
SIYE Time:1:10 on 9th December 2024
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Faintest, Slimmest, Wildest Chance
By theotherone

Category: Post-DH/AB
Characters:Harry/Ginny, Other
Genres: Drama, Romance
Warnings: Intimate Sexual Situations, Mild Language, Negative Alcohol Use
Story is Complete
Rating: R
Summary: Harry left Ginny to keep her safe, but Hogwarts during Voldemort's reign was anything but. Although they both survived, each bears scars from their year apart. The end of a war and the death of a brother don't make for an easy romance, but as long as there is the faintest, slimmest, wildest chance.... The Weasleys gained and lost a member in one night. Will they ever be whole again?
Hitcount: Story Total: 223615



1. Prelude by theotherone
1004 words, updated on 2015.11.10 [Reviews - 4] starstarstarstarhalf-star

2. Chapter One by theotherone
1987 words, updated on 2015.11.11 [Reviews - 8] starstarstarstarhalf-star

3. Chapter Two by theotherone
2551 words, updated on 2015.11.25 [Reviews - 6] starstarstarstarstar

4. Chapter Three by theotherone
3062 words, updated on 2015.11.30 [Reviews - 8] starstarstarstarhalf-star

5. Chapter Four by theotherone
2554 words, updated on 2015.12.11 [Reviews - 4] starstarstarstarhalf-star

6. Chapter Five by theotherone
2527 words, updated on 2015.12.15 [Reviews - 6] starstarstarstarhalf-star

7. Chapter Six by theotherone
2540 words, updated on 2015.12.22 [Reviews - 8] starstarstarstarstar

8. Chapter Seven by theotherone
3075 words, updated on 2015.12.29 [Reviews - 7] starstarstarstarhalf-star

9. Chapter Eight by theotherone
1843 words, updated on 2016.01.06 [Reviews - 7] starstarstarstarhalf-star

10. Chapter Nine by theotherone
3452 words, updated on 2016.01.11 [Reviews - 10] starstarstarstarhalf-star

11. Chapter Ten by theotherone
3725 words, updated on 2016.01.19 [Reviews - 5] starstarstarstarstar

12. Chapter Eleven by theotherone
2989 words, updated on 2016.01.27 [Reviews - 6] starstarstarstarhalf-star

13. Chapter Twelve by theotherone
1975 words, updated on 2016.02.01 [Reviews - 5] starstarstarstarstar

14. Chapter Thirteen by theotherone
2285 words, updated on 2016.02.09 [Reviews - 6] starstarstarstarstar

15. Chapter Fourteen by theotherone
3839 words, updated on 2016.02.16 [Reviews - 6] starstarstarstarstar

16. Chapter Fifteen by theotherone
3364 words, updated on 2016.02.23 [Reviews - 5] starstarstarstarstar

17. Chapter Sixteen by theotherone
3268 words, updated on 2016.02.29 [Reviews - 5] starstarstarstarstar

18. Chapter Seventeen by theotherone
4188 words, updated on 2016.03.07 [Reviews - 5] starstarstarstarstar

19. Chapter Eighteen by theotherone
4663 words, updated on 2016.03.22 [Reviews - 7] starstarstarstarstar

20. Chapter Nineteen by theotherone
3103 words, updated on 2016.04.01 [Reviews - 5] starstarstarstarstar

21. Chapter Twenty by theotherone
4299 words, updated on 2016.04.06 [Reviews - 6] starstarstarstarstar

22. Chapter Twenty-One by theotherone
2445 words, updated on 2016.04.12 [Reviews - 5] starstarstarstarhalf-star

23. Chapter Twenty-Two by theotherone
4879 words, updated on 2016.04.19 [Reviews - 7] starstarstarstarstar

24. Chapter Twenty-Three by theotherone
2097 words, updated on 2016.04.25 [Reviews - 8] starstarstarstarhalf-star

25. Chapter Twenty-Four by theotherone
2196 words, updated on 2016.05.03 [Reviews - 8] starstarstarstarstar

26. Chapter Twenty-Five by theotherone
2909 words, updated on 2016.05.10 [Reviews - 6] starstarstarstarstar

27. Chapter Twenty-Six by theotherone
4090 words, updated on 2016.05.17 [Reviews - 7] starstarstarstarstar

28. Chapter Twenty-Seven by theotherone
2439 words, updated on 2016.05.27 [Reviews - 8] starstarstarstarstar

29. Chapter Twenty-Eight by theotherone
2449 words, updated on 2016.05.31 [Reviews - 7] starstarstarstarstar

30. Chapter Twenty-Nine by theotherone
1993 words, updated on 2016.06.08 [Reviews - 6] starstarstarstarhalf-star

31. Chapter Thirty by theotherone
1541 words, updated on 2016.06.15 [Reviews - 4] starstarstarstarhalf-star

32. Chapter Thirty-One by theotherone
2534 words, updated on 2016.06.20 [Reviews - 5] starstarstarstarhalf-star

33. Chapter Thirty-Two by theotherone
3826 words, updated on 2016.06.23 [Reviews - 5] starstarstarstarstar

34. Chapter Thirty-Three by theotherone
2524 words, updated on 2016.07.05 [Reviews - 6] starstarstarstarhalf-star

35. Chapter Thirty-Four by theotherone
3424 words, updated on 2016.07.13 [Reviews - 8] starstarstarstarstar

36. Chapter Thirty-Five by theotherone
3353 words, updated on 2016.07.17 [Reviews - 7] starstarstarstarstar

37. Chapter Thrty-Six by theotherone
6473 words, updated on 2016.07.27 [Reviews - 9] starstarstarstarstar

38. Chapter Thirty-Seven by theotherone
1941 words, updated on 2016.08.03 [Reviews - 4] starstarstarstarstar

39. Chapter Thirty-Eight by theotherone
2862 words, updated on 2016.08.08 [Reviews - 4] starstarstarstarstar

40. Chapter Thirty-Nine by theotherone
3732 words, updated on 2016.08.23 [Reviews - 6] starstarstarstarstar

41. Chapter Forty by theotherone
4024 words, updated on 2016.08.27 [Reviews - 7] starstarstarstarstar

42. Chapter Forty-One by theotherone
3207 words, updated on 2016.09.01 [Reviews - 13] starstarstarstarstar

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