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Deuces Are Wild
By theeighthweasley

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Category: Post-DH/AB
Characters:Harry/Ginny, Other, Ron Weasley
Genres: Songfic
Warnings: Sexual Situations
Story is Complete
Rating: PG-13
Reviews: 6
Summary: Harry cherishes the memories he shares with Ginny, the only girl he'd ever loved and always would love.
Hitcount: Story Total: 6116

Disclaimer: Harry Potter Publishing Rights © J.K.R. Note the opinions in this story are my own and in no way represent the owners of this site. This story subject to copyright law under transformative use. No compensation is made for this work.

Author's Notes:
This is my first fic, so some constructive criticism would be nice. :)

Any of the mentioned characters/situations are copyrighted to the maker of all that is wonderful, J.K. Rowling. I own nothing.
The lyrics are copyrighted to Aerosmith, etc., etc.


Ah, I love to look into your big brown eyes
They talk to me and seem to hypnotize
They say the things nobody dares to say
And I'm not about to let you fly away


Harry Potter looked up from his open book and blinked. He squinted through his glasses, his vision fogged. His mouth opened in an attempt to ask what was wrong, but someone answered his unasked question.

“You were sleeping,” a woman's voice said. Harry looked up to find his live-in girlfriend, Ginny Weasley looking down at him with a smirk. The redhead eyed her boyfriend for a few seconds, then she practically flounced into the other room. Harry had been reading Quidditch Through The Ages for the umpteenth time when he guessed he dozed off. His shoulders gave a careless shrug and Harry laughed, then got up and followed Ginny out of the room.

Having left the living room just minutes before, Harry was surprised to see that Ginny was already in the kitchen, getting dinner ready. An empty bowl flew by Harry and missed the side of his head by centimeters. Ginny giggled behind her hand as the bowl made its way into her free hand. Harry quickly made his way over to Ginny. She seemed to know what was coming since she put the bowl on the counter before Harry playfully lifted her up from behind, squeezing her sides as if to tickle her. She burst out laughing as Harry turned her around to face him. Harry let out a laugh of his own before Ginny sat herself on the counter.

“What was that for?” Ginny asked, raising a red eyebrow inquisitively at him.

“No reason,” he responded in a tone of nonchalance followed by a shrug. Ginny whacked him on the shoulder and Harry nuzzled his face into her neck, all while she continued to laugh.

“I thought I was making dinner?” she then asked, tilting Harry's head up so she was face-to-face with him.

Harry nodded and said, “You were, yeah. That's the point.” A smile played on Ginny's face and her brown eyes danced with silent laughter. Harry returned the smile with a content one of his own.

It was little moments like this that Harry would cherish for the rest of his life. He took in the smile on her face and the way her eyes glinted with happiness. He took in the sound of her laugh and anything else that he could possibly take in.

He loved Ginny too much not to remember the little things.

My lover with no jet lag
We're staying up all night in my sleeping bag
You got a heart beat rhythm from the sub-terrain
I really love you little girl
I don't need to explain

Ginny's habit of falling asleep after they made love never ceased to amuse Harry. She would take cat naps for about ten minutes, only to wake up and find Harry watching her, searching her face for the flutter of an eyelid or a tired smile. Sometimes Harry would watch her for hours; that is, if she slept long enough for minutes to lead to hours.

“You're staring again,” Ginny stated simply, her eyes slowly cracking open and a smile spreading across her face. She brought the comforter that she and Harry shared closer to her face, hiding her smile and watching Harry. Smiling both toothily and sheepishly, Harry shrugged and rolled over on his side, propping himself up on one elbow while his other arm rested on his side.

“I can't help it. You know that, Gin.” His free hand brushed a piece of red hair from her face, only for it to fall back down when the hand was taken away. Harry laughed softly.

“I know, but sometimes a girl likes to sleep, in case you didn't know.”

Harry just shrugged again, as if Ginny's need for sleep didn't bother him. Ginny rolled her eyes and shook her head. “I can't stand you sometimes, Harry James,” she replied, using his middle name as she always did when she was annoyed with him. Harry raised his dark eyebrows and smiled.

“You know you love me, Ginevra Molly Weasley,” Harry retorted pleasantly, using Ginny's full name, which she wasn't always fond of.

“Not right now I don't.”

“Of course you do.”

Harry reached out and pulled Ginny's body to his before she had the chance to roll over and face the wall. As hotheaded as Ginny could be, she quickly succumbed to Harry's touch and let him bring her to his chest. Harry kissed her softly as he felt her heart beat slowly against his own chest.

In less than ten minutes, Ginny and Harry were doing what they had been just an hour earlier. Despite Ginny's falling asleep afterward, the two of them made love at least twice when they did. It was a normal occurrence, but it felt like it was a whole new experience every time.

No one would understand what Ginny and Harry felt for each other except for them. People said that their relationship was sometimes so cliché and perfect that it seemed unreal. Little did those people know, it was very perfect and very real.

Every moment was very perfect and very real.

I love you 'cause your deuces are wild, girl
Like a double shot of lovin' so fine
I been lovin' you since you was a child, girl
'Cause you and me is two of a kind

“Harry! How've you been, mate?” George Weasley said, patting Harry on the back with quite a cheeky grin on his face. He turned to face the kitchen, where Mrs. Weasley had shouted something about needing help. Harry got a glimpse of George's ever present missing ear. It had been cursed off years earlier. Harry couldn't help but frown openly at the memory.

“Anyway, Harry. How've you been?” the tall redhead repeated, smiling down at his friend.

“Brilliant, actually.” Harry nodded reassuringly and smiled. He looked across the room and saw Ron teaching his niece, Victoire, how to effectively beat her father, Bill, in a game of Wizard's Chess. He was pulled out of watching the game when George asked him yet another question.

“And how's Ginny?” George raised his eyebrows at Harry in an almost stern manner. Harry wasn't taken aback. This behavior was normal for George. Hell, all of the Weasley boys frequently asked Harry how he and Ginny were doing and if Harry was treating her okay.

“Ginny's just as brilliant, George.” Harry sighed, as if he were exasperated, and flopped into an empty arm chair.

“I'm glad!” George exclaimed brightly before turning on his heel and leaving the room. He loved to push Harry's buttons. Then again, George loved pushing everyone's buttons.

Now that Harry was alone, he had time to look around the Burrow. He hadn't been there in quite some time, but now that it was Christmas he and the rest of the family would be staying here until after the New Year. Mrs. Weasley insisted upon it. It was just like her to want a house overcrowded with redheads and Harry. Molly simply loved having people around.

Harry's green eyes trailed up the decorated walls and to the fire place. The fire crackled and the flames danced so entrancingly that Harry was almost put to sleep. To keep himself awake, he reminisced.

'Harry, man, hurry up!' Ron called from the hallway, getting impatient. The two made plans to degnome the garden. Ron hated doing the task alone and decided he would drag Harry along for the ride.

Harry sighed and kissed Ginny once more before he got up, bringing her off of his lap. 'Forget him, Harry,' Ginny whined, pulling on her boyfriend's arm. Harry laughed and shook his head.

'I promised him I would help. I'll be back in a bit, alright?'

Ginny nodded, but huffed and looked down at her feet. Harry lifted her chin with his thumb and pointer finger so he could look at her. 'I love you, Ginny.'

'You're just saying that so I'm not miserable.'

'No, I mean it. Trust me.'

Ginny smiled as Harry kissed her once more and left the room.

Back in the present day, Harry smiled to himself and looked in the direction of the kitchen where he felt someone's presence. Who else could it be but Ginny?

“Dinner's ready, love,” she said, walking over to him and offering him her hand. He took it and pushed himself off of the plushy armchair. Ginny kissed Harry when he was standing straight up. He was caught off guard and grabbed her around the waist in surprise. Ginny laughed against Harry's lips, which caught the attention of the game players on the other side of the room.

“Ew!” Victoire shrieked, making Bill and Ron howl with laughter.

“Get a room!” Ron bellowed at couple as he shook with laughter at his niece's reaction.

“What a pair they make,” Mrs. Weasley remarked to her husband as they watched from the kitchen. Arthur nodded and laughed.

“You can say that again, Mollywobbles.”
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