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Art of Time Travel
By hgkiss

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Category: Alternate Universe
Genres: Action/Adventure, Romance
Warnings: None
Rating: G
Reviews: 6
Summary: Voldemort won. But when Harry sends Merlin's knowledge back in time to his younger self, what will happen? What will Harry change? Will he get Ginny earlier?

Smart! Powerful! Grey Harry! Weasley Bashing! Dumbles!
Hitcount: Story Total: 5403

Disclaimer: Harry Potter Publishing Rights © J.K.R. Note the opinions in this story are my own and in no way represent the owners of this site. This story subject to copyright law under transformative use. No compensation is made for this work.

Author's Notes:
AN: Hey, this is my first attempt at fan fiction! Review please! Oh and yes, the dragon is Harry's Animagus form, along with one other... Guess!


AN: Hey this is my first attempt at fan fiction so please don’t take it against me for big mistakes. Anyway…. Review. And Harry is 27 in this chapter.

It was another bad day in the life of the now not-so-famous Harry Potter. He had been ripped of everyone he had cared for and anyone he had met. He lived in Potter Manor, the home he realised he had inherited one day, after he went to Gringotts, the wizarding bank.

But what of Voldemort? Well, he had become the unofficial king of Britain and was gradually taking over the rest of the world - only weak ministries could oppose him now.

So, as you can see, it wasn't a terribly pleasant life.

But maybe something special would happen today, maybe Harry would stumble upon something that would change his life forever…

"Ohhh…." Harry groaned at the intensity of the brilliant white light above him.

He stood up, got ready and went downstairs for breakfast. After eating, he followed his daily routine by going to the library to find some books that could help him in the fight against Voldemort.

Every morning, he'd remember and he'd wallow himself in guilt at the memory of how it started - how he was first exiled from his classmates - and how Voldemort started his invasion of England.


He's gone. Snape killed him. These were the thoughts going through his head as Dumbledore died.


It was there and then that something inside him snapped. He felt strong, stronger than he had ever been before. Harry rushed out of his hiding place into the hallway where a massive fight was currently going on. He pulled out his wand and unleashed a torrent of power out of the gradually heating stick.

It was done. A monster in his heart had broken out of its cage - and it would show no mercy towards its sworn enemies.

Harry slashed and flicked his only weapon as he fought against the Death Eaters - killing them without batting an eyelid.

The weeks after that... were not pleasant. Many people thought of him as a murderer, a merciless killer - even his closest friends.

However, this sadness was to be short-lived as his girlfriend, Ginny, comforted him, and helped him while he was in a vulnerable state. He soon gained a circle of friends from the other houses, and recovered from the Massacre, as he had came to calling it.

It was a year later that Ginny died - by Bellatrix, in the Battle for Hogwarts. But no beast came to his aid this time; he had locked it away using Occlumency.

Let's just say that it was another massacre - but it was the light side being killed this time. Only about thirty survived - and they all went into hiding.

Flashback End

Harry was brought out of his musings by a stair that he nearly tripped on.

He prodded up to the library and sat down at the voice command library computer he had developed (i.e. a normal muggle computer, with runes to give it a vague personality and some more to power it.) so he could search for some books that would help in the fight against Voldemort.

'Not that a one person resistance will help.' he chuckled mirthlessly at the thought.

As soon as he sat down, a huge sign appeared on the computer saying :

Book Recovered: The Art of Time Travel by Merlin Emrys

"Merlin? Bloody Hell! Wait a minute, recovered? Where did it go then?" he asked the computer in a rush.

A disembodied male voice replied tonelessly, "The Noble House of Dumbledore's Head stole the book for, as he quoted 'compensation'"

"What? B-but Albus is dead! Compensation? How did he steal it?"

"He went into the vault and took it from the library bag there."

"And how did he manage to get in there?"

"He took Lord Harry Potter's blood."


After about 30 seconds he received an answer.

"It dates back approximately 25 years."

"When I was a child... shit! He must have gotten it for the blood wards, but he kept some! I can't believe I trusted him! Wait a minute... isn't everything in my vault accessible by only the Potter family?"

"That is correct. He was able to take the book - but not read it. It has been lying in the vault for quite some years now."

"Yes that's good..." Harry said, "Okay, so, can you bring the book here, please?"

A few moments later, he saw an ancient box, not book, appear in front of him.

Inquisitively, he opened the box, to be met with a ring, the exact book he was looking for, and a large booming voice, which (literally) knocked him off his feet.

"DESCENDANT! I have news for you, put on the ring, for it will give you my knowledge and magic which has a strength of 450 which, added to your enormous," the voice changed for the next numbers, "400, should give you a strength of 850, even if you go back in time."

Wondering what the numbers meant, Harry opened the book onto a random page. As if the book was reading his thoughts, the page he opened was coincidentally the page he was looking for.

Power limits and ranks


Seer/ Baby: 10-50

Below Average:50-150


Mag e:200-300

Archmage(Old Harry):300-400

Sorcerer:(Dumbles and Merlin-in-box)400-500

Grand Sorcerer(Nearly always by rituals):500-600

Super Grand Sorcerer(Merlin in real-life): 600-800

Elemental Grand Sorcerer(New Harry):800-900

Anymore than that and the magical core would collapse, killing the owner slowly, but painfully. Yes, some Muggles have magic, building up in them until a muggleborn is is in the family. The amount of magic needed to travel in time is about 600 mags (magical units).

Every spell has a power limit. For example, 'Reducto', the blasting curse, has a limit of 30 mags. If you try to overpower it too much, an ineffective spell is formed. However, 'Bombarda' has the same effect, but its impact can be increased greatly, as it's power limit is 100 mags. In Arithmancy...

He knew about the rest, so he decided to stop reading there.

He put on the ring.

As soon as he put it on his finger, a jolt of energy slipped up his palm into his head, leaving him momentarily winded.

Many things had been thrown into his mind but yet the memories were organised somehow.

'Oh yeah, Occlumency' he thought, slipping into musings again.

Abruptly, he stopped and remembered the reason he called for the book.

Suddenly, the method for popped into the front of his mind.

Not wanting to lose any time, he grabbed his wand and shouted

"Redde me sum anno undecimo!"

Nothing happened.

He thought of the reaction and, again, the answer popped into the front of his mind.

Apparently, he forgot to find out that only some of his memory and new magic would go to his younger self, and the lack of reaction was his magic not wanting to get destroyed because of that mistake. Also, he hadn't done any wand movements.

Bearing this in mind, he started on the complex wand movements. Every swish, slash and jab was depleting his strength, and he felt his legs go weak. But he wouldn't let them fall out from under him - he was determined, and nothing stopped Harry Potter when he had a goal. Hours later, even though his arms were aching and legs were giving him immense discomfort, he, with a last flick shouted with his remaining strength,

"Redde me sum anno septem!"

And he was gone…


Moments after that event, a six year old Harry Potter jolted up from his sleep and shuddered.

He could swear there was another presence in his mind but was too tired to ponder it. He knew something big had just happened, but he could not put his mind onto it.

Harry started to get up to go to the toilet, but weariness soon overcame him and he fell asleep not long after onto the hard wooden base of the cupboard he slept in.

Harry was woken in the morning with the voice of his oh-so-pleasant uncle.

“FREAK! Get here now! Why haven’t you made food you insolent brat?”

Harry went on full alert when he heard that voice. It meant that something bad had happened and Vernon’d take it out on him.

It took a while for him to recall the events of time travel but by then he had ran out of the cupboard.

A cruel smile lit up (for lack of better words) Vernon’s face when he saw Harry. He raised the metal bar he was holding in an attacking motion.

Harry saw this, but he saw it a tad too late.

A sickening crack could be heard as a part of Harry’s arm cracked when he brought it up in a futile attempt to protect himself. The next crack could be heard when Harry’s leg smashed.

Minutes later, he lost consciousness.

When he (thought) had regained consciousness, Harry took in his surroundings. He was in a great hall in which Harry was pretty sure some animals lurked. Walking to the first shadow, he saw a blue immobilized… dragon?

‘Too bad it’s all a dream’ he thought to himself.

Walking to another corner, Harry saw another still dragon, this one red.

He went round to each corner of the hall seeing static dragons in groups of three.

‘So, eight dragons, looking as though they’re waiting for someone? Weird.’ he concluded.

Suddenly, the animals started moving towards each other. They stood in a line and a blinding white light erupted from them. In their place stood a giant magnificent creature that then trodded up to Harry. He shuddered as the dragon seemed to merge with him.

A sudden thought came into Harry’s mind.

‘How did I get here?’

‘I believe I can answer that’ a voice said from behind him.

Turning around, he came face to face with his… future self?

“Look I don’t have much time so can you just come here?”

“No, you’re just trying to manapu- manipa-”

“Manipulate and no I’m not so for God’s sake- you know what, forget it!”

With that he strode towards young Harry put a firm hand on his shoulder.

For the second time that day a golden light found its way into Harry. Two seconds later, a tonne of knowledge slipped into his mind, effectively waking him up…

< P>

Reviews 6

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