasha

"Catching Snitch by swallowing isn't advised." by Sasha

"The Ford Anglia never returned home." by Sasha

"Polyjuice and cats shouldn't ever mix." by Sasha

"Voldemort had a massive temper tantrum." by Sasha

"Weasley's Wizard Wheezes wield wild wands." by Sasha

"They swapped Umbridge's quill then hid." by Sasha

"Weasley duo should never become one." by Sasha

"What happened to the Philosopher's Stone?" by Sasha

"I didn't do it, I swear." by Sasha

"Malfoy's family's a waste of space." by Sasha

"He's been AWOL for two years." by Sasha

"Why'd you want to help me?" by Sasha

"I had nothing and no one." by Sasha

"When you're out there, you're nothing." by Sasha

"I just wanted to escape reality." by Sasha

"I don't want to die, I..." by Sasha

"After being kidnapped I want normality." by Sasha

"The blue Ford Anglia scowled menacingly." by Sasha

"I'm sorry I stole your car." by Sasha

"Everyone I trusted lied to me." by Sasha

"I just pretended to be strong." by Sasha

"All I wanted was to run." by Sasha

"'You love me?' she asked incredulously." by Sasha

"I think I'm falling for you." by Sasha

"I love you, marry me please?" by Sasha

"I don't care we're too young." by Sasha

"I love you, that'll never change." by Sasha

"He thinks I'm a bad influence." by Sasha

"I'd be really up for it." by Sasha

"It is what engaged couples do." by Sasha


"With fear in his green eyes." by berriesnlighters

"Sirius: Sometimes I think in barks." by berriesnlighters

"Harry: You have feelings for me?" by berriesnlighters


"Harry took the train ride...onward." by demonclownbaby

"Their skeletons never left the Chamber." by demonclownbaby

"Ginny dyed her hair. Divorce followed." by demonclownbaby

"Ginny Weasley. Ginny Weasley. Ginny Potter..." by demonclownbaby

"I should've left you to Riddle." by demonclownbaby

"Nothing really looks good on you." by demonclownbaby

"I'd like to Huffle her Puff." by demonclownbaby

"A Dementor? I hardly know'er." by demonclownbaby

"Seeker? Finder. Chaser? Catcher. Keeper? Merrier." by demonclownbaby

"But if we BOTH drink Polyjuice..." by demonclownbaby

"When Harry arrived, Ginny'd killed Riddle." by demonclownbaby

"The Room of Requirement; forevermore empty." by demonclownbaby

"The moonlight illuminated her. She changed." by demonclownbaby

"Harry loved Ginny like a sister." by demonclownbaby

"Harry avenged her, and was desolate." by demonclownbaby

"Time Turner threesome? Count me in!" by demonclownbaby

"Snape was crushing on Mum? Eww!" by demonclownbaby

"Hagrid discovered Dursleys murdered; Harry laughing." by demonclownbaby

"Harry was strangely attracted to Umbridge." by demonclownbaby

"The Chosen One...chose someone else." by demonclownbaby

"'Obliviate!' And George forgot his twin." by demonclownbaby

"'Call me Neville STRONGbottom!' Coolness achieved." by demonclownbaby

"Ginny activated the stone. Harry appeared." by demonclownbaby

"Technically, we've all seen McGonagall naked." by demonclownbaby

____________________ ________________________________________ ______________________________________


Sleep wouldn’t come; the summer heat was surrounding him, suffocating him. He had too many thoughts swirling around in his head to be able to sleep properly anyway. He now truly understood what Professor Dumbledore had meant about having too many thoughts in one’s head.

With a sigh of frustration Harry tossed off the covers and climbed out of bed. Putting his glasses on, he walked to the window, opened it, and breathed in deeply. The fresh air cooled his face as he allowed his mind to roll back to his kiss with Ginny earlier in the day. It had been pure ecstasy - he’d felt as though he could take on anything while he was with her and he never wanted to let go of that feeling.

A flicker of movement caught his eye on the ground below in the shadows cast by the wedding tent. Tensing, he watched carefully. The moon appeared from behind a cloud and shed light down into the garden. Harry spotted a familiar flash of Weasley red and breathed a sigh of relief. Looking closer, he saw that it was Ginny who was walking across the garden, almost as if his thoughts had summoned her there.

Curiosity burned inside him and even though he knew that he shouldn’t, that he should just go back to bed, he treaded carefully past Ron’s sleeping form and out of the room. Swiftly and silently he exited the house, headed past Bill and Fleur’s marquee and across the garden to where he’d seen Ginny. Instinct took him onto the well trodden path leading to the Burrow’s pond.

He immediately spotted Ginny sitting on the parched ground, her arms wrapped around her knees. “Hey,” he said, so as not to startle her with his approach.

She looked round and smiled wanly at him, her face pale in the moonlight.

“I saw you from the window,” he said, sitting himself down next to her, “and I wondered what you were doing out here.”

Ginny shrugged. “I couldn’t sleep.”

“Me neither,” he replied, staring intently at the water. “I couldn’t stop thinking about…” He trailed off, the unsaid things from earlier in the day still hanging between them.

“I always used to come down here when I wanted to think about things. I spent a lot of time here after… after my first year,” she admitted.

A slight breeze wafted the enticing smell of flowers from Ginny towards Harry. He thought again about their kiss and everything they’d shared before Dumbledore’s death and knew that he had another reason for finding the Horcruxes and finishing Voldemort as soon as possible.

“It’s got to be me,” he whispered.

“I know,” she replied just as quietly, “it was always going to be you in the end.”

Harry shot a sidelong glance at her and instantly caught his breath. She was beautiful, sitting there in her night clothes with her long red hair framing her face - the moonlight made it glow with an ethereal quality.

Without him consciously telling it to do so, his hand rose and tucked a lock of hair behind her ear and then lingered on her cheek. “I don’t want to think about Voldemort right now,” he admitted.

Ginny looked into his eyes and Harry felt himself melting into them. “Me neither,” she replied, leaning towards him.

Her lips were soft upon his and once again it was blissful oblivion - nothing else mattered but kissing Ginny. The feelings that rose up in him pushed all thoughts of Voldemort from his mind. The monster in his chest was purring happily and the fire that it was breathing seemed to flood his veins, pushing him on.

There was a kind of fierce desperation in the way that they kissed, both needing to be as close as possible to the other, neither wanting to be apart for even the barest second.

A vague and distant part of his mind registered that he’d broken up with Ginny to protect her, that he’d promised Ron that he wouldn’t mess her around. Ice quenched the fire in his veins and he broke off the kiss. He opened his mouth to speak but Ginny cut him off.

“Don’t,” she said, “we may only have tonight.”


“This could be our only chance, let us take it.”

She leaned in to kiss him again and after the slightest hesitation he kissed her back. He couldn’t resist her and he certainly couldn’t say that he wanted to get up and walk away from her right now. He done it that afternoon and there was no way that he could walk away right now. He knew that he’d have to at some point, but not now, not when it felt so good to be kissing Ginny again. His mind made up, Harry kissed Ginny with as much passion as he could muster.

A slight breeze began playing around them and together they sat up and began rummaging on the ground for their clothes. They got dressed still touching and kissing each other occasionally, the need for closeness still there although temporarily sated.

Harry put his glasses back on and looked at Ginny, her hair tousled and several marks from him on her neck. He didn’t know what to say to her, but as they gazed at each other Harry realised that words weren’t necessary because Ginny knew him too well. She wouldn’t say ‘don’t go because I’ll be sad’ but would accept that it was what he had to do and that the only way for him to come back to her was for him to leave.

The understanding passed between them and, hand-in-hand, they walked back towards the Burrow, back to reality.

There had been no proclamations of love but as they entered the silent kitchen and headed for the stairs, Harry realised that what he’s been feeling all along was love. He now truly understood how it was that his mother’s blood protection had worked, he knew that it was incredible love which had led to Lily Potter doing that completely selfless act of sacrificing herself.

Oh, he knew that it was his duty to find and destroy the Horcruxes, but he also knew that he would do anything to make sure that Ginny survived.

He came out of his reverie when he realised that they’d reached the door to Ginny’s bedroom. He had half a mind to tell her what he felt but then he knew that he would find it impossible to walk away from her if he did.

Instead he kissed her one more time, lingering for a few seconds before allowing her to open the door and slip silently into the room.

Turning, Harry continued back up to Ron’s bedroom. Absently, he wondered what Ron would say if he knew that he’d gone back on his word to him. It was a good thing that he’d never find out.
Reviews 5

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