
SIYE Time:14:31 on 12th December 2024
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By Pottermum

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Category: Post-Hogwarts
Genres: Fluff, Humor
Warnings: None
Story is Complete
Rating: G
Reviews: 5
Summary: Goldilocks, Harry Potter style
Hitcount: Story Total: 1989

Disclaimer: Harry Potter Publishing Rights © J.K.R. Note the opinions in this story are my own and in no way represent the owners of this site. This story subject to copyright law under transformative use. No compensation is made for this work.


Ginny Weasley flew down and gracefully alighted from her broom. She was glad to be at her final destination and took delight in the forest surrounding the new cottage; it was very picturesque.

She walked to the door and leaned her broom on the wall before knocking once and entering.

“Hello? I'm hungry and tired, is anybody home?”

There was no reply but Ginny continued into the small cottage.

A table was set with three place settings of bowls of soup which smelt heavenly to a hungry Harpy.

She went to the first bowl, it was quite large, and took a sip.

“Oh that soup is too hot and the bowl is too big,” she said to herself.

She went to the smallest bowl and took a sip. She grimaced at the taste.

“This soup is too cold and the bowl is so small, just enough for one mouthful and I need more than that,” decided Ginny.

She moved to the last bowl and stirred the soup before taking a sip.

“Mmm, this soup is just right, and enough to fill my hungry belly. This is the soup for me,”she said.

She wanted to sit at the table and used her wand to Accio a chair. However, she needed to climb onto it and then her feet dangled well from the ground.

“This chair is too big.”

She pushed the chair aside, and Accio'd another chair, but when she sat on it, her knees were around her chin and she couldn't see above the table.

“Well this chair is too small,” she huffed, standing and pushing the chair under the table.

She summoned the last chair, pulling it up to the table and sat, pleased with the result.

“Oh this chair is just right!” she said happily, and so she began to eat the soup, as she was really hungry.

When she finished she felt sated. Her full belly made her feel tired so she yawned.

“Where can everyone be?” she wondered.

She decided to go exploring throughout the cottage, knowing the owner wouldn't mind. She came to a bedroom and immediately thought she might take a nap.

'Just till everyone gets home,' she decided sleepily.

Eyeing the huge bed, she took a running start and leapt onto the bed, grasping at the bed coverings to try to pull herself up but it was no use, she slid down to the floor.

“Oh this bed is too big,” she complained aloud.

She slid down the bed and continued her explorations. She came across a much smaller bed in another bedroom.

She went to lay on it but her feet dangled off the edge, making her lose her shoes, and she couldn't get comfortable.

“This bed is too soft and small,” she decided.

She rose and left, finding a bathroom across the hall, which she used and then went to the last bedroom.

She easily slid into it, her hands bunching the pillow close to her, a familiar scent making her feel content.

'This bed is just right,' was her last coherent thought before sleep overtook her.

Awhile later, the three occupants of the cottage returned.

“Looks like we have company,” one said, noting the broomstick against the wall.

“I'll go in first, it's my cottage,” said another.

“Stay behind me,” ordered the first to the third.

“But Harry--”the third protested.

“Sssh.” The first put his finger to his lips as he opened the cottage door and entered, the second and third behind him.

“Somebody sat in my chair,” said the first.

“I can't even find my chair,' pouted the third.

“Somebody sat on my chair and ate all my soup,” announced the first. “I think we need to do more investigating. If her — er, the intruder's broom is still here, then that means they may still be around somewhere.”

“Intruder, Intruder,” shouted the third in alarm.

Harry immediately picked the third one up. “No, Teddy, it's fine. We are not in any danger, I promise you. Now, want to help me investigate?”

“Like a real auror?” asked Teddy Lupin, eyes wide open. He wouldn't admit it but he felt much safer in his godfather's arms.

“Like a real auror,” confirmed Harry. “Come on, wands out.”

Teddy drew out the stick he had found and declared it was to be his wand till he got his real one when he was eleven, still some seven years away.

“Wands out, Hagrid,” called Teddy.

Harry winked at Hagrid and they proceeded to investigate the rest of the cottage.

They came to Hagrid's bedroom, finding his bed coverings in a pile on the floor.

“Someone's been sleepin' in me bed,”stated Hagrid.

Teddy wriggled down and ran to his own bedroom, or the one he had been sleeping in the past week that they had been staying with the friendly giant. Harry had magically added the two bedrooms just for their visit. Teddy saw some shoes at the end of the bed, and an indent on top.

“Someone was here,” he told Harry, who nodded.

He put his finger to his lips and beckoned Teddy to his side then they both went to the last door, the one Harry had been sleeping in.

Teddy looked in, gasped then looked at Harry.

“There's someone sleeping in your bed — it's Ginny!”

Before Harry could stop him he ran across the room and leapt onto the bed, where two arms suddenly grabbed him, pulling him close and started tickling.

The little boy squirmed and giggled. “Stop it, Ginny, ha ha, stop it.”

She stopped tickling him but rained kisses over him, making him squirm again.

“You're supposed to kiss Harry, not me,” he complained happily.

“You're absolutely right, Teddy,” said Ginny, looking past Teddy to see Harry and Hagrid watching them in amusement.

“Teddy, why don't you come with me, and we'll get a start on our soup,” suggested Hagrid.

“Okay, Hagrid,” agreed Teddy and he slid down Harry's bed, taking the half giant's hand to return to the kitchen.

Harry shut the door and sauntered over to the waiting Ginny.

She looked up at him, arching an eyebrow.

“Kiss or tickle?” she asked with a smirk.

He grinned, glad she was finally home.

What do you think?” he asked, grinning sexily.

She loped an arm around his neck and pulled his head down so she could snog the daylights out of him.

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