
SIYE Time:20:16 on 10th December 2024
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Ginny Weasley and the Half-Blood Prince
By ReisMacleod

Category: Post-OotP
Genres: Romance
Warnings: None
Story is Complete
Rating: PG
Summary: The story of "Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince", but told from the perspective of Ginny Weasley. (NEW Note: I've updated the genre yet again... the trouble is that the story is a romantic comedy with elements of drama, as there is conflict and when you have conflict you have drama, but primarily, I think, the story is intended to be "romantic" So, there we are: our lone genre. Romantic.)
Hitcount: Story Total: 281255
Awards: View Trophy Room



1. Prologue - Phoenix's End by ReisMacleod
6772 words, updated on 2009.03.04 [Reviews - 24] starstarstarstarhalf-star

2. Chapter 1 - Summer's Start by ReisMacleod
2575 words, updated on 2009.03.15 [Reviews - 11] starstarstarstarhalf-star

3. Chapter 2 - Something Flowery by ReisMacleod
4297 words, updated on 2009.03.23 [Reviews - 11] starstarstarstarstar

4. Chapter 3 - Two-a-Side Sports by ReisMacleod
4301 words, updated on 2009.04.07 [Reviews - 14] starstarstarstarstar

5. Chapter 4 - A Birthday Snitch by ReisMacleod
5967 words, updated on 2009.04.22 [Reviews - 10] starstarstarstarhalf-star

6. Chapter 5 - A Date in Diagon Alley by ReisMacleod
4446 words, updated on 2009.06.29 [Reviews - 10] starstarstarstarstar

7. Chapter 6 - The Slug Club by ReisMacleod
8794 words, updated on 2009.09.01 [Reviews - 9] starstarstarstarstar

8. Chapter 7 - Riddle Pieces by ReisMacleod
4877 words, updated on 2009.11.19 [Reviews - 13] starstarstarstarstar

9. Chapter 8 - Trialing by ReisMacleod
6569 words, updated on 2009.11.29 [Reviews - 12] starstarstarstarstar

10. Chapter 9 - Acid Pops by ReisMacleod
4357 words, updated on 2009.12.04 [Reviews - 15] starstarstarstarstar

11. Chapter 10 - Debacle by ReisMacleod
6644 words, updated on 2009.12.29 [Reviews - 19] starstarstarstarstar

12. Chapter 11 - Joy by ReisMacleod
4414 words, updated on 2010.01.07 [Reviews - 21] starstarstarstarhalf-star

13. Chapter 12 - The Mood is Gone by ReisMacleod
6262 words, updated on 2010.01.17 [Reviews - 12] starstarstarstarstar

14. Chapter 13 - Loony by ReisMacleod
5852 words, updated on 2010.02.16 [Reviews - 26] starstarstarstarhalf-star

15. Chapter 14 - Older by ReisMacleod
7620 words, updated on 2010.03.15 [Reviews - 24] starstarstarstarstar

16. Chapter 15 - Time Lapse by ReisMacleod
5455 words, updated on 2010.04.11 [Reviews - 23] starstarstarstarstar

17. Chapter 16 - Injured Reserves by ReisMacleod
6966 words, updated on 2010.05.21 [Reviews - 14] starstarstarstarstar

18. Chapter 17 - Motivation by ReisMacleod
7703 words, updated on 2010.05.23 [Reviews - 22] starstarstarstarstar

19. Chapter 18 - A New Day by ReisMacleod
4499 words, updated on 2010.06.22 [Reviews - 20] starstarstarstarstar

20. Chapter 19 - Just Pretend by ReisMacleod
4112 words, updated on 2010.07.07 [Reviews - 25] starstarstarstarstar

21. Chapter 20 - Ron's Little Sister by ReisMacleod
5675 words, updated on 2010.07.11 [Reviews - 31] starstarstarstarstar

22. Chapter 21 - A Walk in the Grounds by ReisMacleod
4168 words, updated on 2010.08.16 [Reviews - 26] starstarstarstarstar

23. Chapter 22 - Moments by ReisMacleod
7698 words, updated on 2010.08.31 [Reviews - 20] starstarstarstarstar

24. Chapter 23 - Chaos by ReisMacleod
5968 words, updated on 2010.10.27 [Reviews - 17] starstarstarstarstar

25. Chapter 24 - Stupid and Noble by ReisMacleod
2874 words, updated on 2010.11.13 [Reviews - 16] starstarstarstarstar

26. Chapter 25 - Ginny Weasley and the Deathly Hallows (Part 1) by ReisMacleod
11330 words, updated on 2010.11.30 [Reviews - 28] starstarstarstarstar

27. Chapter 26 - Ginny Weasley and the Deathly Hallows (Part 2) by ReisMacleod
16201 words, updated on 2011.01.15 [Reviews - 33] starstarstarstarstar

28. Chapter 27 - Afterwards by ReisMacleod
8284 words, updated on 2011.01.28 [Reviews - 32] starstarstarstarstar

29. Epilogue - Nineteen Years Later by ReisMacleod
1218 words, updated on 2011.02.14 [Reviews - 39] starstarstarstarstar

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