
SIYE Time:12:06 on 11th December 2024
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By Senator of Sorcery

Category: Alternate Universe, Asylum Challenge (2013-3), Asylum Challenge (2013-3)
Characters:Albus Dumbledore, All, Draco Malfoy, Harry/Ginny, Hermione Granger, Lily Potter, Luna Lovegood, Minerva McGonagall, Other, Ron Weasley
Genres: Action/Adventure, Angst, Drama, Romance
Warnings: Dark Fiction, Death, Disturbing Imagery, Violence
Story is Complete
Rating: PG-13
Summary: *** Winner of Best Overall, Best Drama and the People’s Choice Award in the Asylum Challenge ***
*Nominated for 2014 April/May and November/December DSTA for Best Romance and Best Drama* *Nominated for 2016 January/February DSTA for Best Drama and Best Completed*

Ginny's plans for the weekend were just perfect: a day out in Hogsmeade with her girlfriends. Spend the morning window shopping and wishing, then lunch at the Three Broomsticks, and then to the local theater for a production of the Scottish Play (Macbeth).

Unfortunately, the bad luck of the Scottish Play strikes before it even starts. The village is invaded by Death Eaters, Dementors, and a man she had hoped to never see again in her life.

And in the middle of the battle, Ginny sees something she'd never thought she'd see. Voldemort and one of her greatest friends dueling; Harry Potter and Voldemort fighting so fiercely, she lost focus on her own battle. Harry Potter, crying out, falling, and hitting the ground. Dead.

And then, someone she never expected to help her saves her from Voldemort’s wrath.
Hitcount: Story Total: 264582



1. Chapter 1: The Hogsmeade Attack by Senator of Sorcery
2887 words, updated on 2013.08.07 [Reviews - 7] starstarstarstar

2. Chapter 2: The After World by Senator of Sorcery
2234 words, updated on 2013.08.14 [Reviews - 8] starstarstarstarhalf-star

3. Chapter 3: The Potion by Senator of Sorcery
3983 words, updated on 2013.09.09 [Reviews - 5] starstarstarstarstar

4. Chapter 4: A Prophecy by Senator of Sorcery
2478 words, updated on 2013.09.26 [Reviews - 4] starstarstarstarhalf-star

5. Chapter 5: Fidelis Anima by Senator of Sorcery
3461 words, updated on 2013.10.04 [Reviews - 2] starstarstarstarhalf-star

6. Chapter 6: Souls and Secrets by Senator of Sorcery
3876 words, updated on 2013.10.23 [Reviews - 3] starstarstarstarhalf-star

7. Chapter 7: A Deadly Dance by Senator of Sorcery
4538 words, updated on 2013.10.31 [Reviews - 6] starstarstarstarhalf-star

8. Chapter 8: Nightmares and Fears by Senator of Sorcery
4039 words, updated on 2013.11.06 [Reviews - 4] starstarstarstarhalf-star

9. Chapter 9: The Graveyard Again by Senator of Sorcery
4166 words, updated on 2013.11.29 [Reviews - 0] starstarstarstarhalf-star

10. Chapter 10: Ginny and Harry's Fears by Senator of Sorcery
4627 words, updated on 2013.12.11 [Reviews - 2] starstarstarstarhalf-star

11. Chapter 11: 'I'll Watch Your Life In Pictures' by Senator of Sorcery
4190 words, updated on 2013.12.15 [Reviews - 0] starstarstarstarstar

12. Chapter 12: Harry by Senator of Sorcery
2209 words, updated on 2013.12.26 [Reviews - 3] starstarstarstarhalf-star

13. Chapter 13: Shadows by Senator of Sorcery
2682 words, updated on 2014.01.11 [Reviews - 2] starstarstarstarhalf-star

14. Chapter 14: Test Three by Senator of Sorcery
4273 words, updated on 2014.01.17 [Reviews - 4] starstarstarstarhalf-star

15. Chapter 15: The Final Circles by Senator of Sorcery
1363 words, updated on 2014.01.26 [Reviews - 1] starstarstarstarhalf-star

16. Chapter 16: Faith's Plea by Senator of Sorcery
2089 words, updated on 2014.02.07 [Reviews - 3] starstarstarstarhalf-star

17. Chapter 17: The Angel of Death by Senator of Sorcery
2664 words, updated on 2014.02.18 [Reviews - 3] starstarstarstarstar

18. Chapter 18: The Angel's Choice by Senator of Sorcery
2437 words, updated on 2014.02.20 [Reviews - 2] starstarstarstarhalf-star

19. Chapter 19: Rising Storm by Senator of Sorcery
5501 words, updated on 2014.02.23 [Reviews - 3] starstarstarstarstar

20. Chapter 20: Reunion by Senator of Sorcery
3570 words, updated on 2014.03.26 [Reviews - 3] starstarstarstarhalf-star

21. Chapter 21: Superhuman by Senator of Sorcery
3573 words, updated on 2014.04.03 [Reviews - 2] starstarstarstarhalf-star

22. Chapter 22: The Story of Amor and Abhor by Senator of Sorcery
4841 words, updated on 2014.04.07 [Reviews - 1] starstarstarstarhalf-star

23. Chapter 23: Help by Senator of Sorcery
2267 words, updated on 2014.05.01 [Reviews - 4] starstarstarstarhalf-star

24. Chapter 24: Kiss Your Bum Goodbye by Senator of Sorcery
3440 words, updated on 2014.05.23 [Reviews - 3] starstarstarstarhalf-star

25. Chapter 25: Too Insane to Be Afraid by Senator of Sorcery
2488 words, updated on 2014.06.17 [Reviews - 3] starstarstarstarhalf-star

26. Chapter 26: Demons Run When a Good Man Goes to War by Senator of Sorcery
3803 words, updated on 2014.07.18 [Reviews - 3] starstarstarstarhalf-star

27. Chapter 27: Judgement Day by Senator of Sorcery
3354 words, updated on 2014.08.23 [Reviews - 5] starstarstarstarhalf-star

28. Chapter 28 A Trade by Senator of Sorcery
3005 words, updated on 2014.10.06 [Reviews - 2] starstarstarstarhalf-star

29. Chapter 29: Decline of Sanity by Senator of Sorcery
3689 words, updated on 2014.11.05 [Reviews - 2] starstarstarstarstar

30. Chapter 30: I Pledge My Allegiance by Senator of Sorcery
2401 words, updated on 2015.01.09 [Reviews - 1] starstarstarstarhalf-star

31. Chapter 31: Eyes in the Back of His Head by Senator of Sorcery
2345 words, updated on 2015.01.28 [Reviews - 3] starstarstarstarstar

32. Chapter 32: Split Soul by Senator of Sorcery
3967 words, updated on 2015.03.11 [Reviews - 2] starstarstarstarhalf-star

33. Chapter 33: Vault of Horrors by Senator of Sorcery
8948 words, updated on 2015.04.09 [Reviews - 1] starstarstarstarhalf-star

34. Chapter 34: The Battle Begun by Senator of Sorcery
2783 words, updated on 2015.04.26 [Reviews - 1] starstarstarstarstar

35. Chapter 35: Ultimatum by Senator of Sorcery
2913 words, updated on 2015.06.13 [Reviews - 1] starstarstarstarhalf-star

36. Chapter 36: The Endgame by Senator of Sorcery
4305 words, updated on 2015.06.26 [Reviews - 2] starstarstarstarstar

37. Chapter 37: In Memorium by Senator of Sorcery
4830 words, updated on 2015.07.05 [Reviews - 4] starstarstarstarstar

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