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After the Battle
By golden trio x

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Category: Post-DH/AB
Genres: Fluff, Humor, Romance
Warnings: Mild Language
Rating: PG
Reviews: 5
Summary: What do our favourite characters do after the battle? NOTE: This story is completely different and much better than the last "After the Battle."
gt x
Hitcount: Story Total: 4429

Disclaimer: Harry Potter Publishing Rights © J.K.R. Note the opinions in this story are my own and in no way represent the owners of this site. This story subject to copyright law under transformative use. No compensation is made for this work.

Author's Notes:
this is my first/second fanfic, please be nice x


After the Battle

… As the trio turned and descended the spiral staircase form Dumbledore's office, (because no matter who was in charge, it would always be Dumbledore's office to them.) Harry noted Ron and Hermione holding hands. He smiled, (just a small one mind you) at the sight of his two best friends. Both had happy, goofy grins on their faces and kept giving each other, (in Harry’s mind) disgustingly, sloppy looks.

Harry wondered what he and Ginny must have looked like last year. He hoped it wasn’t anything like Ron and Hermione were now otherwise he probably wouldn’t be able to look Ron in the face again.

As they walked down the corridors, Harry was silently reliving memories of his and Ginny’s time together. They were the happiest few weeks of his life that Harry could remember in a long time. His mind wandered back to a particular conversation they had had shortly after they had gotten together, about… Ron and Hermione!


Harry and Ginny fled from the common room, away from the shouting voices that were Ron and Hermione’s still coming through the portrait hole. Recently the pair had started arguing more and more often over the most stupid things. The current row had to be the most stupidest, pointless one yet. Harry was finding it hard to believe that all this was over…

“Ron’s socks,” exclaimed Ginny “why on earth are they fighting over socks?! No one cares about things like socks. They just keep your bloody feet warm! Anyway, the whole world knows that Ronald Weasley NEVER EVER matches up his socks. The last time that git probably wore matching socks was when he was five! FIVE for Merlin’s sake! Has Hermione only just noticed? I swear, for the brightest witch of her age she causes arguments over every, little, insignificant, bloody THING! I mean, if they want to snog each other so badly fighting isn’t going to help!” Ginny almost shouted in her most exasperated voice.

She fell silent as Harry took her hand and made their way over towards their favourite tree by the lake's bank. It was a relatively warm day and a bright sun was beating down on them. Most of the students were outside either playing with the giant squid in the lake or sitting in the shade revising for OWLs and NEWTs. Harry and Ginny approached their tree and sat down, Harry cross-legged on the ground and Ginny on his lap. She tilted her head back, rested it on his shoulder and sighed. They stayed like that for a while. Enjoying the sun, watching their classmates and simply taking comfort in each others company. Slowly as the people around them began going in to put their books away or clean up before dinner, Ginny turned in Harry’s lap to face him.



“I think we need to do something.” She spoke softly

“hmmm, me too” he whispered softly against her cheek before pulling her against him and kissing her.

A few minutes later, after a rather dishevelled Harry and Ginny managed to detach themselves from each other, Ginny spoke again.

“Seriously Harry,” she said breathlessly “we really need to do something”

“What about?” he murmured “I thought I already did something. I’ll do it again if you like.” Harry said, waggling his eyebrows suggestively.

“Prat,” she said smacking his arm, “No, I mean about Ron and Hermione,” Harry sighed “we really need to do something otherwise they’re going to make themselves depressed and drive every one else crazy!”

“Just leave it Gin,” Harry replied, “they’ll figure it out for themselves, even if it takes fifty years,”

“Probably will knowing them,” muttered Ginny under her breath

Harry grinned at her but continued on with his speech.

“Anyway, if we get involved it will take the clueless duo even longer to get together,”

“Yeah, a hundred years instead.” Ginny interrupted again

“So, I think that we should just leave them be and let whatever happen, happen.” Harry concluded, ignoring her interruption once again.

“Besides, there are much better, more worthwhile things we could be doing than worrying about, literally, knocking sense into Ron and Hermione.”

“Yeah, and what might that be, Mr Potter?” Ginny asked, her warm breath tickling his neck.

“Let me show you Miss Weasley.” Harry replied, his voice getting huskier than normal. Then he kissed her passionately, both forgetting the time and place, only seeing each other.

The young couple were not seen for many hours after that, and when they finally did return it was well past curfew and neither noticed the smirks they were getting due to their, more than usual, dishevelled appearance.

*end of flashback*

Harry grinned as the memory ended. It was one of his favourite memories with Ginny. The grin grew slightly as he thought of what she would say once he told her how Ron and Hermione managed to get together. Harry knew that she would be happy but the teasing would be brilliant. Who would think that the one thing that finally made them kiss were house elves? When Hermione started SPEW no one really took interest in it, (especially Ron) many regarded it as a joke, (defiantly Ron) but no one could have ever guessed that it would decrease the number of shouting matches in the middle of the common room, almost every evening. Those were one thing that the residents of Gryffindor tower definitely wouldn’t miss.

As the trio continued their journey through the corridors of Hogwarts, the grin slowly faded off Harry’s face. There were still a handful of people roaming the corridors presumably searching for any hidden, undiscovered bodies. Some of the people that weren’t helping were kneeling by a particular spot of the castle crying. Harry guessed that these were places where their loved ones had been killed.

Suddenly Harry felt extremely guilty. All of these people had died fighting for him. Families had been torn apart and children left as orphans. Why? Because of him. The great Harry Potter had gotten all of these people killed and injured. If only he had managed to kill Voldemort earlier more people would have survived. People like Fred and Collin who still had long lives to live and families to live for. People like Tonks and Lupin whose baby boy was no more than a few weeks old, was already an orphan. All of this was because of him. If only he had chosen to go on when Dumbledore had given him the chance. He wouldn’t have to be here and be suffering this terrible fate. Then again Voldemort may still be alive and many, more people would be dead.

Then, Harry remembered why he had come back. It was because of them, Ron, Hermione, Neville, Luna, and the Weasleys. Because of them he had come back to finish Voldemort and give them all a life of freedom and joy. But there was one reason that mattered most. One person that he could not live without and that person was Ginny Weasley. And as they approached their destination Harry realised something. As much as he loved his friends and adopted family he really and truly loved Ginny Weasley. The only thing left to do was how to tell her.
Reviews 5

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