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Summer Days
By LoveIsMagicHarry

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Category: Post-DH/AB
Genres: General, Romance
Warnings: None
Rating: G
Reviews: 4
Summary: It's the summer after the Battle, and one large and mismatched family learn to live, laugh and love.
Hitcount: Story Total: 3577

Disclaimer: J.K.Rowling owns everything in this world, and I am lucky to be a part of it. All characters, settings, etc. belong to her.

Author's Notes:
This is a post-Battle story, but it is more of a collection of thoughts and feelings from each character, rather than a plot line of what happens pre-epilogue.


Morning light streamed in through the many windows of the house, casting itself upon surface after surface, until the whole house seemed to be illuminated by it. Unfortunately, only one was awake to see its splendor, and the red-haired boy was preoccupied as he stared blankly out the kitchen window. He’s gone. The thought was his constant mantra, and it had played over and over again in his mind since that fateful day two weeks ago. Two weeks ago, his world had been torn apart. Two weeks ago, half of him had died, disappeared, gone forever. Two weeks ago his twin had been killed. Fred was dead. He furiously pushed all the thoughts away, stepping out into the bright, blinding sunlight. He purposefully made his way to a lone grave marker by an oak tree, a little ways away from the house. His favorite spot. He sunk to the damp ground, fingertips collecting dew, like tears, from the morning grass.

“Wish you were here” he said, his voice hollow. Who was he trying to fool? “Did you expect him to talk to you, to come back?” he chastised himself.

Just then, he started and sat up quickly. He could have sworn he heard Fred’s voice in the soft breeze. It seemed to call him, whisper his name.

George, it said, and George wondered if he was dead. It sounded exactly like Fred, which was impossible. He snorted sarcastically, bitterly. George. There it was again. He tried to block it out. “Leave me alone! You can’t do this to me!” he angrily yelled to the blue, cloudless sky.


Now the voice seemed to come from within him, in his very core.

George, George, it’s me.

And George broke down, and he was crying and yelling at the faraway sky. “HOW COULD YOU DO THIS TO ME?” he screamed. “HOW COULD YOU JUST LEAVE ME HERE? ALONE!” Sobs shook his body and, heaving, he fell to the ground, wanting to die, to curl up under this tree and simply sink into the earth. He wanted to die, but he was gasping for breath, for air, for life.


It resounded in him, it was of the earth and of him, and George felt a calm wash over him like a vast, powerful wave.

It’s alright, George. You need to keep living, for me, for the others. You owe me, you owe yourself.

The last dry sob had ceased, and George’s body was still.

Get up George. Go live your life.

“I can’t, I can’t do it” and fresh tears fell freely from George’s eyes.

Get up.

“Do I have to?” he asked the voice.

Unless you want to lie on the ground for the rest of your life, and I think Mum might have something to say about that.

George smiled through the tears glazing his red, puffy eyes.

You have to do it, George. You have to get up, you have to live. For the dead, and for the living. If you don’t, we died for nothing. If you don’t, it was all a waste. For love, George, for laughter. Get up. You can. You must. Get up.

George steeled himself for the world, and with great resolve, he stood up.

“Fred?” He looked around, unsure of where to focus his question. “Will you always be here, when I need to find you?”

I will be here, and I will be everywhere. I am with you always. Just look into your heart, George.

And George did. He found that he had strength and courage he had not had since Fred died. He had the will, the determination to survive. To live. With one last nod to the gravestone, he turned and began to walk back to the quiet house, the sparkle slowly returning to his eyes.

Molly Weasley woke with a tear-stained pillow and swollen eyes. One month ago, today, she thought. She shook her head. She could not go on like this.

Fred was gone, and she was here. Fred was gone, and her family needed her.

Two weeks ago, George had changed. Early morning, when she was just beginning breakfast, he had come in the kitchen, and told her that they had to keep living. They had to go on. They would mourn him always, but he would never leave them. He’ll always be with us, he had told her, and they had held each other close that morning, softly shedding tears together. Whn they finally let go, she felt lighter, like something had been lifter from her.

Now, she turned her head to her sleeping husband, snoring softly on the bed beside her. The sun was just beginning to ride, and as it did, it seemed to bring with it a hope. A hope that her family, all of them, even the ones not related by blood, could move forward together, could be strong and learn to be happy again, to live again.

She thought of Arthur, who mourned silently by comforting her; of George, who, after that morning, had mourned by remembering. She thought of how later, he would lean on Angelina Johnson, who honored Fred’s memory by getting George to laugh again. She thought of Bill and Fleur, who mourned by preparing to bring a new life into the world; of Charlie, who mourned by rebuilding Hogwarts. Of Percy, who mourned by doing anything he could to make up for all he had missed. She thought of Ron, who mourned with Hermione as they traveled to find her parents, to welcome more people into the growing family. Of Ginny and Harry, who mourned together, finding solitude and solace in each other that they had never felt alone. They mourned through living by growing in their love for each other, Molly knew. She could see it in their eyes that they were the greatest source of comfort for each other. Her- her son, Harry, had never been able to live. And now he lived for himself and Ginny, and for Fred, Remus, Tonks, Colin, and the others who had died to give the living a future.

Yes, Molly mused, each member of her family mourned differently. But, she thought with a smile, they mourned while trying to move forward to a better future, because that’s what Fred wanted.
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