
SIYE Time:15:52 on 11th December 2024
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By Spidey

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Category: Post-OotP
Genres: Drama, Songfic
Warnings: Dark Fiction, Death, Mild Language
Story is Complete
Rating: PG-13
Reviews: 3
Summary: And they say that a Hero can save us.
Hitcount: Story Total: 4639

Disclaimer: Harry Potter Publishing Rights © J.K.R. Note the opinions in this story are my own and in no way represent the owners of this site. This story subject to copyright law under transformative use. No compensation is made for this work.

Author's Notes:
once again, i own nothing but my plot. music is by nickelback and was featured on the first spiderman soundtrack. And i have used part of JK's wonderful work, the conversation between harry and neville is featured in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. i dont own i just placed it in there for canon purposes.


I stood at the gates of Hogwarts, watching the madness unfold.

Death was all around me, the walls were smeared with red, the grass soaked with blood.

I look out onto the grounds and see the maimed, injured and dead.

This was madness. I watched as if the world had been plunged into slow motion. The lawn of Hogwarts had been littered with the fallen, some of which would never get up again. I watched as spells flew and as people fought for their lives.

Two people had yet to show themselves, one was a cold, cruel, calculating bastard, and the other was a scared young man, who had barely lived his life.

We had one hour.

I am so high. I can hear heaven.
I am so high. I can hear heaven.
Oh but heaven, no heaven don’t hear me.

I watched as good and evil were immersed in a battle that was never to be won. People were dying and we didn’t fight hard enough, we left it all up to one person. We put all our faith into one person who didn’t even have faith in himself.

I never liked the term “hero”; it always reminded me of a pompous, arrogant prick who wanted fame, glory and of course the damsel in distress. Hero’s never doubt themselves, they are never unsure. They know they will win, they know the people love them.

He wasn’t a hero.

He was like me, he could’ve been me. People always thought I was the shy one of lesser intelligence, but I grew into myself. He didn’t. From the first moment he set foot on the grounds of Hogwarts, he was thrust into the role of a hero, but he was far from it. He was shy, he was scared, he didn’t have faith in his abilities, the only difference between him and I was that he managed to hide it better.

I feel the air shift beside me, and I look to my left, my head then turns and I watch an invisible space walk from me.

I know what he’s doing. I know that he’s scared; I know that he carries the weight of the world on his shoulders, our hopes for peace, our fear of loss and war. He has been given the “hero”.

And it pisses me off.

And they say that a hero can save us.
I’m not gonna stand here and wait.
I'll hold onto the wings of the eagles.
Watch as we all fly away.

Why did we leave the hero to a young man? Why did we not fight hard enough? Why did we not stand up and play our part? We are only doing that now because we have been forced into it. People fled, they ran away. True heroes would have stood up, proud and defiant, and instead we became complacent and left it all to him.

We let the hero be a scared seventeen-year-old.

Why? He had people he loved and lost, people he loves and the woman he loves, and he was torn from them. I watched him after Dumbledore’s funeral, it was worse than witnessing a Dementor’s Kiss. We let a young boy be ripped from the arms of the one who could save him just so our hero, our savior could be the one to save us all. We let someone else do it because to we were scared; we let someone else do it because of our inability to stand up for what we believed in, what we thought was right.

All his life, love was the one thing that saved him and we took away his love so that he could save us, we left it all up to him.

Someone told me love will all save us.
But how can that be, look what love gave us.
A world full of killing, and blood-spilling
That world never came.

I felt the anger boil in my blood and run through my veins, scorching my heart, and burning everything else. I had never experienced a hatred or contempt for the human race as I did now. The love of a hero won’t do.

I will stand up, I will fight. We left a young man to fight for all of us when we should have been fighting for ourselves. People want to be saved, they’re too scared to stand out and stand up for themselves. We should be fighting for our lives, our happiness and our freedom, everything that we take for granted, but instead we shifted our responsibility to a seventeen-year-old. We let him do everything, we stood by and watched, all the while the injustice of his situation weighed upon our minds, and still we did nothing.

We did nothing and now we are all dying.

And they say that a hero can save us.
I’m not gonna stand here and wait.
I'll hold onto the wings of the eagles.
Watch as we all fly away.

I watch as his love runs from the great hall, I see the tears tracks on her face. She skids to a halt and looks wildly around. She sees me and I can only manage a small shrug in reply. I can see her face screw up as she tries to stop the tears cascading down her face. She turns around and runs out of the castle, by now she would know what he has to do, she just wants to look upon his face once, kiss him, and hold him. She longs to say those three words one last time before she has to let him go. And all I can do is watch whilst people fall around me.

Then the chaos suddenly dies, and an eerie feeling has surrounded the castle. I look upon the dead bodies as the silence grips the world around me; I don’t know how long I stood there, taking it all in. The only question running through my mind is why? Why, why, why? It presses down upon me, suffocating me. I see Colin’s body being moved and I know I have to start helping move bodies. I stand there for what seems like hours. I fall back against the doorframe and wipe the sweat from me. I have a job to do now.

Now that the world isn’t ending, its love that I’m sending to you.
It isn’t the love of a hero, and that’s why I fear it won’t do.

Outside the castle, the deathly stillness encircles everyone. People are afraid to move incase they upset the delicate balance of peace that has been bestowed upon them. I go through the routine of collecting bodies without being aware of what I’m doing, and somehow I find myself back in the castle, with the space next to me shimmering as I identify another of the deceased. Slowly, the air beside me reveals itself.


His voice is calm.

‘Blimey, Harry, you nearly gave me heart failure!’

Harry pulls of the rest of the cloak. I know what is about to happen.

‘Where are you going, alone?’

‘It’s all part of the plan, something I need to do. Listen, Neville…’

I know exactly what he is going to do, I won’t pretend I didn’t already know, but the reality of it, it scared me…what if, after everything we had fought for, this young man would lose his life tonight? What would happen to the rest of us? Would we be more than willing to lie down and accept our fate at the hands of that monster? Would we give up? Would we be even bothered to fight? The promise that Harry brought with him was the only reason we were putting up a losing battle.

‘Harry, you’re not thinking of handing yourself over?’

‘No ’course not’ I knew that was a blatant lie, but that it needed to be said. Harry continued.
‘I might be out of sight for a while. You know Voldemort’s snake, Neville? He’s got a huge snake…calls it Nagini…’

‘I’ve heard, yeah…what about it?’

‘It’s got to be killed. Ron and Hermione know that, but just in case they-‘ I saw him falter, his emotions threatening to overtake him. ‘Just in case they’re — busy — and you get the chance —‘

I know what he wants me to do.

‘Kill the snake?’

‘Kill the snake.’

I looked at Harry one last time. ‘All right, Harry. You’re ok, are you?’

‘I’m fine. Thanks Neville.’

I grab his wrist before he leaves me, I need to tell him, offer him one last gift of courage before he leaves to face that demon one last time. I needed to make him believe it; I needed to make myself believe it. I needed a reason to believe in humanity again.

‘We’re all going to keep fighting, Harry. You know that?’ He nods, and leaves.

I stand there, the weight of the situation pressing upon my shoulders. I wanted to fight, I wanted something to do, now is my chance to stand up and fight, my chance to be a hero.

And they say that a hero can save us.
I’m not gonna stand here and wait.
I'll hold onto the wings of the eagles.
Watch as we all fly away.

The chaos begins again and memories flash and time turns faster than I expect. Soon enough we are faced with Harry’s dead body lying limp in Hagrid’s arms. Surely my eyes were deceiving me. But the screams from Professor McGonagall and Hermione break through my conscience. But it was Ginny’s scream that made it real…her feet gave out from under her. Her heart broke and her strength, her beauty, her fire, all died with that one second. I had never seen anyone as strong as her just break into a million little pieces, and it scared me to death. I knew she loved him, more than life itself, and I prayed for some miracle that for her sake he would come back to her.

The world moved fast, I screamed ‘Dumbledore’s army forever’ I was set on fire and yet all I can remember was the last task that Harry asked me to do. I saw the blade. I saw the ruby hilt. I saw that serpent writhe on the ground, and I saw it beheaded by my own hands. The moment of empowerment, the moment that can make and man a hero, the moment that I felt I had fought, and no matter what the outcome, I had won at that moment.

I stand and watch Harry take down Voldemort and I feel the world lift. I see our hero.
I see it in the young man before me; I see it in Ginny, Hermione, Ron and everyone else in the great hall.

But most of all, I see the hero in myself, and I remind myself, that one way or another, we are all heroes.

He looks at Ginny and their love is realized in that one glance. Their love is what brought him back; the love of a hero is what saved us all.

And they're watching us
(Watching Us)
And they're watching us
(Watching Us)
As we all fly away.
Reviews 3

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